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Leaving the game today, wish u all good luck with whatever u are gonna do :) Had alot of fun with you guys, but FC had it coming.
by Shag, sad to see you go also :(
Take care mate, you're a good guy and I had a great time playing with you :)Завтра-в-21-00-сбор-в-ТС-и-игре.-21-00-(msk)-meeting-in-TS-and-game&p=172154#post172154
Same to u baba mate, I will probly be back at some point. But at the current situation i dont even wanna log in. When and if they fix bori,fix sieges,LAG Ill probly return :) Im gonna be on TS tomorrow to hear and give some support for keeping the guild alive.
Farel : Да я постараюсь быть там
dinga akkurat 4 jo!! hehe :p
snx på ts :)
dinga akkurat 4 jo!! hehe :p
snx på ts :)
Jepp vi gjør det :D tenkte å kjøpe bfbc2 å teste det ut. Joine ? :D
Take care shag sad seeing everyone leaving but cant blame them im thinking of doing the same aswell since the only thing kept me logging ingame was friends... good luck hope to see you soon :)
Jepp vi gjør det :D tenkte å kjøpe bfbc2 å teste det ut. Joine ? :D
hm har testa det hos en kompis, kanskje jeg mekker det i løpet av uka elns.. er jævlig realistisk så umulig å treffe no, hehe:D oLOL:P
Take care shag sad seeing everyone leaving but cant blame them im thinking of doing the same aswell since the only thing kept me logging ingame was friends... good luck hope to see you soon :)
må jukje stekk når eg endeli ha fådd fengern ut å oppgradert pc'en såpass at eg kan pvp ^^
Cya mate and take care, will cya probably when u come to sweden to buy cheap ciggs n beer:P
not as cheap as in russia :p
Cya mate and take care, will cya probably when u come to sweden to buy cheap ciggs n beer:P
aye mate :P where in sweden do u live ? ^^
må jukje stekk når eg endeli ha fådd fengern ut å oppgradert pc'en såpass at eg kan pvp ^^
hehe, Treng ikje så bra pc førr å høvle over en stein me ei øks. :p
О чём они говорят?:thnk:
"Непереводимый местный диалект" (с)
did the patch yesterday improve anything?
did the patch yesterday improve anything?
They fucked it up big time. The added an offline progression thing. Where people could choose a character to gain a levels whilst offline.
This resulted in people auto leveling by up to 7 or 8 levels simply by mapping to their guild city. Go figure that one.
So they shut the servers down, and rolled everyone back, NOT just those who levelled. Everyone.
No idea about gameplay, I'm still in US and haven't downloaded the EU client yet since I am still in a hotel and ain't downloading multi Gb from here.
lol fail @me. just reactivated.
lol fail @me. just reactivated.
welcom back m8 =)
pls delete my previous post =)
pls delete my previous post =)
You know there are some people in Ruscorp who have applied to other guilds and been refused. Yet they still have the fucking cheek to stay in Ruscorp.
What the fuck are we, some kind of half-way house for these failed noob cunts who get refused from Nas and Futi ?
15.04.2010, 18:28
You're don't even bother yourself with playing the game, at least logging once per week and checking what is happening. You also provide no help, no assistance, not even interest. Only cheap bitching here and on EU AOC forums. So before judging anyone, especially Shaguar (who plays like 1000 time better than you, your sister, your precious Wrothag etc etc), who is active in guild events, ask yourself - what are your role here? I bet people who applied/joined other guilds don't give a fuck about your whining, but since Shaguar is my friend I won't tolerate some dead and buried player is trying to flame an awesome player and a helpful friendly guy. And carebears, who left their original guild in these not easy days to farm tokens on pve server, can join you, dear Tranca, in your worthless attempts to insult somebody.
Убер, чтобы тебя наверняка взяли в футы, нужно ругать не только Кантру, а весь Рускорп) Нужно написать, что все тут криворукие нубасы, что все заняты только пве, что абсолютно не ценят крутых отцов типа тебя и твоих друзей, которые всегда и во всем помогали гильдии) И писать нужно не тут, а на форуме у футов) Тогда, возможно, тебя туда возьмут, а не прокатят, как Настрандиры))
Сорь, за оффтоп)
This is Ferox kick ass battlecruiser of caldari state. Armed with turrets and missle launchers. Also it carry drones.
I will tell you all this, rus corp will be torn apart by the end of whis week, or be reborn.
All weakling will have their chance to atone their sins (cause weakness is a sin). Or i will kick them all. All who disagree with new vision of rc game play will be kicked as well i affraid.
Короче так, все кто так или иначе написал заяву в другую гилду - слабаки. Может быть много объяснений поступку - но это слабость.
Во вторых что бы в рк тянулись люди - нужно что бы рк что-то из себя представлял. За большую часть ростера рк всю работу делали люди которые ушли. И это так. Сейчас я хочу что бы рк стала пвп направленной гилдой а не пве, как это было раньше. что бы RC стал > all надо работать. всем.
15.04.2010, 20:05
Короче так, все кто так или иначе написал заяву в другую гилду - слабаки. Может быть много объяснений поступку - но это слабость.
Во вторых что бы в рк тянулись люди - нужно что бы рк что-то из себя представлял. За большую часть ростера рк всю работу делали люди которые ушли. И это так. Сейчас я хочу что бы рк стала пвп направленной гилдой а не пве, как это было раньше. что бы RC стал > all надо работать. всем.
Нада чтоб доканца разбежались те кто хочет... геморно воодушевлять тех у кого руки опустились.
nothing against u Cantra but i agree Uber, ppl that has been in active in the guild for years, and now get's critized when leaving. just think of what ur saying before critizising plz, ty.
You're don't even bother yourself with playing the game, at least logging once per week and checking what is happening. You also provide no help, no assistance, not even interest. Only cheap bitching here and on EU AOC forums. So before judging anyone, especially Shaguar (who plays like 1000 time better than you, your sister, your precious Wrothag etc etc), who is active in guild events, ask yourself - what are your role here? I bet people who applied/joined other guilds don't give a fuck about your whining, but since Shaguar is my friend I won't tolerate some dead and buried player is trying to flame an awesome player and a helpful friendly guy. And carebears, who left their original guild in these not easy days to farm tokens on pve server, can join you, dear Tranca, in your worthless attempts to insult somebody.
Here's some news for you fucktard. Six months I spent in USA last year working, and still downloaded the EU client to siege as often as I could. Yes some of us have fucking jobs. Imagine that.
You talk about contributions to Ruscorp. That's a joke, what exactly are your contributions. Absolutely fuck all. You even bring my sister into your flawed argument you fucking freak. India shows more commitment to Ruscorp that you could ever hope to. Since your tiny brain and it's 1 inch thoughts seem incapable of grasping what I am talking about. Let me spell it out in simpleton terms. I am speaking specifically about people who remain in Ruscorp whilst applying to other guilds. Using us as some kind of sanctum for hobos and rejects.
I remember very well from my time in Nemesis your attitude to your own people. Your shit stirring and your spying. Backstabbing little cunt. No respect.
Hi. First of all I don't see any reasons why should I leave RC now. Can you guarantee I will be insta-accepted here? I doubt it. And also I'm not interested to play this game solo (and it will happen if I drop my current guild to please you)
Here's some news for you fucktard. Six months I spent in USA last year working, and still downloaded the EU client to siege as often as I could. Yes some of us have fucking jobs. Imagine that.
You talk about contributions to Ruscorp. That's a joke, what exactly are your contributions. Absolutely fuck all. You even bring my sister into your flawed argument you fucking freak. India shows more commitment to Ruscorp that you could ever hope to. Since your tiny brain and it's 1 inch thoughts seem incapable of grasping what I am talking about. Let me spell it out in simpleton terms. I am speaking specifically about people who remain in Ruscorp whilst applying to other guilds. Using us as some kind of sanctum for hobos and rejects.
I remember very well from my time in Nemesis your attitude to your own people. Your shit stirring and your spying. Backstabbing little cunt. No respect.
eeeee, That's Cantra for you :) Never lets down on a convo.
Though have question, may not be in the game anymore I know and X-RC until if I ever decide to join aoc again, but why would players hump to other guilds when still in RC? RC is not that bad at all (I enjoyed it when I was there), takes time getting used to but not bad at all, unless wanting to be close to friends. I heard on FC forums, you got like 60-70 online everyday (unless wrong). Should not be bad at all with that amount, in fact it should be too active.
This Q has nothing to do with Shaguar, just asking in general. :)
15.04.2010, 22:58
Good effort. Still a failure. Nobody were paying attention to you in Nemesis, none will here. Keep raging. You are shit player and a repulsive person making enemies with every word your dirty mouth spits. Good luck with your fist job (such a revelation rofl!). Continue to act like you are something valuable for Fury community. As I say before, none will consult with you before making applications/leaving guild etc. And none will help you to satisfy your urge for destruction/flaming. Your loyalty and your behaviour are well-known, and can be described perfectly with a word "attention whore", I'm absolutely sure any ex-nemesis member will tell the same. Still Shaguar is an uber player and any guild would be pleased to have him, and still you are a cockroach, a fucking albino cockroach since you are extremely repulsive. Yohoo!!
Убер, чтобы тебя наверняка взяли в футы, нужно ругать не только Кантру, а весь Рускорп) Нужно написать, что все тут криворукие нубасы, что все заняты только пве, что абсолютно не ценят крутых отцов типа тебя и твоих друзей, которые всегда и во всем помогали гильдии) И писать нужно не тут, а на форуме у футов) Тогда, возможно, тебя туда возьмут, а не прокатят, как Настрандиры))
Причем тут Футы и скилл игроков РК? Я не собираюсь ничего ни о ком говорить. Я активен в игре и игрою в свое удовольствие, никого не трогаю, не оскорбляю. Или проблема в том, что ответная подача в Транку прошла? Ну так ей пробить я завсегда рад, пусть и виртуально. Жывотное ибо, в немезисе она в игноре была у 50% населения, ибо читать этот больной бред ребята отказывались. А теперь, без внимания людей, она шарахается по форумам других гильдий и якобы находит сенсации (типа никто не знает, кто и куда написал заявки, лол), и из этого делает дешевую (на другую ее не хватит) драму. А тех, кто ошибочно думает, что она кого-то тут ценит, отстаивает чистоту рядов и т.д, могу заверить - более эгоистичного существа вы в уж в РК точно не найдете. Зашевелилось тело, увидело, что заявки в другие гильдии пишут. Тоже мне авторит на Фьюри:lol:
Seems I struck a nerve since you enter a diatribe and avoid the subject.
Apparently you think it's just fine to apply to Nastrandir, whilst remaining in Ruscorp as your second choice backup. You speak of loyalty, how preposterous. My loyalty to Ruscorp has never been in question. You on the other hand are in the door 10 fucking minutes using us as a stop gap while you apply and are rejected elsewhere.
You are an absolute fucking parasite.
I left RC when i applied. So i really dont see what u are bitching about.
i suggest yoy remove that crap in private or away from forum srsy.
Or just kill em ingame. btw AoC pretty fun in that thing, with all this fatality bitz.
16.04.2010, 02:53
Причем тут Футы и скилл игроков РК? Я не собираюсь ничего ни о ком говорить. Я активен в игре и игрою в свое удовольствие, никого не трогаю, не оскорбляю. Или проблема в том, что ответная подача в Транку прошла? Ну так ей пробить я завсегда рад, пусть и виртуально. Жывотное ибо, в немезисе она в игноре была у 50% населения, ибо читать этот больной бред ребята отказывались. А теперь, без внимания людей, она шарахается по форумам других гильдий и якобы находит сенсации (типа никто не знает, кто и куда написал заявки, лол), и из этого делает дешевую (на другую ее не хватит) драму. А тех, кто ошибочно думает, что она кого-то тут ценит, отстаивает чистоту рядов и т.д, могу заверить - более эгоистичного существа вы в уж в РК точно не найдете. Зашевелилось тело, увидело, что заявки в другие гильдии пишут. Тоже мне авторит на Фьюри:lol:
И тем не менее если подал заявку в Настрандир и в правду что тебе тут делать. Вон Баба решил уити и ушел а через пару дней вступил в Футилез. Ато получается ты с нами до поры до времени пока гильду получше не подыщеш. Лична мне пофег на то насколько скилованный Шагуар и так далее ушел так ушел, вроде хороший был игрок но мы его потеряли и если он не в РК то от его скила мне не холодно и не жарко. Темболее если сликлованый теперь в Футилях нам побошке будет молотком стучать значит нада заганкать до слез. Транка вообще не о нем а о тебе собственно разговаривает, он вообще не причем.
Я могу понять людей кто не выдержали этого всего и ушли с гильды. Могу понять тех кто забили на игру... но совершенно не обязательно сидеть в РК если ты реально хочеш сменить гильду. Сеичас нужны люди которые останутся до конца и готовы помогать гильде безкорыстно.
Если деиствительно ищещ новую гильду то делай это быстрее, нам надо устаканить состав и каждую неделю ливающие люди для нас это вредно. Лучше сразу пол гильды перелить куда ни будь и оставить тех кому все это надо.
More English at least when there is drama to be read. Google translate fails at catching all the juicy points.
16.04.2010, 03:31
However if you indeed made an application to Nastrandir I don't understand what you still doing in Rus.Corp. For example Baba first left the guild and in few days joined the Futilez. Otherwise it looks like you are going to stay with us as long as you can't find any better guild to join. Personally I don't care how skillful is Shaguar since he left the guild, he seems like was good player but we lost him anyway. Now his skill doesn't make it neither hot nor cold for me. Actually if he is skillfull being in Futilez his hammer now will work out our heads, so he have to be ganked to tiers. Tranca doesn't actually point at him but rather at you, he has nothing to do with her rage.
I can understand people who are tired from all of this and left the guild, I can also understand people who got tired and left the game. But it's not at all necessary to stay in Rus.Corp until you can find a new guild, if you plan to find another guild rather do it faster. We need to stabilize our list of members, people leaving every week is not good for the guild. We need people who are determined to stay and help guild without asking much in reward.
This not addressed specifically at one person but for everyone who plan to change guild. No offense will be taken make your decision and leave or stay, but faster, we need to know our real number and real capabilities.
16.04.2010, 03:50
meeehh! found Uber application to Nastrandir. He got denied by Berserker exactly due to the reason that he applies for another guild while still being member of one, despite most of Nastrandir member voted for him.
Лана мне пофег, можно и без драмы обоитись я думаю все само устаканится скоро.
aye mate :P where in sweden do u live ? ^^
Little london famous for the rain during autumn, also known as gothenburg))
I left RC when i applied. So i really dont see what u are bitching about.
I know you did Shag. I was not referring to you at all. You are a nice guy and a good player that I'd rather see in Ruscorp that elsewhere.
16.04.2010, 10:50
Довольно забавно, что из всех заявок в настрандир и футилез вы нашли именно мою, политкорректно игнорируя заявки, дайте-ка подсчитать, ну навскидку десятка других членов РК. Опять же, попытка раздуть из этого сенсацию мне непонятна, ибо форумы открытые у них - читай на здоровье, никто ничего не прячет. Об истинных причинах (а не о крутящейся в голове троллей гнуснины о бэкстабах, омг предательстве и прочем) моей заявки знали 2 самых близких ингейма френда, я считаю этого вполне достаточно. Я участвую в мероприятиях РК, хожу в рейды и в бори, делаю мини. Никому не грублю. Предлагаю вам поискать другого мальчика или девочку для битья.
P.S. Последний пост Кантры наглядное подтверждение, что лучше подумать перед тем, как кого-то пытаться пнуть - извиняется и даже пишет без мата. Прогресс.
Предлагаю вам поискать другого мальчика или девочку для битья.
Валите всё на Браги!
Довольно забавно, что из всех заявок в настрандир и футилез вы нашли именно мою, политкорректно игнорируя заявки, дайте-ка подсчитать, ну навскидку десятка других членов РК. Опять же, попытка раздуть из этого сенсацию мне непонятна, ибо форумы открытые у них - читай на здоровье, никто ничего не прячет. Об истинных причинах (а не о крутящейся в голове троллей гнуснины о бэкстабах, омг предательстве и прочем) моей заявки знали 2 самых близких ингейма френда, я считаю этого вполне достаточно. Я участвую в мероприятиях РК, хожу в рейды и в бори, делаю мини. Никому не грублю. Предлагаю вам поискать другого мальчика или девочку для битья.
P.S. Последний пост Кантры наглядное подтверждение, что лучше подумать перед тем, как кого-то пытаться пнуть - извиняется и даже пишет без мата. Прогресс.
Верьте этому? Конечно не я. Прочитайте сообщение от Шадрик, говорите не больше. !!!
Валите всё на Браги!
Ах ты паршивый гвардишко!
А в какую гильдию Еперный с Йопо подали заявки?
Agent Orange
16.04.2010, 12:58
В гильдию близнецов!
А в какую гильдию Еперный с Йопо подали заявки?
К сожалению пьющие кимерийцы не кому не нужны,по этому мы даже не пытались :)
I have seen this happen not just once in aoc guilds, like Nemesis for example, before the merge, there were like 50 ppl online or so, when the merge of Fury with other servers, it dropped down to 20. Members already knew what their plans were.
In my view alone, personally straight forward, members who plan/want to leave a former guild say like RC but then get rejected by other guilds, means they actually do not have interest in staying in RC, at the moment they have no choice but to stay in RC not until a good opportunity comes along and when they do get the chance once more to join a guild in their favour they will leave and that is a fact.
I support the notion really on what Cantra, Shadrik and Feroza has written. The opportunity for them players have not come, but when it does, they will indeed leave RC.
To add, RC should restrict applications so as not to get a shuffle down wash out lane.
In my view alone, personally straight forward, members who plan/want to leave a former guild say like RC but then get rejected by other guilds, means they actually do not have interest in staying in RC, at the moment they have no choice but to stay in RC not until a good opportunity comes along and when they do get the chance once more to join a guild in their favour they will leave and that is a fact.
I support the notion really on what Cantra, Shadrik and Feroza has written. The opportunity for them players have not come, but when it does, they will indeed leave RC..
Ne yavlyaetsya nikakoj dejstvitel'noj prichinoj primenit' Nastrandir.
Vse zhe ostan'tes' v Ruscorp. Loyal'nost' ???
I see no valid reason to apply elsewhere yet remain in Ruscorp. Then talk of loyalty ??
Let us look from a lil bit different point of view. Not so called `loaylty`, but friendship. If someone can easily throw away that relations, he got with teammates being in the same guild (RC here), so that relations are not friendship yet. So why is wrong to join another bunch of pixels in the game, if no friend would get hurt of ur switching sides. What are u trying to get speculationg with Loyalty thingy? do U count that ppl friends or just pretend not to fight against them?
As for me i cant just leave some ppl i know ingame. And it comes from my first aoc guild. I migrate with them. Until i abandon the game completely.
16.04.2010, 18:24
Let us look from a lil bit different point of view. Not so called `loaylty`, but friendship. If someone can easily throw away that relations, he got with teammates being in the same guild (RC here), so that relations are not friendship yet. So why is wrong to join another bunch of pixels in the game, if no friend would get hurt of ur switching sides. What are u trying to get speculationg with Loyalty thingy? do U count that ppl friends or just pretend not to fight against them?
Because we as guild don't give flying and want loyal members atm? As I said those who want to join their friends in other guilds shell do it asap as we need to stabilize our setup. Period, their motivation or reasoning is not guild concern, as long as we can't do anything about it. No one going to write and angry letter to anyone mom here trying to say her son is traitor or something because he left in game guild. All we want from people is to be frank, simply.
Mate we have people crying during sieges that they died to much, while Atfarel died few dozens of time trying to place a catapult every siege or trying to occupies tent. We need people whoes responsibility over guild success out weights their personal interests, those who base their e-peen on e-peen on their guild rather than personal. Having just 24 members like that and everything ill go smooth I bet.
Anyway there is no point to discuss as atm everyone is welcome to do what he wants. As Shadrik said that if people will not become are real members of guilds they gona get kicked anyway.
Your loyalty and your behaviour are well-known...<snip>
I mentioned loyalty because of the irony in above quote that was aimed at me. I abhor duplicity, and individuals motivated by self interest and greed.
who want to join their friends in other guilds shell do it asap as we need to stabilize our setup.
This. Purify. Only then u can rely on ppl.
To add, RC should restrict applications so as not to get a shuffle down wash out lane.
this is what i suggest always in nemesis about applications
Let us look from a lil bit different point of view. Not so called `loaylty`, but friendship. If someone can easily throw away that relations, he got with teammates being in the same guild (RC here), so that relations are not friendship yet. So why is wrong to join another bunch of pixels in the game, if no friend would get hurt of ur switching sides. What are u trying to get speculationg with Loyalty thingy? do U count that ppl friends or just pretend not to fight against them?
As for me i cant just leave some ppl i know ingame. And it comes from my first aoc guild. I migrate with them. Until i abandon the game completely.
Naaa, you are not getting the point actually (Annalise this issue deeper), .... Say for eg:
When I was often online (now not), RC is a guild that needs as much effort from its guild mates. When RC calls for aid from guild mates, siege, raids, open pvp, every RC member must participate, leave what you are doing and come. This is what I noticed strong in RC. So now let us imagine, if a player has friends elsewhere, less friends in RC, or he is not sure where he belongs, or missing his friends in enemy guilds, does not like Russians and many more, what is the point then to be in RC?
No one is saying he/she cannot join other guilds because of missing friends, No, what Feroza, Cantra, Shad and Co are trying to point out is..... why be in a guild in which the person has clearly made others understand his purpose in RC will not be 50% but less, he decides to join another guild but gets rejected and go back to RC again, Do you think the person will participate out of heart of 100% in RC? Never! His efforts in RC has no purpose but effort to purpose elsewhere. It is only logical, after all one can still be close to his friends guildless. No point being in a guild where you know you will not give effort.
P.S to Add:
Personally I believe Loyalty = Effort and NOT Friendship = Effort. What ever participation you do in the guild is done out of loyalty you have for the guild in which is the equivalent to be the effort given.
Indirectly to friendship comment, if Friendship is more of the thing now, this means that; if my good friend does not participate in the guild activities or help a non friend guildy, I too will not because he is my good friend and my good friend is priority one and so on.... bahhh :) eeeepin direction.
old and wise Purity
ага, говорит как мой Отец. :)
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