View Full Version : Yesterday W3/Вчерашний поход.
I'd like to tell you all thanks for yesterday BRC central wing run. Was very pleased to kill Baba with one try and Leviatus in second attempt. Whitetiger and Meeta had fun and lured big packs of mobs, so people were in good condition: were running, kiting, controling mobs and reach Bosses with competative spirit. So bosses wer killed with a cool head and hard hands.
But... I dont like following. Noos was in the raid. But he left raid, because he could not reach BRC, due to 2+ groups of AD in epic kesh and gankers in normal. Mine opinion is, we had to go to Kesh and kill everybody. I can give you three reasons: 1) RC is the bestest guild from all 2) we finaly found some brave men to kill in keshata (we should catch this lucky situation) 3) Noos is our man who will cover our backs in fight, so why not to cover his back.
P.S. Zajigankme, i dont criticize your raid leaders decision to continue PvE raid.
В общем понравилось, как вчера сбегали в центральное крыло. Бабу с первого захода переехали. Левиатуса со 2-го. Witetiger и Мита развлекались, притаскивая мобов большими пачками, так что рейд не засыпал, а бегал, кайтил, контролил мобов. Таким образом люди, прошедшие это крыло более десятка раз, не заснули к босам, а были в боевом настроении и босов убили четко и грамотно.
Единственное но... В рейде был Noos, но он не смог дойти до БРЦ т.к. ганкали и в нормале и в эпике и вышел из рейда. В эпике бегали 2+ группы АД, весь РК был в БРЦ на бабе. Считаю что мы должны были выйти из БРЦ и отфармить весь эпик, а потом и нормал. За это минимум три довода:1) РК всех нагибает на сервере, 2) давно не собирался противник в кешате, тем более на 2-х зеркалах, 3) просто помочь Noos дойти до БРЦ.
З.Ы. Зажигалка, ни в коей мере я не критикую твое решение остаться в БРЦ, ты был рейд лидером.
Agent Orange
25.11.2009, 13:38
Может он не очень хотел? Нонсенс какой-то, до брц не дойти по двум зеркалам нормала.
Чего так долго делали в центре если не вайпались, что в правое не успели.
Ну я с 5-го раза просочился, когда у рейнджеров на откате была абилка поиска.
А АДшники заливали ворота в эпике, постоянно дохли от гвардов, но лили, так что до ворот не добежишь и в арке 3-е дежурили.
25.11.2009, 13:53
Он обиделся потому что нормальный замес с АД прервали из-за этого реида.
Реидить можно каждый день но не каждый день АД зергует дуельный спот. Сразу после реида Кеш зергавали РР и тщетно мы звали народ собратся, опять никто не пришел.
One question though, If it was me on my guard or another player like me, a not to known player in pvp and trying in pve, would have anyone cared to come to my rescue?
I seriously doubt that, that an RC raid will come to rescue me. They would have told me to try to find some other way to come to brc and not jeopardize the pve moral and I would try to find a way to join the raid.
My view to it: I believe the Raid leader(s) yesterday did the Right Thing. It is not easy to become a leader or lead something and one must try to find a neutral way to play it safe because they should not only look at how it affects one person but how it can affect 24 people in that raid at that moment.
25.11.2009, 14:09
One question though, If it was me on my guard or another player like me, a not to known player in pvp and trying in pve, would have anyone cared to come to my rescue?
I seriously doubt that, that an RC raid will come to rescue me. They would have told me to try to find some other way to come to brc and not jeopardize the pve moral and I would try to find a way to join the raid.
My view to it: I believe the Raid leader(s) yesterday did the Right Thing. It is not easy to become a leader or lead something and one must try to find a neutral way to play it safe because they should not only look at how it affects one person but how it can affect 24 people in that raid at that moment.
If we would farmed AD out of the epic Kesh prior going to raid we would have a) more PVP fun, b) no problem with ganking.
If we would farmed AD out of the epic Kesh prior going to raid we would have a) more PVP fun, b) no problem with ganking.
Well, ofcourse there are different views but the agenda on that moment was PVE. Redrain before going to BRC asked a question to the members in raid in Teamspeak in Russian language;
"What will you alll like to do, do we pvp or pve? and majority of the members voted pve"
So I guess the agenda was cleared at that moment and members had to try to find a way to get to brc no matter the concequesnces it took.
25.11.2009, 14:41
Well, ofcourse there are different views but the agenda on that moment was PVE. Redrain before going to BRC asked a question to the members in raid in Teamspeak in Russian language;
"What will you alll like to do, do we pvp or pve? and majority of the members voted pve"
So I guess the agenda was cleared at that moment and members had to try to find a way to get to brc no matter the concequesnces it took.
The problem is that PvE is getting voted too often. We have hard core PvP lobby and moderate PVP/PVE lobby in guild as result situation in balance between them is very bad.
Hardcore PVP lobby player DO NOT receive support up on request in their PVP activity. At the same time DO participate PVE raids in most of cases. As result when ever we need help in PVP we are left on our own. When PVE guys want to raid we are requested to come. This causes lot of frustration among our ranks.
Majority of RC members are not willing to participate in PVP situation of any challenge, they want to be backed by numbers and classes composition all the time and fight in Win or Win situation.
1. PVE time has always been set 21:00 weekdays and sometimes weekends according to my understanding. It means that people should drop what ever they are doing and participate in this guild activities. PVE time has never been random esspecially weekdays.
2. PVP in Ruscorp is a 24/7 thing, appart from zergs in Kesh, Ruscorp plays alot of mini games and a lot of games are played each day. PVP is random, there is no need to set time for it. It can happen anytime and it is an all hour activity.
3. According to understanding too, Ruscorp is trying to get its members T2 full geared and ready for the next big patch for T3 instances. Note also that, T3 geared is going to be much better for not only pve but also pvp and no one knows when ever Funcom will release pvp 6-10 lvl gears. So Funcom has an agenda and the agenda next is pve. Many guilds now are forced to follow up with funcom's agenda to keep up, same goes for Ruscorp.
PVE in my opinion has become a must do, preparations must be set for not just one member but for all members in Ruscorp who do the guilds activities.
25.11.2009, 15:14
1. PVE time has always been set 21:00 weekdays and sometimes weekends according to my understanding. It means that people should drop what ever they are doing and participate in this guild activities. PVE time has never been random esspecially weekdays.
2. PVP in Ruscorp is a 24/7 thing, appart from zergs in Kesh, Ruscorp plays alot of mini games and a lot of games are played each day. PVP is random, there is no need to set time for it. It can happen anytime and it is an all hour activity.
3. According to understanding too, Ruscorp is trying to get its members T2 full geared and ready for the next big patch for T3 instances. Note also that, T3 geared is going to be much better for not only pve but also pvp and no one knows when ever Funcom will release pvp 6-10 lvl gears. So Funcom has an agenda and the agenda next is pve. Many guilds now are forced to follow up with funcom's agenda to keep up same goes for Ruscorp.
PVE in my opinion has become a must do, preparations must be set for not just one member but for all members in Ruscorp who do the guilds activities.
Sorry unlike others I don't have 200 alts and already ready for T3 at least on one main. We are now not gearing every member but every member + all of his alts.
It ok if alt is tank or healer.
Main raid should be raid of ONLY mains, and Alt raid should be optional.
As for minigames. We don't have enough healers and other classes for more than 2 premades. Atm we have 12 peope in premade every day, rest is getting zerged in Oasis and getting farmed in PuG minigame groups or afk in duel place.
We need guild support in open PVP too.
Sorry unlike others I don't have 200 alts and already ready for T3 at least on one main. We are now not gearing every member but every member + all of his alts.
It ok if alt is tank or healer.
Main raid should be raid of ONLY mains, and Alt raid should be optional.
Haha, Feroza is referring to me. Yes granted.
I think last week if I heard correctly, Atfarel did mention that no more pve alt raid, now will be one raid each week, each instance, so players must choose with whom they decide to play.
Concerning me, yes, I had alot of alts but I closed my first account. Now I cannot open it anymore. I have a second account with just 3 characters Ranger, Pom and Guard.
I know I had to decide, So my guard indeed is my main. Nothing will change my mind.
Back to the above sentence of mine, I see nothing wrong with having pve set for 21:00 hours alone. Alot of members are even happy that there is something to do appart from pvp all day and are willing to join the raid to help out in raid pve instances no matter the choice of alt or main he picks for that one raid (sometimes the raid is full that some members are late to join in). Ruscorp does not pve everytime, it pve's once, at night, 21:00 right after people come back from work and want to have a relaxing game with the environment, than pvp'ing and getting pissed because he was farmed more than twice.
A day makes up 24 hours, there is pvp always be it small groups or large groups, it is always there. And when Ruscorp now comes in with almost 2 raids everyone dissapears. What point is it for that then when we know they all flee after 10-20 mins. Then the raid disbands. I think one will rather like to spend 1-2hrs doing something worth than just a mere 20mins.
25.11.2009, 15:32
Back to the above sentence of mine, I see nothing wrong with having pve set for 21:00 hours. Alot of members are even happy that there is something to do appart from pvp all day and are willing to join the raid to help out in raid pve instances no matter the choice of alt or main he picks for that one raid (sometimes the raid is full that some members are late to join in). Ruscorp does not pve everytime, it pve's once, at night, 21:00 right after people come back from work and want to have a relaxing game with the environment, than pvp'ing and getting pissed because he was farmed more than twice.
I don't know who PVP all day, I come from my work at 21:00 and I have 3 hours to play before I go to sleep. And I would like to PVP at least whenever there is some one to fight, preferably not 20 vs 10, but preferably not 2vs20.
I don't know who PVP all day, I come from my work at 21:00 and I have 3 hours to play before I go to sleep. And I would like to PVP at list whenever there is some one to fight.
Well then, that's the problem, time is against you and not for you. It does not fit up with your time as to Ruscorp's time table activities.
25.11.2009, 16:13
I tried to reach BRC from normal Khesh first, AD/SA zerg was there and since there were few ppl i was getting chain tracked. Switched to epic, same crap, more SA/AD killing me and chain tracking me. After like 30mins of trying and around 10 deaths i just afked at the spawn. Im ok with missing a raid, i dont expect anyone either to come out of BRC and get just me. What im not ok with is ignoring pvp to do pve. Fury isnt like it used to be with server merges where you could zone in Oasis whenever you felt like and you would always find someone to fight, whole Khesh is dead 90% of the day. And when finaly there is a raid to fight we do to BRC? Not acceptable imo. First you wipe everyone (wont take more than 30mins anyway), then you raid.
I tried to reach BRC from normal Khesh first, AD/SA zerg was there and since there were few ppl i was getting chain tracked. Switched to epic, same crap, more SA/AD killing me and chain tracking me. After like 30mins of trying and around 10 deaths i just afked at the spawn. Im ok with missing a raid, i dont expect anyone either to come out of BRC and get just me. What im not ok with is ignoring pvp to do pve. Fury isnt like it used to be with server merges where you could zone in Oasis whenever you felt like and you would always find someone to fight, whole Khesh is dead 90% of the day. And when finaly there is a raid to fight we do to BRC? Not acceptable imo. First you wipe everyone (wont take more than 30mins anyway), then you raid.
Noos is crying that he could not passed just a couple of zergs? Wtf? Noos is not like he was to be after server merges. This is not real Noos, this is pseudo-Noos.
Yep Noos, it is main reason to switch PvE raid to PvP. Fury is whining about desert in kesh. And when we receive good opponent to fight we preferred PvE. I asked twice in raid chat to go zerg kesh and only Zedka and Schuk was with me. Its not a raid leaders only decision, it was whole raid decision. We were on alts (mine spellbar was set by Yoperny, so it not familiar for me to play), but we were 20 ppl against 2+ groups. So alts is not a reason for not PvP.
I'm just asking ppl to vote in any cases for PvP. Bosses of BRC cant escape dungeon. And our enemies can.
P.S. Only one reason can make deal in this situation. We are hiding and waiting for our opponents growth and experience. As on fish farms)))
Да Noos, это я и имел ввиду, что наличие хотя бы группы землекопов в Кешате, не летающих каждые 5 минут на мини и есть основная причина для превращения ПвЕ рейда в ПвП. Сами РК жалуются, что нет оппонентов в оазисе, а когда они появились мы в БРЦ спрятались. Пару раз спросил в рейд чат, пошлите в ПвП, отписались только
Zedka и Schuk. А хотелось бы, чтобы все единогласно написали гоу в ПвП и уговорили Зажигалку. Босы из БРЦ не убегут, а вот Кешата опустеет.
З.Ы. Единственная отмазка это то, что мы пока не трогаем никого, пока враг не обнаглеет/размножится/отожрется, вот тогда и будет замес в кешате.
остались в брц и ладно- это был один из двух вариантов. Оба равнозначные варианты и оба правильные -как лидер решил так и сделали. Раз уж вошли в брц всем рейдом то вошли, если б информация была раньше то может и было б пвп.
Yep Noos, it is main reason to switch PvE raid to PvP. Fury is whining about desert in kesh. And when we receive good opponent to fight we preferred PvE. I asked twice in raid chat to go zerg kesh and only Zedka and Schuk was with me. Its not a raid leaders only decision, it was whole raid decision. We were on alts (mine spellbar was set by Yoperny, so it not familiar for me to play), but we were 20 ppl against 2+ groups. So alts is not a reason for not PvP.
I'm just asking ppl to vote in any cases for PvP. Bosses of BRC cant escape dungeon. And our enemies can.
P.S. Only one reason can make deal in this situation. We are hiding and waiting for our opponents growth and experience. As on fish farms)))
Да Noos, это я и имел ввиду, что наличие хотя бы группы землекопов в Кешате, не летающих каждые 5 минут на мини и есть основная причина для превращения ПвЕ рейда в ПвП. Сами РК жалуются, что нет оппонентов в оазисе, а когда они появились мы в БРЦ спрятались. Пару раз спросил в рейд чат, пошлите в ПвП, отписались только
Zedka и Schuk. А хотелось бы, чтобы все единогласно написали гоу в ПвП и уговорили Зажигалку. Босы из БРЦ не убегут, а вот Кешата опустеет.
З.Ы. Единственная отмазка это то, что мы пока не трогаем никого, пока враг не обнаглеет/размножится/отожрется, вот тогда и будет замес в кешате.
Correction: after you asked the raid to go Kesh, the members who where leading the raid asked if the raid should pvp or pve? the vote was done to pve by majority of members in the raid. This I heard on teamspeak.
Adding to the convo; I can understand Noos, I can understand that being in Ruscorp is hard as it is, a guild that if you ask anyone non Ruscorp guild member to tell you what guild is most powerful, they will say Ruscorp.
To keep such standard high is not easy for many members that love to pvp and want to always be there to show strength where the zerg is, be it even if 90% of the time kesh is dry like the dunes of Saudi Arabia.
But.... a schedule was needed to be kept to avoid confusion later within the raid itself even if it would take not more than 30 mins to clear quiet Kesh.
The pve raid started late because they where pvping earlier. And to proove how late wing 3 finished, many many did not want to continue to wing because all were tired.
No,I correct myself even and many of you. You guys did pvp first with the raid, then just after 20mins had passed or more, the leaders then decided to go ahead with pve. So indirectly the favours were done in both ways. The favours were done for the pvp lovers and pve wanting to do players.
So in my opinion once more, the leaders you may blame did a job well done by trying their utmost best to share the admiration or pleasure of activities for both type of players, pvp and pve.
Неет, Шальной, тут все дело в членах рейда. Зажигалка спросил, кто за что (на чиста русском языке, как указал Пурити)) Народ что-то промямлил, в результате Зажигалка сделал волевой выбор, согласно невысказанному мнению рейда.
Вообще цель моего поста было убедить народ, что ПвП важнее ПвЕ.
Мне чесно было впадлу, стоя рейдом у боса, выходить искать две группы которые потом разбежались бы за 10-15минут с большой вероятностью и ни то ни то. Но это были разовые эмоции в другой раз я мог повести себя иначе.
Народу часто делать нечего, че-то где-то кого-то ковыряют, и вот собрались таки в рейд и тут же находится другое занятие. Надо просто почаще терроризировать кешату специально а не мимоходом).
Correction: after you asked the raid to go Kesh, the members who where leading the raid asked if the raid should pvp or pve? the vote was done to pve by majority of members in the raid. This I heard on teamspeak.
Adding to the convo; I can understand Noos, I can understand that being in Ruscorp is hard as it is, a guild that if you ask anyone non Ruscorp guild member to tell you what guild is most powerful, they will say Ruscorp.
To keep such standard high is not easy for many members that love to pvp and want to always be there to show strength where the zerg is, be it even if 90% of the time kesh is dry like the dunes of Saudi Arabia.
But.... a schedule was needed to be kept to avoid confusion later within the raid itself even if it would take not more than 30 mins to clear quiet Kesh.
The pve raid started late because they where pvping earlier. And to proove how late wing 3 finished, many many did not want to continue to wing because all were tired.
My main idea is to make ppl chose PvP even when PvE started. Raid leader is raid leader, and we cant discuss his decisions, its a rule. I dont blame Redgalka and accepted all that was yesterday as it was. I'm talking about future choice of raid members. And I understand that its hard to switch from PvE sleepy style for adrenalin PvP. So as a decision we need 2+ well balanced groups to clear all kesh. And others in raid can smoke cigarettes, drink vodka or have sex.:wink:
If we decide to have a pure PvE raid without any chance to switch to PvP, so we need to gather in Kesh to prevent such situation of ganking on its way.
No,I correct myself even and many of you. You guys did pvp first with the raid, then just after 20mins had passed or more, the leaders then decided to go ahead with pve. So indirectly the favours were done in both ways. The favours were done for the pvp lovers and pve wanting to do players.
So in my opinion once more, the leaders you may blame did a job well done by trying their utmost best to share the admiration or pleasure of activities for both type of players, pvp and pve.
Absolutely agree! Can say that is a perfect way.
Its not only Noos problem (answering about famous name in RC). When i started to play AoC, it was rather hard to reach BRC, epic is too hard for naked person, in normal too many gankers. I dont like this situation but its not problem for me.
Шальной, все устали после работы, просто я считаю и пытаюсь убедить народ, что лучше адреналину в кровь пустить, чем пуская слюни долбить боса тритыщепятый раз.
Agent Orange
25.11.2009, 18:04
Почти все в этом топике знают русский.
К сожалению я нет. Мордва знаете ли.
25.11.2009, 18:40
Noos is crying that he could not passed just a couple of zergs? Wtf? Noos is not like he was to be after server merges. This is not real Noos, this is pseudo-Noos.
Me? Never said anything about it :)
They asked me why i wasnt in BRC yet so i explained to them the reason.
majority of rc atm is pve players i failed to see a reason attacking sinister aweking, aggro them and after that flee to brc with tail between legs. I dont know a fugging reason redrain had in his mind to attack sa at epic duel spot, so if u started a fight so finish it or not start it at all.
в опчем в двух словах, в рейды пве буду ходить только с Ёперным или Фарелом или Сетсом.
Нехрен начинать бой не с того не сего потому что что-то щёлкнуло у кого-то в голове а потом убегать в брц прятаться.
Agent Orange
25.11.2009, 19:18
И хорош уже в эпике войны устраивать ни с того, ни с сего. Дождитесь хоть ночи, чтобы народ спать ушел и вы этим никому не навредили :)
25.11.2009, 19:23
Ну вот и порешили в субботу днем дружно мне качаем хокса. Жду сетса и шадрика :) Тема закрыта.
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