
  1. Baba's funny forum posts collection

    but now this guy goes PM haha

    will post other funny posts if I see anything particular :p

    here one haha :


    Updated 23.02.2010 at 20:05 by SirPaco

  2. Gimp classes that are not gimp continued (reached word limit on previous post)

    4. Ranger

    I fucking love this class I just discovered it recently. I hardly did any PvP with it until recently, this is because I had double XP pot (which is discontinued) and I wanted to use my time on getting PVE XP, not wasting time in PvP.

    Now the XP pot is gone, I'm really (REALLY) enjoying my time as a ranger.

    I never tried bow, I am Xbow and play Xbow since level 22 or something.

    Well, I don't think I need to argue very long about ...