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Раньше сам мог смотреть, а тут вдруг заблочили доступ на тестлив.
Не мог бы кто нить выложить начиная с 1.5.6 вроде где ДТ ревампнули, а потом еще небольшие исправления были для ДТ, БСа и Ренжака.
Ненадо никакого перевода, просто копипаст для тех у кого акк не проплачен.
Update Notes for Update 1.05.5
**These notes do not necessarily reflect the final version that will be deployed on Live**
* Damage shields now cause aggro when players are hit by mobs.
* Fixed an issue with Swarm Fighter. It will now correctly only affect minions.
You may notice some changes to your class in this update. These are intermediary changes that snuck into this build, and will be removed. These changes do not reflect the final state of changes to the Conqueror class, and again, they will be removed in a future build.
Dark Templar
There have been extensive changes to the Dark Templar class. In order to get a complete sense of how the class plays now, we recommend you test all changes thoroughly on Testlive before providing feedback.
* The Covenant system for Dark Templars has been streamlined and a number of Covenants merged or removed. There are now a total of 4 Covenants available, 3 innate (Covenant of Pestilence, Covenant of Invulnerability and Covenant of Vengeance) and 1 feated (Covenant of Arms). All Covenants now have a 1 second cast time, so they can be swapped around in combat if needed, but share a 5 second cooldown. All Covenants now share the same stacking order so can be overwritten by another Covenant without you needing to manually remove the currently running Covenant.
* Covenant of Pestilence has been converted into a physical mitigation Covenant. It provides a bonus armor % increase, causes attackers to take damage every time they hit you, and attacks against you have a chance of triggering AOE unholy damage around you.
* Removed the inherent snare effect from Covenant of Pestilence.
* Covenant of Invulnerability has been converted into a magical mitigation Covenant. It provides a bonus protection % increases, and causes casters to take damage every time they land a hostile spell on you. A new rank has been added to this Covenant, obtained at level 35.
* Covenant of Vengeance now gives you a weapon contribution % bonus, and attacks against you have a chance of granting you additional weapon contribution % bonus. There is now only a single rank of this Covenant, obtained at level 15.
* Covenant of Arms (feated via the Desecration tree) is meant to be a feated replacement for Covenant of Vengeance. It now gives you a weapon contribution % bonus, and your attacks have a chance of inflicting additional unholy damage on the target.
* The old Covenant of Death has been removed and turned into a passive ability. Now, when you get this ability at level 80, your Covenants of Pestilence and Invulnerability will become permanently augmented to grant you additional health tap (both physical and magical), while your Covenants of Vengeance and Arms will become permanently augmented to grant you the Blood for Blood buff whenever you or your team makes a killing blow, which grants you significant unholy combat rating for your next 3 attacks.
* The Vile Pestilence feat has been replaced with Solid Pestilence. Each rank adds armor to the Covenant of Pestilence, and causes you to gain Blood Seals when you are attacked. This also grants you the new Seal of Yog spell if you don't already have it. Each feat increases the maximum number of Blood Seals you can gain by 4 (4/8/12/16/20).
* The Invulnerable Soul feat has been changed and now each rank adds extra bonus protection % to Covenant of Invulnerability. In addition, it causes you to gain 1 charge of Invulnerable Soul per feat point when Covenant of Invulnerability is running, which grants you additional protection. When you are struck with a magical attack, it consumes a charge of Invulnerable Soul, and grants you an Arcane Seal. Your Invulnerable Soul stack will reset to the full amount 10 seconds after you last lost a stack charge. The maximum number of Arcane Seals you can gain is 10. This also grants you the new Seal of Yog spell if you don't already have it.
* Seal of Yog - This is a new spell granted by the Invulnerable Soul and Solid Pestilence feats. It consumes the Blood Seal or Arcane Seal stack that you have. The more seals that are consumed when it is used, the greated the power of the Seal of Yog.
-When consuming the Blood Seal stack, it increases your maximum health, and heals you for that amount.
-When consuming the Arcane Seal stack, it increases your critical rating and causes you to regain mana whenever you perform a critical strike. Additionally, enemy spellcasters will lose mana when they land hostile spells on you, with this mana loss increasing for each hostile spell that hits you, up to a maximum of 5 increments.
* Covenant of Vengeance is now available starting at level 15.
* Covenant of Arms and Covenant of Vengeance now grant bonus Weapon Damage passively while active.
* Removed Covenant of War and Covenant of Death from the Dark Templar's spell book.
* Covenant of Death is now a passive effect on all Covenants gained at level 80. It provides the current killing blow bonus "Blood for Blood" to both Covenant of Vengeance and Covenant of Arms. It will also provide Covenant of Invulnerability and Covenant of Pestilence with a passive Life Tap bonus.
* Reduced the cast time of all Covenants to 1 second.
* Added a 5 second shared cooldown for all Covenants.
* Increased the proc chance of Covenant of Arms and Covenant of Vengeance when Improved Soul Covenants is trained.
* The following spells are now able to perform critical hits: Covenant of Arms, Approach of Death, Pact of Malacodor, Reaper of Malacodor, Aura of Dread Fury, Blighted Touch, Blighted Soul, Corrupt Weapon.
* Increased the cooldown of Blood Hex and Shadow Hex to 10 seconds. Their damage has been increased appropriately.
* Increased the duration of the Hexed debuff caused by Blood Hex and Shadow Hex to 18 seconds (up from 12 seconds).
* Blood Hex and Shadow Hex are now abilities instead of spells. This should allow them to be used more fluidly, but they still cost mana to use.
* Added a new 1 point feat in the Desecration Tree: Spreading Shadows. This feat causes Shadow Hex to damage up to 2 targets near the primary target.
* Changed the Sadistic Vengeance feat to "Shadowed Blade." This feat gives a passive chance for your melee attacks (1/2/3/4/5 PPM per respective feat point) to cause the damaging effect of Shadow Hex on the target.
Other Changes:
* Mind Wrack is now an innate combo given at level 40.
* Redesigned the Deadly Covenants feat. It is now called: Unholy Empowerment. This feat increases the critical bonus damage of Covenant of Arms, Aura of Dread Fury, Blighted Soul, Blighted Touch, Approach of Death, Blood Hex, Shadow Hex, Pact / Reaper of Malacodor, and Corrupted Weapon by 15/30/45/60/75% per respective feat point.
* Added a new ability at level 20: Sadistic Soul. This ability can only be used when Sadism 10 is active and deals unholy damage to enemies around the Dark Templar.
* Sadistic Soul no longer passively pulses when Sadism is active.
* Changed health thresholds for Approach of Death to 75/65/55/45% (was 70/50/30/10%).
* Increased the spell damage coefficient for Blighted Touch and Blighted Soul.
* Increased the base damage of Blighted Touch.
* Blood Pact is now instant cast.
* Reduced the cooldown of Blood Pact to 5 minutes.
* Removed the self-damaging component from Blood Pact.
* Improved Blood Pact now reduces the cooldown of Blood Pact by 30 seconds per respective feat point for a total of 2.5 minute reduction.
* Added a new spell - Drain Essence. This spell is gained at the same levels as Drain Life and modifies Stamina and Mana Tap. Only one of these spells may be active at a time.
* Removed the increased health cost of Martyrdom from the Improved Martyrdom feat.
* A new feat - Hex Marked Soul - has been added to the Depravity tree. This grants you a spell that gives you a significant amount of protection for a short period of time.
* The Vile Soul feat has been removed.
* A new 1 point feat has been added to Depravity as an offshoot of the Cabalistic Hunger feat. This causes your Zone of Gluttony to inflict continuous damage on enemies inside the zone.
* The area of effect of the Zone of Gluttony gained from the Cabalistic Hunger feat has been increased by 1m.
* Removed the mana cost from all ranks of Martyrdom.
* Martyrdom is now instant cast after casting Seal of Chaos instead of Blood Pact.
* Gore Fiend has been renamed to Fiendish Hand and is now linked to the Dark Hand feat. This feat will now cause Dark Hand to damage 3 other targets near the primary target.
* Desecrated Blood now increases the critical hit chance of the finisher on Blood for Aid instead of its old function. The critical hit chance increase is 2.5/5/7.5% per respective feat point.
* Added a new 5 point feat to the Desecration tree: Blooded Weapons. This feat provides a passive bonus to your Spell Penetration and Combat Rating (Unholy).
* Curse of Gwahlur has been changed to Ability - Curse of Gwahlur and is now a single feat. It grants you an ability that lets you enable/disable the Curse. Curse of Gwahlur now also triggers from magical attacks. It now stacks a single debuff on the target 3 times, rather than having 3 separate debuffs.
* The Pestilential Cloud feat has been removed.
* Soul Infusion has been changed to be 1 point. When it triggers, it will give you 10% of your max mana back, otherwise the feat is unchanged.
* Replaced the Ravenous Eater feat with a new feat: Shadowed Soul. This feat grants a spell that transforms the templar into a shadow. While active the templar is immune to snare, root, and fear effects, Hexes become more powerful, and attacks cause additional unholy damage.
* Soul Barrier absorb values now scale with your level. The values have been reduced at level 25 and scale up to the current value at level 80.
* Pact of Malacodor is now a toggleable stance that no longer costs health to keep active. Instead, each hit performed costs mana.
* Reaper of Malacodor no longer grants a new spell, but instead modifies the Pact of Malacodor ability. The function remains the same.
* Fixed an issue where some particle effects (noticeably Inferno and Quell the Ether) had their particle effects reverted to a much earlier version. They should now be the same as they are on live.
* Soul Chamber: Self-resurrection, such as Cheat the Reaper, will no longer cause the Grim Grey God encounter to stall.
* Poitain, Lacheish Plains, Purple Lotus Swamp: When in these areas, you may choose to move to a different, specific instance by clicking the orange triangle in the upper right, near the minimap.
Bear Shaman
* Manifestation pulses will no longer occur while you have Shield of the Risen running, so you will no longer get guard killed after a pvp death with a manifestation running.
Dark Templar
* Removed the last remaining traces of Ravenous Eater buffs.
* Improved the logic behind swapping covenants interacting with Invulnerable Soul and Solid Pestilence. It should no longer be possible to have those benefits unless you are running the correct covenant.
* Made a change to ensure the old Reaper of Malacador spell won't show up in your spellbook anymore.
* Fixed a bug where the team heal gained from Improved Infusion was able to trigger more than once every 6 seconds.
* Pact of Malacador will no longer drop when zoning.
* Touch of Death is no longer an ability, but instead triggers a buff after performing A Soul for Our Feast combos. Using Blood For Aid after triggering this buff consumes the effect and causes damage to the primary target.
* Air of Death is now a guaranteed effect when Touch of Death is triggered. The area of effect size is limited to 4 targets.
* Mind Wrack will correctly be given at level 40 now.
* An enemy can now only be affected by the damage from Intense Heat once per second, regardless of how many other enemies are nearby.
* Removed one of the particle effect components from Let Them Burn that was causing excessive lag when hitting multiple enemies.
Tempest of Set
* Fixed an issue that caused Life of Set (Rank 4) to sometimes heal multiple times.
* Guards and players may now be fanned without breaking any laws.
Massive PVP
* Players should no longer forget their resurrection point during a siege.
1.5.06 еще нету
чтобы ренжака когда-то решили пофиксить или что-то поменять....
Почитал письмо Сирилиона за август.
Какие же всетаки идиоты управляют проектом. :)
:pop: за упокой..
решили мутить все разом из 3х кусков.. соединят как всегда через зад
в итоге добавят новых багов с новыми прелестями)
fun items and cosmetic items
сделаю няшку из хуяки :shy:
подведу глаза и вставлю зубы персонажу
зубы вставить самое дорогое поди)) я тоже хочу))
fun items and cosmetic items
сделаю няшку из хуяки :shy:
Да, это тоже мой любимый пункт. Ветеран игры? Получи забавные вещи и косметику. Игра ориентированная на ПвП.
Ну а что вы хотели? Меч имба-нагибатора? С помощью которого один ветеран раскладывает 3 новых игроков равного уровня, а если повезет, то и всю пачку?
Не будет такого... И это правильно.
Update Notes for Update
**These notes do not necessarily reflect the final version that will be deployed on Live**
* Using the rest ability while swimming or climbing will no longer result in the ability going on cooldown.
* Fixed a bug where players could hit through Shield of the Risen, forcing your procs to hit back and the Shield to be despawned.
* Fixed an issue where you could get soul fragments from Sprit of Nightfall while in poison stance.
Bear Shaman
* Fixed a bug where you could not use Manifestation of Spirit until you were level 17.
Dark Templar
* PLEASE NOTE : You will need to recast Soul Barrier and/or Pact of Malacador when you log in after the patch if you logged out with them active.
* Fixed the effect on the Dark Templar combo line Leech Life so the skull appears above the head of the templar.
* The Dread Shadow pet will no longer lose life before despawning.
* The old Soul Barrier and Pact of Malacodor spells should no longer show in your spellbook, and only appear in your Abilities tab.
* When you use the Pact of Malacodor ability to remove the active buff, it will correctly go on a 5 second cooldown.
* Fixed some bugs with Swapping Covenants.
* Fixed a bug that made Inferno of Amher never crit.
Atzel's Approach
* Vaskeque will no longer offer the quest Worm Holes to players on this quest.
* Vaskeque will no longer offer the quest Against the Larva Matrons to players who have it.
* Rulvio will no longer try to offer The Killing Zone quest to players with this quest.
* " The agents of Thoth-Amon are no more" will no longer show up unless you are handing in the quest The Killing Zone.
* The quest marker over Prosco's head will no longer show when he doesn't have any more quests for you.
The Conqueror buff system of Auras, Battle Cries, Formations, Orders and Commands has been streamlined and improved. Players now have 6 team abilities divided into two types of buffs: Disciplines and Formations. Players have 3 Disciplines and 3 Formations to choose from, and may have 1 discipline and 1 formation active at any time. During the course of a battle, a conqueror has the choice of either temporarily replacing his active formation with an aoe/team-effect banner, or replacing his active discipline with a more powerful solo buff. These actions may be achieved through new abilities granted to all Conquerors called "Plant Banner" and "Grant Technique." After the temporary effect has expired, the original buff which was replaced is reapplied.
Team Effects:
* Discipline: Retribution - grants melee and magic retribution damage.
* Discipline: Hoarfrost - grants armor and spell penetration.
* Discipline: Precision - grants hit rating.
* Formation: Fire Weave - grants fire combat rating and a fire damage proc.
* Formation: Skirmish - grants mana/stamina regeneration and bonus weapon damage.
* Formation: Thunderhead - grants evade and critical damage bonus increase.
Temporary Solo Effects (replaces the corresponding Discipline)
* Technique: Retribution - grants an absorb shield (scaling with your level, up to 750 points at level 80), while granting half the normal amount of armor, protection and retributive damage.
* Technique: Hoarfrost - grants critical rating and gives your attacks a chance to stack up both the Physical and Elemental Torment debuffs.
* Technique: Precision - grants increased weapon damage.
Team/Aoe Banners (replaces the corresponding Formation)
* Fire Weave Banner - inflicts fire damage to all enemies around the banner.
* Skirmish Banner - provides mana/stamina regeneration and a half-power "green" heal to all allies around the banner. This secondary heal follows the normal rule of ordinary team heals (maximum 2 "green" heals active on a target).
* Thunderhead Banner - provides bonus immunity chance and a reactive mana burn effect (triggered from being hit by a hostile spell) to all allies around the banner.
* Note : Banner - Fire Weave is using a temporary placeholder effect.
Feat Changes:
* Improved Inspire feat changed name to 'Resolute Advance.' This feat gives 10/20/30% root resistance, and when rooted the conqueror can use his charge to break the root effect and apply a 2/4/6 second root immunity.
* Whirlwind will now place Deep Wounds on targets it hits, if you have Deep Wounds trained.
* When consuming a Furious Inspiration stack of 10 with bladeweave, you will also get a critical increase.
* The Burst of Aggression knockback will now affect all enemies hit by that swing, not just one target.
* Power Counterstrike has changed position in the feat tree to where Improved Furious Inspiration used to be. This feat has been renamed 'Improved Retaliation' and now increases the retributive damage and duration of the Retaliation buff. It has a dependency link to Retaliation.
* Improved Furious Inspiration has been moved to row 6. It now also increases the critical chance of the Guard of Dancing Steel reactive damage hits by 2/4/6/8/10%.
* Angel of Fury has been augmented. In addition to its current effect, when you perform a physical critical hit, you have a 50% chance of triggering a Furious Inspiration gain. You gain an additional +10% chance for each point in Improved Furious Inspiration, up to a 100% total chance.
* The Frostbite feat has been replaced with Scourge. This causes the reactive damage proc gained from Guard of Dancing Steel a 33% base chance of inflicting damage on enemies casting hostile spells on you. This chance gets increased by the Improved Dancing Steel feat. Scourge has moved down 1 tier and has no pre-requisite
* Guardsmans Feint has been renamed to Blessed Blade and is now a 20/40/60/80/100% chance of obtaining a buff when executing Hail of Furious Strikes or Bloody Hack that heals you by 1% the next 3 attacks.
* Cold Steel Feat renamed to Furious Strikes. This feat decreases reuse time on Hail of furious strikes comboline by 0.8 seconds per point up to a total of 4 seconds. In addition it also enhances the improved feint and feint combo line by increasing critical rating by 1.5/3/4.5/6/7.5% when used.
* Art of war now gives the Conqueror a stacking combat rating buff every time he inflicts critical damage.
* Tactical Mastery feat has been renamed to Hemorrhage, and increases damage from Bloodbath, Deep Wounds, Lacerate and Rend Flesh by 7.5/15% while Art of war is running.
* Quick Vengeance has been removed and replaced with Grievous Wounds. This new feat swaps positions with Lightning Steel. Grievous Wounds grants you 1/2/3/4/5% increased critical damage. Additionally, it causes the stamina cost of Rend Flesh procs to be decreased by 5/10/15/20/25% per target currently affected by your Bloodbath dot; affecting enough targets will cause Rend Flesh to cause you to gain stamina per proc rather than lose it.
* Bloodlust now enhances the Breach combos by granting a buff after use that increases the damage of your next combo finisher by 25%
* Improved Dancing Steel has been buffed to increase the reactive proc by 8/16/24/32/40% from 2/4/6/8/10%
* Improved Vitalize feat renamed "Improved Throat Slash" and moved position to row 6, column 1. This feat now extends the silence effect from throat slash by 1/2/3 seconds. The Improved Throat Slash also increases the critical damage bonus of the Guard of Dancing Steel reactive damage hits by 33/66/100%.
* The reactive damage from Guard of Dancing Steel is now able to critically hit.
* Bladeweave has swapped positions with Crippling Bloody Hack feat in the Brute tree.
* Steel Discipline changed name to Impervious Defense, and now grants 3/6% bonus armor.
* Lingering Fire weave now increases the critical chance of the fire weave proc by 5%
* Devastate has changed position in the feat tree, on same tier (cosmetic change).
* At Death's Door changed to give the conqueror 6/12/18% damage deflection if health drops below 25%. This buff can only be obtained once per minute.
* Moved At Death's Door to row 8, column 4.
* Lacerate has been changed to only tick every third second, to give bigger numbers. The overall damage of Lacerate has been slightly increased.
* When using Flashing Defense, Overcome the Odds, or Blessed Conquest you will now have a blocking buff cast on you, stopping you from using another of these abilities for 30 seconds.
* Mocking Sneer's hate increase on combo starters has been boosted significantly. Each feat point should now add 10% hate on combo starters in defensive stance.
* Improved Shield of Retribution has been renamed to Improved Retribution. It now increases the armor, protection, and retributive damage that you receive when using running Discipline: Retribution, and Technique: Retribution.
* Remorseless Aggression has changed to clear the Burst of Aggression cooldown when you or your group get a killing blow. It now has Burst of Aggression as a pre-requisite.
* The hate buff you get after using Burst of Aggression is now a friendly buff and not a hostile buff.
* Changed Lingering fireweave to increase the Critical chance of the fireweave proc by 5%
Ability changes:
* The Furious Resurgence resurrection ability has been split up and you will now receive an additional ability called Resurgence.
Resurgence can only be used when you are out of combat, while Furious Resurgence can be used in combat, as before.
An additional check has been added to both to see that your target is actually dead before using the ability, so that the ability will not allow itself to be used (and hence not go on cooldown) if you have a non-dead target selected.
Feat Changes:
* At Death's Door changed to give the conqueror 6/12/18% damage deflection if health drops below 35%. This buff can only be obtained once per minute.
* The Ability - Cunning feat has changed. It is now 2 feats rather than 3. It now grants an ability that gives you -2%/-5% hate while active. It is now a "stance" toggle effect so can be turned on and off rather than needing to be used constantly. This feat now also passively increases the critical chance of the Lacerate, Deep Wounds, Rend Flesh and Improved Rend effects by 1%/2%, regardless of whether you have the Cunning buff running or not.
* The Fleet of Foot feat has been redesigned. It will now clear the cooldown on your Charge ability whenever you or someone in your team makes a kill.
* The Combo - Flashing Defense feat has been changed to Ability - Flashing Defense. This no longer grants you a combo, but instead grants you a new ability that gives you +100% evade chance for 8 seconds.
* Whirlwind now has a 10 second cooldown. When you use the Whirlwind combo, you will gain a stacking buff that increases your Whirlwind damage by 1% and Bloodbath damage-over-time damage by 2%. This effect can stack up to 5 times.
* Rend Flesh and Improved Rend can now critically hit. The Rend Flesh debuff name will no longer change as the stack builds up (it will always appear as Rend Flesh).
* The Lightning Steel feat has been augmented. In addition to its current ability, when you have the Lightning Steel buff effect active, your successful offhand attacks have a
5/10/15/20/25% chance to refresh the duration of your current Bladeweave effect.
* Bladeweave is no longer marked as a hostile debuff, and will now appear in your buff bar.
* Deep Wounds has been moved into the Carnage tree, and received a number of changes. The tick interval has been increased to 4 seconds, the overall damage increased, and it now has the normal chance to crit. This DOT can now also be applied from offhand attacks, not just primary hand attacks. The proc rate has been increased from 5 to 6 proc-per-minute. Each conqueror can now have their own Deep Wounds stack on the target, rather than there just being one. The way the damage is calculated has been changed and will now improve based on your weapon dps and strength. The DOT applied is now always called Deep Wounds, rather than changing per rank.
* Overcome the Odds has been redesigned. When used, it debuffs nearby enemies into healing you as they physically attack you. Additionally, it clears the cooldown of Retaliation when used.
* The War Lord's March feat has been deleted. The War Lord feat will now additionally grant 6% out of combat movement speed in addition to its existing effects.
* Berserk Inspiration has been changed slightly. It now has an independent change to increment the Furious Inspiration stack from offhand attacks, at a significantly higher rate.
* Improved Furious Inspiration now also increases the health/stamina/mana the resurrected target spawns with by 18% per feat point, up to 100% with all 5 feat points trained.
* Some issues with Lacerate have been fixed. Lacerate now has the normal chance to critically hit. The name of Lacerate will no longer change based on the stack count.
Multiple conquerors now generate multiple stacks of Lacerate, rather than a single stack (one per conqueror).
* Reaping Blade feat now increases damage by "Bloodbath, Lacerate and Deep Wounds" by 5%.
* Both end tier feats in the Carnage tree now reduces the recast time of Rend Flesh by 5 seconds, for a total of 10s reduction if both feats are trained.
* Overcome the Odds will now heal the correct amount in pvp.
* Fixed a bug with the Discipline: Retribution where training Improved Retribution gave 2 entries of melee retributive damage instead of 1 for melee and 1 for magic.
* The 3 new banners now have some obvious particle effects so you can better see the area size. The Retribution technique now also gives you a particle effect for as long as the absorb shield lasts.
в какую сторону ? мне чето лень это все читать
Ну а что вы хотели? Меч имба-нагибатора? С помощью которого один ветеран раскладывает 3 новых игроков равного уровня, а если повезет, то и всю пачку?
Не будет такого... И это правильно.
Я хочу что бы они починили то старое, что не работает, и думаю не я один из ветеранов кто хочет этого. А они, суки, косметику изобретают и на остальной фуфел ресурсы тратят, вот я о чем.
Ирония в том, что все ветераны плачут на форуме, что мол то сделайте и то, а они - нате вам косметику :)
жек, ну зубы то надо вставить, а то я после какого то патча совсем беззубый стал)
жек, ну зубы то надо вставить, а то я после какого то патча совсем беззубый стал)
Ну зубы выпадают видимо уж у совсем дряхлых ветеранов. :)
У меня пока все целы :)
ну тьыж девочка)
они не выпали просто почему то смещены сильно вверх, и когда перс в атакующей стойке их просто не видно(
в ао ветеранам фанком дал только одну вкусность аптечку с апгрейдами ..полностью чтобы апгрейдить нужно ~1.5-2 года играть :) юзалась раз в 5 минут..и сидя на заднице (тобишь только вне боя) ..лечила кстати оч даже неплохо..остальное было забито косметикой :) хоккейные клюшки, барабаны,самбреро я лично любил бегать в этом ( могу потом поискать скрины...но это не столь важно...итемы не должны давать игровых бонусов..чтобы легче было убивать кого то..или если давать то оч мало
тогда просто хочу зубы
раньше Шадрик смотрел на врагов как на гавно а теперь смотрит как даун - хоть пве шлем одевай
ну тьыж девочка)
они не выпали просто почему то смещены сильно вверх, и когда перс в атакующей стойке их просто не видно(
посмотрите на гварда в деф стойке со щитом ЧН
вот и ответ куда зубы делись :thnk:
Честно говоря не понимаю, как у них с организацией... Они ломают, то что нормально работало. Такое впечатление, что каждый сам что-то лепит, а перед каждым патчем все куски кода смешиваются в одну кучку со старыми и произвольно собирают патч...
Некра качаю, квесты багуются, которые работали, зато квесты которые не работали починили... Если раньше все указатели показывали точно, то сейчас примерно 1-2 километра, а если учесть что между этими километрами гора стоит... Замучался некром разбиваться отыскивая остатки носорога в Имир пасе. В Сандер ривер, областью помечено нахождение нужных мобов по квестам с доски объявлений, отошел на 100 метров и нужных мобов оказалось в несколько раз больше, чем там, где указано.
Зато шанс дропа синьки в виллах увеличили. Валится на ура. Тосом ни одной не выпало, хотя 20% всего опыта вкачал именно там.
...Зато шанс дропа синьки в виллах увеличили. Валится на ура...
А раньше там эпики падали тоже)
Чорт, а я ТоСом как дурак с 40-го лвлв ежедневно по 2 раза чистил эту шнягу и ниразу синьки не выпало! Зато плюс не ганкали.
Есть какие-то сдвиги с балансом после 1.05.5?
не особенно на самом деле
все ждут 1.06 мне кажется что до аддона введут ещё исправлений классам а потом введут уже плюшки с бонусными система для усиления заклов и так далее
Есть какие-то сдвиги с балансом после 1.05.5?
Меня баланс сейчас устраивает =) Разве что синов поправить чуток
14.09.2009, 21:32
Да хватит уже баланс теребить, все нормально более-менее, а идеал в этом вопросе недостижим. Пора дальше двигаться.
а че такое с синами не так?
дпсу добавить чуток в корапшене
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