View Full Version : Not what it used to be.
There is almost nothing left of the RC I used to be in before I quit aoc some months ago.
We used to be a stong guild I was pround to be apart of, now we're just abunch of random groups with the same guild tag.
Friends quit the game, some moved to other server for easy tokens....
I will leave the guild after submitting this post.
There is almost nothing left of the RC I used to be in before I quit aoc some months ago.
We used to be a stong guild I was pround to be apart of, now we're just abunch of random groups with the same guild tag.
Friends quit the game, some moved to other server for easy tokens....
I will leave the guild after submitting this post.
Where you will go?
I am not sure yet.
Havent applied to any guild.
Farel now is trying to make from different bunch of ppl a real RC. And take a look at CE there are always RC raid (70% of ppl online) and we are fighting altogether as a team.
So your words do not show the full picture.
Сирис говорит, что ему не нравится что РК превратился из сильной единой гильдии в сборище разных групп. Говорит что уходит из гильдии после этого поста, пока не определился куда.
People are going Bori to get their tokens, not cause Farel tells them too.
Yesterday when we wen to Bori, Baba and me where the only ones that came prepared with t3 rares like Farel ordered.
Before Bori when someone would ask for help in pvp no one would go help cause they didnt gain anything from that.
6.04.2010, 14:11
Guild have to much ballast that willing to get benefits but don't want to contribute anything.
I am not sure yet.
Havent applied to any guild.
Neuk me, dit is een beetje een schok. PM me je e-mailadres dat u weinig Belgische dief.
Gosh, this is a surprise. PM me your email Siris.
Well, i'm trying to do my best to keep ppl having fun in the game, but seems my attempts fails. If u have read this topicОтносительно-моей-дальнейшей-игры-и-клана-в-целом.&goto=newpost#post171872 , u will know that we didn't make a sacrifice yesterday because i want ppl to save their rares for Sunday. My friends either left the game or move to pve servers for easy farm too (same friends as yours Siris =) ) . And its very sad for me to lose another one. Well all i can is to wish u good luck and all the best. Still hope that u will change ur mind.
Ну а что я могу сказать. Я не могу быть и в бори и в Т3 одновременно. Это его выбор в конце концов.
6.04.2010, 14:31
Ну а что я могу сказать. Я не могу быть и в бори и в Т3 одновременно. Это его выбор в конце концов.
Он никого не обвиняет, все понимает и так далее.
Еперный я поправил твой мессаг на воскресенье.
There is almost nothing left of the RC I used to be in before I quit aoc some months ago.
We used to be a stong guild I was pround to be apart of, now we're just abunch of random groups with the same guild tag.
Friends quit the game, some moved to other server for easy tokens....
I will leave the guild after submitting this post.
I am really sad to see you go. When you came back, I only new you for a short time but I have a lot of respect for you and consider you my friend :)
I understand how you feel and have felt the same often, in fact I also feel the same now even though I am not a veteran.
As I understand it, Atfarel also was thinking of disbanding guild and leaving, also it seems others, like Eperny were thinking of doing the same. It seems they have very little support at the moment.
But I see now that they are still trying, that despite many let downs, they are doing what they can to save the guild.
As I see it, even though I am new, the guild needs to be consolidated and almost rebuilt. As long as I see people I care for and respect (like Atfarel, Sets, Eperny and many others) continue to fight for RC I will not let them down.
Being in a strong guild is fun and makes you proud, but being in a guild that is or was breaking down, and turning it around and making it into a strong guild once more is also a challenge that, whether you succeed or not, will make you even more proud and is probably one of the most important experiences you can have in AoC.
Well, i'm trying to do my best to keep ppl having fun in the game
as long as our leaders and officers are doing their best, so will I, and maybe you could reconsider and give it a try also.
While sitting in stomatologists chair under some kind of anesthesia (i suspect morphium) i understand few things :
1) Siris is kinda right . First of all we have many ppl who left the game because of 1.07 patch and in other hand we have some new ppl who are just adapting to the guild, but i hope they will found a new family here. So yes things not gonna be like they were and we have to make a new RC: strong, powerfull and friendly inside like it before.
This patch and the new pvp system it introduced make lots of ppl to care only about themselfes. Farel propose few things to make those tokens (let them burn in hell) to be avaible for all. As for me i understand that i don't have a single chance to get a single part of gear and i'm humbled with it. Maybe if everyone will just play for fun but not for gear (omfg its just a pixels) they will get fun instead of sadness and exhaust.
Siris? i know u as a very mature person and i'm sure that this decision wasn't easy for u, but as said hope dies last? so i still hope we have chance to bring u back. =)
2) What were all those bright lights when i was lying in the chair. They were talking to me and i want them back :o
PS sometimes a feel myself like 40yrs old :(
:( :( :(
I really hope you reconsider. We have lost too many good people already. Please tell me you are not thinking of going to Hyrakania. From what I can see the people who have done that are being mocked, and it will be even worse for them if they come back.
PS sometimes a feel myself like 40yrs old :(
Nothing wrong about to be wise ;)
Well, actualy not much add to what Eperny wrote, I agree with everything.
Just when I think about times when we played together... For example, do you remember that day when Xibaluku was introduced and we were ganking in Thunder? :wink:
Makes me sad to think you are leaving....
this is not about bori (well mostly) why i left it is about fc and most intresting part of the game for is fkd up.
As for me i understand that i don't have a single chance to get a single part of gear and i'm humbled with it. Maybe if everyone will just play for fun but not for gear (omfg its just a pixels) they will get fun instead of sadness and exhaust.
Вы - хороший человек Еперный и Сирис - также . Именно поэтому я люблю Вас обоих. Фарел - хороший человек также, но он пугает меня немного, когда он кричит. :)
Люди должны прочитать слова Еперный. Я делаю точно это. Игра для забавы и быть с друзьями.
You are a good man Eperny and so is Siris. That's why I love you both to tiny wee bits . Farel is a good man too, but he scares me a little when he shouts. :)
People should read Eperny's words. I do exactly this. Play for fun and to be with friends.
Take care matey, sad to see an Veteran go, but its you whos paying for the game and your descision. I hope you dont go to some nabcake PvE-server tho for gaining tokens, wish you good luck and take care :)
oh shit..... ill miss u seriously :(
but i can understand you 100%, didnt logged in for same reason u leave.
Take care matey, sad to see an Veteran go, but its you whos paying for the game and your descision. I hope you dont go to some nabcake PvE-server tho for gaining tokens, wish you good luck and take care :)
I really hope he doesn't do that transfer thing too. I was really surprised that Noos did it. I was not surprised Eldaen did it. Because the only thing Eldaen thinks about is Eldaen. What are they going to do there. Farm tokens 24/7 get geared up fast and then what ? Complain about lack of pvp content? Make a super geared mini group and pwn the same 6 other people that are on that server? Transfer back to Fury and be treated like lepers in Global?
Better to stick with Ruscorp and try out Farel's plan to get geared up. Even if it takes longer. At least it will be honest.
Fable u nab, u wasted take 2.
I ll be back when fc will fix sieges ( i mean lagg spikes, new siege mechanics)
wrong thread nab :P an why i wasted only 3 days passed
because mofo it is about 5$ now not 25$ :S
I really hope he doesn't do that transfer thing too. I was really surprised that Noos did it. I was not surprised Eldaen did it. Because the only thing Eldaen thinks about is Eldaen. What are they going to do there. Farm tokens 24/7 get geared up fast and then what ? Complain about lack of pvp content? Make a super geared mini group and pwn the same 6 other people that are on that server? Transfer back to Fury and be treated like lepers in Global?
Better to stick with Ruscorp and try out Farel's plan to get geared up. Even if it takes longer. At least it will be honest.
Yea was really surprised that noos transfered aswell. And that he didnt say anything about it.
что случилось можно по Русски плиз )
take care mate , tbh its crazy what its happening now in aoc , for me to much stress thats why i chill a little
ppl tired Rassa
when i saw that GD forum respond i was enraged like Khornate berserker, i almost sacrificed housem8s :S
was talking with Scoot by forum he is so frustrated about that bori shit :)
Расскажите в двух словах про 1.07. Я постоянно вижу bori shit, bori shit..., хотя с bori задумка была не плохая. Оно не работает как осады или всетаки ерунда в итоге получилась? И что с Элдаеном и Нусфером? Они перешли на другой сервер чтоб настругать бори быстрее или что?
Бори: есть 4 атаря, которые захватывает гильдия, этим алтарям скармливаются редкие ПвП ресурсы из ПвП шахт в той-же зоне, у них 100% дроп при смерти. Причем обрастно то что выпало поднять нельзя, только те кто выбил их могут поднять. За скармливание ресурсов после того как алтарь заполнен дают ПвП очки и токены. Токены нужны на ПвП шмот на 7-й и 10 лвл. Чем больше народу гильдии в локации тем меньше экспы и токенов. Типа рассчитано на мелкие гильдии, оптимально для 12 человек. Но токенов падает по 20-30 за день, а на весь фулсет для 10 лвла надо 10к. В результате зерг бегает выбивает ресы друг у друга, а сами токены фармятся отвратительно.
Нус и Элдаен трансфернули своих мэйнов на ПвЕ сервер для спокойного фарма на пустом сервере. И там теперь застряли, трансфер обратно на Фури закрыли. Альтами на осады ходят исправно. Да и Нус говорит что играет теперь мало.
В результате зерг бегает выбивает ресы друг у друга, а сами токены фармятся отвратительно..
Ну, а что вы хотели, чтоб все в ПвП шмоте ходили через 1-2 месяца? Помойму нормально, что крапаль падает.
Нус и Элдаен трансфернули своих мэйнов на ПвЕ сервер для спокойного фарма на пустом сервере. И там теперь застряли, трансфер обратно на Фури закрыли. Альтами на осады ходят исправно. Великий комбинатор Элдаен застрял на ПвЕ сервере.Ха-ха! Ламоботы!
Да нет Целас ты не прав, там маразм, который я в очередной раз описывать не собираюсь, а что критерием для одевания ПвП шмота ЛвЛ игрока не достаточный стимул? И я не уверен, что народ бы так просто достиг 9-10 лвлов
Понимаешь Целас, осноной выхлоп с бори когда все копают рука об руку, а не дерутся. Что и происходит, настрандиры с рагнароками в 4 группы копают утром. Да и основное в бори 70% собирательства, 10% драк, 20% беготни туда-сюда. Это уже не ПвП, это херзнает что.
Так на Пве сервере теперь Декап, Идол, премейд Мистралов и прочие ПвП ориентированные игроки.
8.04.2010, 16:25
Celas для ганка там все чюдненько по зоне бешают как зерги так и малые групы гружоные резами которые 100% выпадают и даже продаются на треидере за неплохие бабки.
Да нет Целас ты не прав, там маразм, который я в очередной раз описывать не собираюсь, а что критерием для одевания ПвП шмота ЛвЛ игрока не достаточный стимул? И я не уверен, что народ бы так просто достиг 9-10 лвлов
ЛвЛ игрока достаточен, просто Бори делали не ради нового ПвП шмота, а чтоб внести смысл в само ПвП.
Ну не получилось, так не получилось.
у них не получаеца с 1.05
Ну собственно все ответы получены. Останется как есть а на фьюри нам наплевать.
у меня был сотрудник - мальчик тока вышел с вуза
ему говоришь одно он делает другое
закончилось тем что о сделал кольцо и замкнул сеть саму на себя в итоге я его уволил
люди говорят бори гавно не хотим фармить ресу для пвп
сил - да лана чё вы чуваки всё охрененно - народ радуеца
блин фури плачет а это топовый пвп сервер
-да лана вам всё ок
в итоге после 4х страниц гавна фк обешает нам новый 1.5 пвп сэт без бори
Ты что шадрик, да им на тестовом форуме и на живом в совокупе написали несколько десятков страниц отзывов и предложений. Видимо ресурсов нет, а все новые идеи идут в новый проект.
They will introduce new pvp sets for minigame wins. Less powerful than Bori set, but better than T1 set. Sil confirmed today on official Forums.
They will introduce new pvp sets for minigame wins. Less powerful than Bori set, but better than T1 set. Sil confirmed today on official Forums.
Anyway fuck them. Minigames is nothing, sieges is still without any reward.
Oh stop your rage already plz. That's getting really annoying.
Действительно, напрягаться нет смысла. Давно было понятно, что толку от этого ПвЕшера не будет. Достали? Идем отдыхать.
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