View Full Version : had enough of these cunts
This infraction is worth 3 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.
Since the thread about comboskipping was closed because of exploit discussion. Does this mean that comboskipping is officially classed as an exploit.
It seems only fair to clarify. Since people do not want to be seen as exploiting. If I do it, am I cheating. I would like an official answer about this.
Another infraction from Aghorra. I have had 25 recent infractions. 20 of them from the same guy.
This latest was for asking a question about comboskipping.
Had enough of these fucking cunts. I'm out. Cancelled my sub today.
Poka Ruscorp <3 ubei ih vseh.
Love Cantra XxX
чё случилось перевидите плиз. А то у меня промт про влагалища гребаные переводит:shock:
чё случилось перевидите плиз. А то у меня промт про влагалища гребаные переводит:shock:
Я так понял, что Кантру затрахали комбоскиперы, она обиделась и ушла.
сорри за нубство, а что такое комбоскиперы? В чем соль то?
damn Tranca :(
I hope you come back if they fix sieges and give pvp content :(
you remind me of Socratese btw
damn Tranca :(
I hope you come back if they fix sieges and give pvp content :(
so, newer i think=/
сорри за нубство, а что такое комбоскиперы? В чем соль то?
милишники-эксплойтеры, соль в увеличении скорости вливания дамага
Кантру замучали не комбоскиперы, а модераторы офф форума, которые в очередной раз дали ей предупреждений и очков нарушений, на этот за вопрос о комбоскипе, а именно - является ли это эксплойтом или нет с точки зрения Фанкома.
Cantra, I'm just translating some of your post for our russian speaking friends... They got it all wrong, have guessed you quit 'cause of comboskippers.
Btw, I don't think official forum have something with the game. For me it's all the different story. I rarely read or post on official forum, if I would like to talk about the game I have this forum and our russian GoHa forum, both much more friendly.
So, you are right, mod team on official AoC forum are really stupid and insane. But it doesn't mean much for me... You can still enjoy game even if you never visit the forum...
Anyway. We'll miss you, so.... cooldown yourself and come back....
10.03.2010, 01:49
I will still find you Cantra :-) If Morison show up in greece I will really land cake into his face :-) I'm sick of this morron and his moders and his incompetent developers and the rest of his company. Funcom is most idiotic gaming company I ever deald with.
I will still find you Cantra :-) If Morison show up in greece I will really land cake into his face :-) I'm sick of this morron and his moders and his incompetent developers and the rest of his company. Funcom is most idiotic gaming company I ever deald with.
This is the sequence of events regarding Funcom.
1: Someone makes a post about comboskipping
2: Aghorra closes the thread and says discussion about exploits is not allowed.
3: I post asking for clarification, since he closed the thread. Is comboskipping an exploit.
4: He deletes my post and gives me 3 infraction points.
5: I email Tarib, ask for clarification. Tarib replies and says I cannot discuss this. Contact a GM he will clarify.
6: I contact a GM, and tell him Tarib told me to contact a GM and ask if comboskipping is an exploit.
7: GM Jaestar, tells me he cannot discuss exploits, I should contsct CS. I tell Jaestar CS told me to contact him. Jaestar refuses to answer, and tells me to email exploits team.
8: I email exploits team. They tell me that they cannot discuss what or what is not an exploit.
Very simply nobody will commit to an answer. Not even the exploits team. It is ridiculous.
The company is run by amateurs. Or perhaps (given their answers) by politicians.
This is the sequence of events regarding Funcom.
1: Someone makes a post about comboskipping
2: Aghorra closes the thread and says discussion about exploits is not allowed.
3: I post asking for clarification, since he closed the thread. Is comboskipping an exploit.
4: He deletes my post and gives me 3 infraction points.
5: I email Tarib, ask for clarification. Tarib replies and says I cannot discuss this. Contact a GM he will clarify.
6: I contact a GM, and tell him Tarib told me to contact a GM and ask if comboskipping is an exploit.
7: GM Jaestar, tells me he cannot discuss exploits, I should contsct CS. I tell Jaestar CS told me to contact him. Jaestar refuses to answer, and tells me to email exploits team.
8: I email exploits team. They tell me that they cannot discuss what or what is not an exploit.
Very simply nobody will commit to an answer. Not even the exploits team. It is ridiculous.
The company is run by amateurs. Or perhaps (given their answers) by politicians.
Отличный пример работы бюрократического аппарата =) На работе такое наблюдаю постоянно.
10.03.2010, 09:06
Отличный пример работы бюрократического аппарата =) На работе такое наблюдаю постоянно.
Да нет, тут понятно почему никто не хочет на такой вопрос отвечать. Если скажешь, что комбо-скип - эксплойт, будут спрашивать, почему вы за это не баните и когда пофиксите. А фиксить там малореально, наверное. Да и банить тоже... По логам это не отслеживается, а к каждому Нодибоку ГМа не приставишь.
А если скажешь, что не эксплойт... Тогда вообще вой поднимется...
Вот и отмалчиваются... Но за такой вопрос еще и очки предупреждений влеплять - это уже конечно нонсенс.
К сожалению тот же самый бюрократический аппарат существует во всех странах.
Да Крис. Они боятся отвечать.
Функом дичка Корпорация.
такие вопросы лучше задавать на очередной конференции с моррисоном...Насчет является ли это сплойтом...то ответ очевиден...конечно является так как по механике игры такое не предусмотрено...но видимо поймать на этом сложно ..иначе бы баны начали раздавать уже...вообще странно ФК в том же АО банило легко народ (хотя игроков там раз в 10 меньше)...даже за обычные "трейны" от мобов,за мат в личке...или когда тебя обозвали...банили за сплойты нещадно по 15-20 человек,что нередко приводило к тому , из за такого отношения народ оч часто любил стучать ФК ..на всё,что только можно...чаров и раздевали бывало :) за сплойт механики масс пвп бывало банили и на полгода...Не понимаю,что происходит в АОК...игре уже 2 года почти..
скажите что это расизм и они не хотят ответить на вопрос заданный россиянином! скажите что выпив 0.5 рашн вотка поедете в суд по правам человека. И все будет)
Agent Orange
10.03.2010, 12:29
Если это вернет Кантру, можно организовать задание вопроса Моррисону так, что он не уйдет от ответа. Если не вернет, то не стоит и стараться :)
ЛОЛ 2 маленьких водки я буду спать. Я - женщина. :)
Если это вернет Кантру, можно организовать задание вопроса Моррисону так, что он не уйдет от ответа. Если не вернет, то не стоит и стараться :)
Сетс, подписка, открытая до июня. Я посылаю по электронной почте вопрос к Моррисон, жду ответ. :)
Я послал эту электронную почту Моррисон. Мой российский навык, не достаточный перевести. Я извиняюсь.
Dear Craig,
Before I take my leave of this game (my account was cancelled 9th March 2010), I would like to mention a couple of things.
Being a longstanding customer, paying in 6 months blocks since pre-release. I have supported this game wholeheartedly and spent many hours of my free time making videos to advertise the game.
I have dozens of videos on my YouTube channel dedicated to Age of Conan. With views totalling 109,712.
It therefore saddens me that I have been forced to quit because of a sustained campaign by one of your mods, namely Aghorra. Who has given me 90% of my infractions for speaking nothing but the truth on the forums. Going far beyond sensible moderation.
I'm a Scot. We are a passionate people, and speak our mind. My Father taught me that if you cannot say what you mean, you can never mean what you say.
Kindest Regards
Dr Cantra Catriona MacLeod.
ога!давайте его все письмами завалим и подпишем на порн-спам :) я думаю он будет оч.доволен :))
К сожалению тот же самый бюрократический аппарат существует во всех странах.
Да Крис. Они боятся отвечать.
Функом дичка Корпорация.
Сегодня была похожая история. Мой начальник отправляет меня к зам. глав. буха уточнить кое-какие моменты. Тот отправляет меня к главбуху, Главбух к гл. экономисту, а тот в свою очередь к главбуху. В итоге я свел главбуха с гл. экономистом, чтобы они там между собой порешали, кто же займется этим вопросом =)
[Funcom Support #1100212914] require clarification on comboskipping
From: Apache ( on behalf of "Funcom Customer Support"
Sent: 11 March 2010 17:12:52
Thank you for contacting Age of Conan Exploits Team.
I'm afraid per our policy I will be unable to give you a direct answer
regarding this matter. However please be aware this matter is being
investigated. Should you encounter any additional information regarding
this please reply, and I will do all I can to help.
Ridiculous. This means they will not tell you if it's illegal or not, and can possibly punish you if they decide it is.
Complete madness and a true indication of the idiocy of this company.
I wouldn't go and say that's a promise. It's obviously something that was planned and had got pushed back. It happens frequently in development time-to-time.
From today's locked thread. He contradicts himself almost immediately such is their willingness to try and bullshit us.
For those of you who are not 100% au fait with English, what the above translates to is:
I wouldn't go and say that's a promise. It's obviously something that was planned and had got pushed back. It happens frequently in development occasionally.
Frequently and occasionally are mutually exclusive. They cannot both be true in the same context.
lol I hadn't noticed that
It seems that they took great exception to the fact I was arranging a server crash as a protest.
This is the latest message I got when I enquired about my bans.
A Message from the King !
You have been banned due to infractions.
Date the ban will be lifted: Never
We all know that retards are cheaper to employ as moderators than regular people :)
well the mods are players aren't they :S
they not even payed, they just pricks who want to know what it feels like to wield power cause they are cunts IRL and probably know tranca in game, or know people who know her.
новые эксплойты смотрю в аоке=) ничо не поменялось
Да Маккон ничто не изменяется.
some things change, Baba gets better and better for example :)))))
some things change, Baba gets better and better for example :)))))
India requested I make the faces vid available again with new pics and whatnot, and since I have been permanently gagged by Funcom I can't a good little grenouille and post this on the irl pics thread.
Unformatted link is ""
Кантра давалка XxX
croak croak
(mens ok np in grenouille language :)
omfg Lied typical scandinavian
omfg Lied typical scandinavian
ЛОЛ, Шадрик плохой мальчик. Не дразните уродливых инвалидов.
22.03.2010, 00:41
Cantra gief new youtube video u fat lesbian !!!:-)) FFS I'm subscribed to ur channel :-) Don't be like Funcom! Gief interesting video! Liek "Nakid Girs with gunz" :-))))
iam not mocking him
i am telling the truth
but truth may hurt sometimes
Cantra gief new youtube video u fat lesbian !!!:-)) FFS I'm subscribed to ur channel :-) Don't be like Funcom! Gief interesting video! Liek "Nakid Girs with gunz" :-))))
I have my little Columbian girlfriend staying with me for a while. She's really quiet, mainly because I keep her head shoved between my legs 90% of the time. Would you like to see a video of that ?
I have my little Columbian girlfriend staying with me for a while. She's really quiet, mainly because I keep her head shoved between my legs 90% of the time. Would you like to see a video of that ?
it must be very boring for you
22.03.2010, 11:55
I have my little Columbian girlfriend staying with me for a while. She's really quiet, mainly because I keep her head shoved between my legs 90% of the time. Would you like to see a video of that ?
Yes if video contains boobs :-)
Yes if video contains boobs :-)
boobs of little columbian girl? ferozah, you are freaky pervert >_<"
omfg...what pr0n u are watching?
22.03.2010, 14:55
That phorn would classify as "amateur" :-)
22.03.2010, 14:57
boobs of little columbian girl? ferozah, you are freaky pervert >_<"
Yes if video contains boobs :-)
No video. But here's a webcam shot of my boobies. Just for you.
22.03.2010, 15:26
No video. But here's a webcam shot of my boobies. Just for you.
0.o you could send it over PM:-) I got to say they look very sweet :-) Thanks.
22.03.2010, 16:37
The Flash of the Cantra rank 25:
Cast time : Channeling 10 seconds
Recast : 10 sec
Range : 25 meters
Charms all enemies within a frontal cone to stare at caster no being able to do anything else while spell is channeled . When under effect of this spell enemies also loose stamina and mana.
omfg @ signautre video !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[QUOTE=Cantra;169984]No video. But here's a webcam shot of my boobies. Just for you.
edit, removed on request from Rognarius
omfg at this thread !
Cantra maybe after this we can see you eyes? ^__^
+1 for eyes
and with out this emo bullshit
22.03.2010, 18:03
Remove the picture from the quote.
OMG. I am telling my Dad. I'm not bluffing.
we wanna c ur eyes also indi :P
чё-то я не понял это её грудь ?
+1 for eyes
and with out this emo bullshit
Don't encourage her. She took that picture in MY bedroom and on MY pc, with MY webcam. Shameless.
Just like the bum pic she took wearing MY skirt, so it would be even shorter cause I'm small.
so it actialy is her photo. hmmm always thought there is no girls in internet. i wanted to post my boobs in bikini but since it is not fake no reason for me to do so.
must admit photos like that one already blow some ones brains.
so it actialy is her photo. hmmm always thought there is no girls in internet. i wanted to post my boobs in bikini but since it is not fake no reason for me to do so.
must admit photos like that one already blow some ones brains.
Yes, it's her, she's SO embarrassing.
23.03.2010, 09:18
Yes, it's her, she's SO embarrassing.
Would I have such a sweet breast I would also post it. :0) Common some small feminine nice looking breast is not vulgar, and when posted without face are also anonymous. Privacy vise boobs without face are just boobs:)
Смотрю раздел АоК оживился. Эх, весна на улице. Кто там следующий сиськи выкладывает?
23.03.2010, 13:13
Смотрю раздел АоК оживился. Эх, весна на улице. Кто там следующий сиськи выкладывает?
Могу выложить :-) У меня их много :-)
23.03.2010, 15:27 arge.jpeg
щас ссылки с порнухой пойдут :D :D :D
я один не вижу картинок в постах джигата?)
неа...их удаляют злые модеры :))и ваще не коверкай мой ник!
23.03.2010, 23:33
I posted on Forum that moderators are wrong in banning Tranca :-) Got a reply from Aghora, and replied her too. Lets see what will happen.
Originally Posted by Aghora
This is a friendly warning. Avoid questioning moderation on the forums or you will get infraction. Such topics are not ever intended to be discussed on open forums.
Thanks. Thy friendly question to you, Why did you give some much infraction to Tranca? She could be too informal girl, but she is part of community and game veteran, she is someone we got use too read everyday. She said she received vast majority of infractions from you, and then got permament ban.
I have impression you have some personal issue with her, may be u dislike her or something, but I can't see any reason why would this be possible.
My humble opinion is that moderators went all out ban on sight in suppressing the players rant over current situation on Fury.
BTW I don't play game for quite some time I stay on forum just to get information on progress.
When I disagree with moderation I do usually write to Tarib, he is nice guy and can judge. This time I just got bit too frustated over conditions on Fury and the Tranca ban doesn't help, she is my friend since long time ago in AoC, and she was not that bad in terms of rules violations.
btw, posts deleted
and OMFG I stil fucking love your sig :)))
i dunno, i wanna blow that girls head with some thing big... like m82 or ak-47 or scar-h
are you kidding? She's so cute !
are you feeling frustrated atm mate? :(
frustrated? 4 days, for fkn four days and best hand i ever had is QQ or AK.
and this girl in signature smiling "come and get me"... yeah fine she dont realize that her smile would be broader with out upper part of the head. besides not firearms is need, i would say dagger 15 cm or so.
and another reason i didnt smoked for 24 hours :S
and photo with kitten and breast is SO OLD.
I posted on Forum that moderators are wrong in banning Tranca :-) Got a reply from Aghora, and replied her too. Lets see what will happen.
Originally Posted by Aghora
Thanks. Thy friendly question to you, Why did you give some much infraction to Tranca? She could be too informal girl, but she is part of community and game veteran, she is someone we got use too read everyday. She said she received vast majority of infractions from you, and then got permament ban.
I have impression you have some personal issue with her, may be u dislike her or something, but I can't see any reason why would this be possible.
My humble opinion is that moderators went all out ban on sight in suppressing the players rant over current situation on Fury.
BTW I don't play game for quite some time I stay on forum just to get information on progress.
When I disagree with moderation I do usually write to Tarib, he is nice guy and can judge. This time I just got bit too frustated over conditions on Fury and the Tranca ban doesn't help, she is my friend since long time ago in AoC, and she was not that bad in terms of rules violations.
Thanks Feroza, but I cannot even read my pm's and I keep getting spammed with emails from Funcom because my inbox is full. Funcom have ignored repeated requests from me via email to
at least forward these pm's to my email address. I also appealed the decision to perma ban me. They have ignored this also. They have also ignored six other email I have sent regarding other issues..
Aghorra is a fucking cunt. PvE nablet with the intellectual capacity of a protozoa and the moral fibre of Josef Mengele. He has an issue with women gamers and women in general. He probably spends half his time on all fours being taken to browntown and barking like a chihuahua. Fucking rancid, cheese dicked, mongoloid.
frustrated? 4 days, for fkn four days and best hand i ever had is QQ or AK.
and this girl in signature smiling "come and get me"... yeah fine she dont realize that her smile would be broader with out upper part of the head. besides not firearms is need, i would say dagger 15 cm or so.
and another reason i didnt smoked for 24 hours :S
and photo with kitten and breast is SO OLD.
Thanks Feroza, but I cannot even read my pm's and I keep getting spammed with emails from Funcom because my inbox is full. Funcom have ignored repeated requests from me via email to
at least forward these pm's to my email address. I also appealed the decision to perma ban me. They have ignored this also. They have also ignored six other email I have sent regarding other issues..
Aghorra is a fucking cunt. PvE nablet with the intellectual capacity of a protozoa and the moral fibre of Josef Mengele. He has an issue with women gamers and women in general. He probably spends half his time on all fours being taken to browntown and barking like a chihuahua. Fucking rancid, cheese dicked, mongoloid.
Cantra, I have never ever gotten a reply from "support" with regards to forum things.
However, I can give you Famine's email adress if you want? I do believe I've got Siliron's as well.
is it some kind of wanna be dog, i know russian stupid pussies likes it.
yeah know u can kill one and u didnt notice that.
hey man what on ur boot?
oh shi it is fkn chihuahua
24.03.2010, 10:39
Here is his reply.
To answer simply, she got the infraction because she deserved it. Tranca among some other user is one of the top trolls. Meaning that she spam, flame, use offending language and question moderation on the forum.
All of the infractions are there for a reason given by formal moderators, me and the current moderators. Personally I have given her many warning in PM just like yours and she did not listen, also she did not listen on warning both in PM and on open forums. Since those "did not work" with her next step is to give infraction.
Yes, it is possible that she have the majority of infraction from me since I am probably the most active from the other English mods and I already explained Tranca in PM that my infractions have nothing personal against her. If I did abuse my powers as a moderator I wouldn't be here for so much time, cause even moderators have bosses
Yes she got permanent ban because she took it too far on addressing one FC staff member in one of her post. And no, it wasn't me that banned her.
On this matter I have to say that she wasn't banned cause of the discussion on Fury forums, but because she took it personal and used offending language. That thread got closed long time after the issue.
24.03.2010, 12:02
and this girl in signature smiling "come and get me"... yeah fine she dont realize that her smile would be broader with out upper part of the head. besides not firearms is need, i would say dagger 15 cm or so.
Leave ma anti-stress girl alone!!!! :-) She says "come and get me" to me not to you. She has such a smile that when I look at her I smile too even in bad mood :-)
or her smile just a fake, she is smiling because she is afraid of some one we cant see.
4 example group of escaped prisoners
24.03.2010, 14:37
or her smile just a fake, she is smiling because she is afraid of some one we cant see.
4 example group of escaped prisoners
That's why her eyes are laughing at you pervert! :-)
no her eyes is not fixed on me
she staring at some one at my left arm. some one with some thing. yeah it is like movies about wild west when bad guy was shooting the ground near victims legs to force him for dancing of some sort.
the same situation is here.
besides there is a fire place behind her not the best way to despose the body though
24.03.2010, 15:16
Spetznaz nuts blow the buss by hitting it with stick.
a shock grenade on a stick ... seen it once in RL. Very cheap and effective solution :) :kap:
24.03.2010, 18:47
Они для того чтоб было удобнее спать
how is she?
wrinkles near the eyes, lips and mouth. Terrible wrinkles at the neck common to european and north american womens mostly.
look at the neck and left arm. she is mutant for sure. Pay attention to the face shit loads of cosmentics they are trying to hide freckles. Teeth omfg looks like left side is bigger than a right one.
breast - pay attention to the skin acne.
24.03.2010, 19:16
how is she?
wrinkles near the eyes, lips and mouth. Terrible wrinkles at the neck common to european and north american womens mostly.
look at the neck and left arm. she is mutant for sure. Pay attention to the face shit loads of cosmentics they are trying to hide freckles. Teeth omfg looks like left side is bigger than a right one.
breast - pay attention to the skin acne.
I open you a secret! This called "normal woman", you probably got you to genetically engineered goddesses :-))))
she is not normal. womens with mark of playboy on their souls is not normal.
look at her she is horrible.
most likely she is stupid.
her stats is altered by surgical intervention for sure. but even this cant hide all her flaws. And most importantly she is old.
If IT a "normal" women - than i wanna be gay
24.03.2010, 19:28
her stats is altered by surgical intervention for sure. but even this cant hide all her flaws. And most importantly she is old.
If IT a "normal" women - than i wanna be gay
Well Play Boy features various women, not only flawless you know. And if she would be so much altered she would probably also fix a perfect American smile :-)
Woman need to have a flaw to be sexy, my personal opinion flawless woman is a doll :-)
Well old is not a problem, we all will get old :-)
always thought that brain makes women sexy.
and about subject - look at her eyes!!111 right one looks to the right a bit but left one did not changed it is position. so most likely she is mutant or her left eyes damaged or crippled.
and one more important thing
subject IS a doll
24.03.2010, 19:46
always thought that brain makes women sexy
Muahaa, brain makes them bitches and being bitches makes them sexy :-) You are now getting a hypocrite here, I don't think you seriously find every geek girl sexy despite they might have the brain of the brains :-)
I will be frank, when I see a girl I say "SHE IS SEXY" or "SHE ISN'T" days or months before I figure you what her brain status. Not to mention that I find most of women sexy enough unless they are totally ugly.
24.03.2010, 19:48
and one more important thing
subject IS a doll
Oh, yes she is :-) just like 90% of women whos photo you find over internet. :-) and many of those who don't have their photo published.
dont u think geek and smart is different things.
of course brains makes them bithces and that a main reason for having fun with them
just by conversation or by rehabilitation.
i am too old for this playboy crap, and boobs rolling around in .gif animation etc.
for example Cantra she did so for a reason didnt she? To insult her sister, to blow red rains head off, to provoke u in boobs posting etc.
Personaly i would prefer Indi singing than cantras boobs posting, besides what usefull in cantra's boobs u cant stroke it for example. and i think most persons here and mature enough to have a women or buy a women (or a men i dont know).
24.03.2010, 20:04
dont u think geek and smart is different things.
of course brains makes them bithces and that a main reason for having fun with them
just by conversation or by rehabilitation.
i am too old for this playboy crap, and boobs rolling around in .gif animation etc.
for example Cantra she did so for a reason didnt she? To insult her sister, to blow red rains head off, to provoke u in boobs posting etc.
Personaly i would prefer Indi singing than cantras boobs posting, besides what usefull in cantra's boobs u cant stroke it for example. and i think most persons here and mature enough to have a women or buy a women (or a men i dont know).
Herzog trying to mount a high horse and show everyone how he is above all and more in moral and actually too mature to see some boobs :-)
Herzog this is game forum being snob here doesn't make you mature rather other way around since you seems like take Internetz seriously. And this can only makes me laugh moar than normal.
I like Cantra boobs and I like Indi singing and I don't take anything in internet seriously. I prefer to stress my maturity in businessmen, and IRL relationships, not on game forums.
From psychological point of view your reaction show some dissatisfaction and actually some complex or frustation, lack of confidence rather than relaxation or indifference :-)
I never paid for sex in my life :-) So I rather not buy women.
and btw with boobs posting ur way is kindergarten
no this is not game forum since boobs posting so we will stick to the object.
the main reason is ur choice of boobs is crap
24.03.2010, 20:11
no this is not game forum since boobs posting so we will stick to the object.
the main reason is ur choice of boobs is crap
Sorry mate, I can't find anything better in internetz at least so far. And you are just stressed. :)
24.03.2010, 20:11
and btw with boobs posting ur way is kindergarten
I would love to go kindergarten really!! I real would love too. Can some one make me 4 years old again pls?
I'm just booorrred, and not too old for some boobs.
am i stressed? of course i am no good hands for days, i quit smoking.
and u posting boobs with so ugly skin. srsly she is victim of high radiation.
24.03.2010, 20:29
Вы не устали грить на английском - вы кто знает русский?
24.03.2010, 20:31
Ну просто тут все на англиском говорили вот мы и пишем. Вобще в краце, Шадрику не нравятся мои сиськи :-)
перефразирую твои сиськи мне совсем не интеерсны
а те что ты постишь вообще ужасны
24.03.2010, 21:39
перефразирую твои сиськи мне совсем не интеерсны
а те что ты постишь вообще ужасны
Агаа не интерестны, поэтому ты пожле каждых сисек трудишся отписатся насколько они тебе не нравятся и безраличны :-)))
я не описываю сиськи
я описываю моделей которые их демонстрируют что они ужасны и имеют кучу дефектов врождённых - это у меня хобби такое
я же указал что у тётки на фотке дефекты кожи лица и шеи, куча родинок, кожа на груди прыщавая и создаётся впечатление гусиной
дефекту зубов у неё прикус оя***, глаза смотрят в разные стороны явный дефект ну и кол-во морщин да таких что грим не помогает конечно да ужасно
точно так же я смотрю на людей которые едут в моём вагоне или в маршрутке например можно уписаться от смеха как люди одеваются я даже могу описать случай один я как раз тогда зарёкся матом не ругаца но после того что я увидел на девочке я выругался
кстати потребность в сигарете пропадает через 28 часов
24.03.2010, 22:37
я не описываю сиськи
я описываю моделей которые их демонстрируют что они ужасны и имеют кучу дефектов врождённых - это у меня хобби такое
я же указал что у тётки на фотке дефекты кожи лица и шеи, куча родинок, кожа на груди прыщавая и создаётся впечатление гусиной
дефекту зубов у неё прикус оя***, глаза смотрят в разные стороны явный дефект ну и кол-во морщин да таких что грим не помогает конечно да ужасно
точно так же я смотрю на людей которые едут в моём вагоне или в маршрутке например можно уписаться от смеха как люди одеваются я даже могу описать случай один я как раз тогда зарёкся матом не ругаца но после того что я увидел на девочке я выругался
кстати потребность в сигарете пропадает через 28 часов
А я наоборот, еду в офис в трико и кедах и мне плевать кто что там думает :-) Мне так удобно ! А летом я вообще на работу в шортах хожу и маике хотя начальство ходят в костюмах, но они уже привыкли. А на работе иногда в обед могу и пивка вмазать если кому не нравится не хрен комне в кабинет заходить :-) И бреюсь я когда вздумается, могу и бородатый 2 недели походить. И волосы не стрегу месяцами ибо в лом в парихмахерскую ходить. Хотя каждое лето бреюсь на голо , меня даже полиция останавливает иногда потому что я на бандита похож.
И при это я человек не грубый (в основном), я просто люблю быть самим собой. Мне брат подарил как то камуфляж греческой армии (он в ней служил), так мне так в нем ходить понравилось, я в нем 3 года циркулировал по Афинам :)
А женшины мне нравятся многие даже немношко толстые. Видиш какие мы противоположные. Я из тех кто видит бревно в своем глазу и в чужом тоже :-) Но мне пофег. Но пофигизма мало, я бы хотел больше..
Когда мне сказали что в офис приедет важный клиент, и важно чтоб я хорошо выглядел, я напялил свои Итальянский костюм и плащь и галстук и шарф запылившийся, так секретарша чуть не кончила прям на рабочем месте от восторга:-))) Но в следующий день я опять приперся в старых джисах и в своих затертых ботинках, футболке и старом свитере, ибо он мне так больше нравится.
23:46 Expired 0 Flaming/Trolling Aghora
Profile Infraction
14:14 Expired 3 EULA/RoC Violations Vorbiz
08:39 Expired 1 Off-Topic Posts in On-Topic Forum Conttarii
14:56 Expired 0 Excessive Ranting Conttarii
Private 25th June 2009
08:46 Expired 0 Flaming/Trolling Aghora
see here at your friend rassa
No video. But here's a webcam shot of my boobies. Just for you.
Since certain individuals are of the opinion I like to play with 3-d, and other such nonsense I shall delete the pic. Next time I will use a pm Feroza.
It may also be beneficial to certain members to realise that I read Russian perfectly well, and if you want to talk like some ignorant prick in Russian in raidchat thinking I don't understand you are very much mistaken.
[Edit]: In fact go go pm, Feroza. The little black skirt awaits. :)
25.03.2010, 12:06
[Edit]: In fact go go pm, Feroza. The little black skirt awaits. :)
LOL, now I got what Indi complained about. :-)
LOL, now I got what Indi complained about. :-)
My skirts, although disgustingly short just weren't short enough for what I had in mind. And since India is 12cm smaller than me I "borrowed" her little black number.
I'll pm you a pic of Janita. She is looking extremely tired after our early morning fun and games. Yes the 16 battery toys were put to good use. :)
KA of hearts - fold
олени every where :S
Since certain individuals ...
Very dead individuals soon (scary smile here)
u will tear em apart by ur strong bump? kind bear?
check this
Originally Posted by Silirrion View Post
Unfortunately we usually have to do what is best for the majority not something that would work best on just one server.
I've heard this before.
I reply
You did not fix sieges on Fury, because the majority did not siege.
Do you realise you are making Fury players feel like a minority in a racist nationalist country who excludes them from any policitcal agenda?
Hello SirPaco
Please refrain from posting such offending remarks. Even only comparing anyone (be it Funcom or any member on the forum) to racist and nationalist individuals is not being tolerated.
Thank you for your understanding.
This infraction is worth 2 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.
Original Post:
what a bunch of fucking cunts, seriously
hahaha omfg
i will add some thoughts
ok main idea of this game was massive pvp for battlekeeps.
this feature aint workings since release. now majority who was sieging is minority now. so FC fkd ppl wont siege any more cause it is crashing, it is pointless in any means, siege mechanics retarted you name it.
about haxors on fury, honestly who was making tl siege? we and RR. it was ok, but fury still lagy. I am sure sill stole some rams and cpu for his own pc at home.
this bori system is so FKN retarded, calydon was right about how many hours you need to get that tokens.... so sad.
who want a cookie? it is with chocolate!
yes, I'm not shutting the fuck up until they ban me like Cantra :)
However, I will try and be a little more subtle hehe
I like this bit :
In the technical sense, yes, you are a minority, and we can't always priorities resources towards any minority.
Agent Orange
31.03.2010, 19:15
hahaha omfg
Перевожу для тех, кто не вкурил.
Баба: Вы че, вообще забили на осады? Мы вам че, терпилы какие?
Биг босс: Ну ващет да, забили, и да, терпилы.
про печеньку забыл
i am pretty sure that this one is FC song of every day
Перевожу для тех, кто не вкурил.
Баба: Вы че, вообще забили на осады? Мы вам че, терпилы какие?
Биг босс: Ну ващет да, забили, и да, терпилы.
can you translate your translatio please? haha )))
про печеньку забыл
that's fucking epic
i am pretty sure that this one is FC song of every day
lmfao, that one is fucking epic also haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahah
I'm sill laughing roflllllll
ЛолоКрейг набежал и нагнул весь сервер.
Agent Orange
31.03.2010, 19:45
can you translate your translatio please? haha )))
Baba: U don't care about sieges? Do u think we are suckers?
Big Boss: Yes, we don't care about sieges, and yes, you are suckers.
1.04.2010, 14:24
I want Mass PvP like this
I want Mass PvP like this
тогда тебе сюда ( : полная карта европы 39-40гг (сплошная, без всяких там инстансов) + авиация, артилерия, пехота, бронетанковые, парашутисты, флот; развитие персонажа по разным родам войск и странам, безлаговые и некрашащиеся осады :) и к тому же 24\7 , сплошное пвп, более 100 человек с каждой стороны при штурмах городов ( на земле, на воде и в воздухе), линия фронта двигается в зависимости от побед той или иной стороны.
...если и уйду из аока, то только обрано туда
- графика после АОК не впечатляет, но они над этим работают :)
- иногда раздражает тупизм генералитета ( это тоже игроки, только сильно заслужённые :))
ПС : RKKA эту кампанию играет за союзников ;) а я больше люблю вермахт
а такие тама есть?)
2.04.2010, 02:55
а такие тама есть?)
now they have this :-)
Katyusha > Panzer Killer,_Mittlere_Ostfront_(Polen),_Panzer_IV.jpg
> all
[IMG]> all
как показала практика, фокеры/мессеры и пантеры с тиграми не больше олл:D хотя немецкий промдизайн хорош, не спорю, и харизмы в этих машинах гораздо больше=)
это не пантера а panzer iv ausf g
и фокер>all просто исход войны он не мог никак решить
да есть, и фокеры и четверки и тигры...появляются на более поздних этапах ТОДа.
German Army Units (
Хотя это конечно не 39-40 гг, но крысы тем не менее эту технику тоже ввели в игру. Чтоб на фоках летать там кажись нужно до майора люфтваффе дослужиться, я там только унтерофицер :)
Там прикольно когда в игре убиваешь одного из разрабов появляется сообщение что ты убил крысу :) + бонус за это дело. Разработчики - Cornered Rat's Software - потому и крысы :)
A-4 только присутствует? не самая удачная модель
в А-8 стока пушек что может заменить артиллерию
чтобы немцам дать A8 крысы должны что-то дать фрацузам и британцам. Французы летают на американских самолетах, мустанг что ли им еще? А у британцев и так все лучшшее что у них было в игре уже летает.
тут на самом деле ещё вопрос управления
если попса как в баттлстэйшн поцифик - то это херня
если аналог ил-2 это гуд
я в ил-2 6 лет летал за FPS :), могу сказать что это почти то же самое за исключением небольших нюансов. Например посадка\взлет не такие жесткие как там, но это можно понять так как пара нубасов может уложить всю бригаду на аэродроме так и не взлетев :). Бой в воздухе аналогичен полностью. Недаром сюда ушли многие шадовцы. Еще тут полностью летаешь по приборам кокпита, их показания не дублируются в текстовой форме на экране....
I have been trying to log in to the game all day, keep getting the message "cannot connect to character server", im on the edge for a ragequit. Anyone wanna buy account ?
As I cannot connect even via Conan Chat it looks like server is really down.
seems like they are restarting something now
Loginproblems /Charakter-Server acting up
Like yesterday night, we are experiencing some issues with the login and the character server preventing players from joining groups and the like. Our coders and admins are already looking into it and we will keep you posted on the progress.
At 16:00 o'clock we will bring down the servers for 30 minutes to restart the universe.
тогда это гуд
Шадрик ты нубас :) Хочешь докажу? Заходи в игру.
ты знаешь по какой-то причине я могу играть в аок
мне добавили месяц или около того к оплате тоесть я могу щас зайти и поиграть
вопрос нафига?
вопрос нафига?
Сделаешь нам приятное. Вот.
Agent Orange
2.04.2010, 20:53
Чуть попозжа, там какая-то снова хот фикс профилактика :)
2.04.2010, 20:57
Да сегодня уже не зайти! Хотел премейдом рандомов фармануть и на тебе! :(
Cantra, cry baby cry))))
Inside information. Patch on internal server.
**These notes do not necessarily reflect the final version that will be deployed on TestLive / Only general info here, for detailed info on each update check DevAccount system**
* Many small quest fixes in new Pai Kang zones.
* Various improvements made to the Nothern Grasslands/Gates of Khitai playfield.
* Pet damage has been augmented(Wolf/Tiger).
* Combo sequences are now timed properly and using new combo engine (exploit: comboskipping not possible anymore).
* House of Crom: Corrected the cause of a crash.
* Solo Mode of Halls of Eternal Frost is now rewarding correctly.
* Added Sanctum of the Burning Souls lvl 80-80 version (not fully implemented).
* Cross server dungeons implemented (not functional at moment).
Herald of Xotli
* Some alterations on AA feats and addition of new ones (Hearth of Fire/ Burst of Hell/...).
* Some alterations on AA feats and addition of new ones (Steel Rampage/...).
* Shadow Wraith damage reduced.
* Raid lockout info.
* Possiblity of preview for several items (not fully implemented).
* Tradeskill book has now the option to sort items per level.
* Addition of coloring dyes(Black, White, Gold, Silver, Darkred, White,...) Tier gear coloring to be determined.
* New loot added to several solo/group instances(Caravan Raider's Hideout/ Halls of Eternal Frost/ Xibaluku/...).
* Implemented new inventory tab (Visual appearance), you can equip gear for visual appearance only (gear is limited to the basic type of each class Cloth/Light Armor/...)
* The Tiger and Wolfmount have now 3 different texture pattern/colors.
* Camel does now properly activate Pitsand CC.
* Horse can now be mounted at level 35.
* The Old King does now reward 12MoA has intended.
*Second storage unit added for guild/player.
* Coward's Shame timer is now 15 minutes.
* Crosserver minigames are working has intended (futher testing is needed with main external server).
* The 24vs24 Fort Battle is now starting properly.
* Bounty Hunting basics implemented (not working yet).
* Arena Ladder basic system implemented (acess GUI trough Dev command).
* Removed deaths statistic, only Kills are visible.
* Added diferrent queues/sign up options on minigames, solo and group sign up (must be full groups 6 or 12).
* Increased PvP XP in minigames.
* Added water splash when running/jumping/falling in water.
* New Dreamworld Technology lighting added in all instances.
* Internal Test Server : check DevAccount for detailed info.
* Combo sequences are now timed properly and using new combo engine (exploit: comboskipping not possible anymore).
Ты серьезно, что это не ты сам вставил? Я не могу поверить, что эти дебилы наконец признали, что это эксплойт и что он вообще существует. Все топики про комбоскипинг всегда терлись, людей кто это использовал никогда не трогали. Как то странно такое теперь от них самих увидеть спустя полтора года.
Ну часть народа говорит что это фэйк, но как-то он слишком правдоподобен, идет упор на любимых Силирионом РПшников, в виде текстур, раскраски шмота плюс как всегда бесполезная херь от ФК в виде соломода в Этернал Фрост (там красиво, но для 80-ки абсолютно бесполезно), а социалка в виде напялить на себя шмот для предварительного просмотра это ссылка к Корее, там это стандарт. * Many small quest fixes in new Pai Kang zones. это тоже кажется логичным, что-то вроде нового района в нобл дистрикте.
Так что тешу себя надеждой, что это не фэйк, а долгосрочный план.
Если это и фэйк, то написан с любовью и опытом и без троляжа. Любой ПвПшник вставил фикс осад, любой РПшник вставил больше социалки, любой ПвЕшник вставил Т4 и новые данжи. В общем как-то так.
30.09.2010, 19:06
фейк это
фанком никогда не слушал пвпшников, так как 90% их подписчиков играют в ПВЕ игру.
Так не понятно. Пофиксят комбо-скип?
Если да, пи**ец шаманам :))))))
2.10.2010, 18:21
не пофиксили. true story
под стол от смеха
* Crosserver minigames are working has intended (futher testing is needed with main external server).
Было бы супер, если бы они это сделали на самом деле.
п.с. Это фейк все? :(
Было бы супер, если бы они это сделали на самом деле.
п.с. Это фейк все? :(
Да. Если верный - замечательный. Однако - я подозрителен. Воняет как дерьмо ко мне.
подделка, я могу дать вам ссылку, чтобы доказать это, если вам нужно:)
NVM baba)))
I want to believe! (c)
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