* The optional social network integrations in RIFT have been combined and expanded under the heading 'RiftConnect'.
* Settings for Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and YouTube can now be accessed via a button on the lower left corner of the patcher as well as the Settings menu in-game.
* Facebook sign-in status can only be changed from the game patcher.
* In-game recorded video now has options for Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook sharing.
* The commands used to post updates from in-game are:
- Facebook: /fb, /fbpic
- Tumblr: /tumblr, /tumblrpic
- Twitter: /tweet, /tweetpic
- To send out to everything you're currently logged in to: /blast, /blastpic
* Corrupted coins on the ground in Meridian now behave properly.
* Players vote-kicked from an LFG group will be prevented from being picked again for re-queues by that group for 15 minutes. Players put on ignore will not be selected for your group ever.
* Players waiting for a group through LFG cannot be joined via public grouping or group merging while in the queue. Players in the LFG queue will drop out of it if they choose to join a public group or invite others into their group themselves.
* If a player has to leave an LFG group mid-dungeon, the group leader will have the option to use the LFG tool to automatically search for a replacement to continue the instance.
* Costume versions of character starting clothes have been added to Clothier merchants in Meridian and Sanctum. PTS bug: Several of these are still having issues with being dyed!
* Added new consumable Aspect of the Ancients items to the main Planar Goods Merchants in Sanctum and Meridian. You can carry up to three of these and they restore one planar charge when used.
* Call of the Ascended: No longer works in a dungeon if anyone in the group/raid is in combat. Now has a 20 second casting time.
* Wardstones that must be defended as part of a zone event now have their main map icon turn red when they are destroyed.
* Visual effects that appear on the ground from using abilities [ex: Marksman's Pedestal] will no longer disappear when the caster is polymorphed.
* Character sheet tooltips for Hit, Focus, and Toughness now offer suggested amounts for different content tiers.
* Planar Expansion: In addition to the original effects on Air and Earth pets, this now increases the damage done by the Greater Water Elemental and increases the duration of the Water pet's Mind Freeze ability.
* Slip Away: Seriously? Again? This had better be fixed this time!
* Improved Stealth: Should no longer mysteriously stop working.
* PTS fix: Sniper's Pedestal: Fixed a display bug where the buff tooltip was reporting only 10% damage increase.
* Final Stand: Removed.
* High Explosives - New Ability: Unlocked at 44 points. Detonate causes the target to Bleed for 6 seconds. The amount of damage dealt is based on your weapon damage and number of combo points used.
* Warriors: The threat generation of all Finisher abilities has been increased.
* Battlefield Awareness: Now causes Call and Command abilities to generate threat against up to 10 nearby enemies.
* Turn the Hourglass: Fixed to give proper credit when sealing Rifts.
* The speed of the Ancient Tartagon [Collector's Edition mount] now scales to match the speed of the fastest mount you own.
* Nico Lights are now on the global cooldown. Framerates throughout Meridian rejoice.
* Added an Ambient Occlusion option to the Advanced Video Settings which makes lighting look super cool.
* Party member portraits for members in different instances should stop turning non-interactable.
* Fixed incorrect visual textures sometimes being shown on NPCs.
* Updated the ambient sound of rivers to prevent some audio drop-outs.
* Made some audio adjustments to Assassin abilities.
* If you attach an item or coin to a mail and the subject text is empty, it will auto-fill the name of the item into the subject field.
* Made better error messages for the Auction House.
* Zone names on the main map no longer change size weirdly when clicked on.
* More backend server crash fixes!
Thread: PTS 1.2 UPDATE 4
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Hybrid View
8.05.2011 11:16
8.05.2011 20:29
* High Explosives - New Ability: Unlocked at 44 points. Detonate causes the target to Bleed for 6 seconds. The amount of damage dealt is based on your weapon damage and number of combo points used.
* Warriors: The threat generation of all Finisher abilities has been increased.[/QUOTE]
Наконец клим и ронин сумеют удержать агро :D
Ну и рогам как видно с 1.3 ничего не убрали, значит на релизе все будет шоколадно