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Что-то жиденько
пошел нафиг :D
СЛедущий ролик будет посвящен Джеди Консулу
Ролик шикарен! Удочку - мерку! =))
Ролик, как и большая их часть до этого, унылое говно и феерический пиздец.
Так что да - удачи мерку ))
куча инфы по ситу вариору
а по каким классам есть еще такие ролики?
я тока 4 нашел:
trooper, sith warrior, jedi knight и bounty hunter
куча инфы по ситу вариору
Спасибо, вот это интересно.
На данный момент у меня складывается такое мнение (про Пвп):
1. Рулить будут Ситхи воины (причем ДД джагернаут выглядит лучше Мародера) и БХ(оба адвансед класса).
2. Снайпер будет полезен, как ренджер в аоке, полезность агента под сомнением.
3. Не представляю как Колдун Ситхов может пережить чардж двух миликов, да и вообще хоть какой-то фокус. Только под сапортом команды.
4. Полезность ассасина под сомнением, но тут хз, по нему инфы совсем мало. Тут нужна инфа по зарядам оружия, как часто можно использовать и т.д. У ситха воина, исходя из описания скилов, проблем с яростью нет вообще никаких, Джагернаут может практически спамить Impale каждый второй удар (Мне вспомнился Symbolic Strike билд из ГВ).
Прошу обратить внимание, это все теория и лично мое мнение на основе прочитанного и собственного опыта игры в ммо =]
некромант переживал чарж 2х милишников эррту? или демон?
В старом аоке легко, в новом и одного нормального милика не переживет.
Баланс между рдд и мили дд как раз и заключается в том, способны ли первые пережить чардж последних. =]
ну вот. это же рвр пвп Еррту. Тут не будет одного класса который будет всех нагибать. И эффективность будет зависить от баланса на уровне группы.
Что касается IA, тут много всего не понятного. Как будет работать laze target например? это соло или групповой бафф? Так же и оперативник, насколько востребован будет хил и какие плюшки будет давать ветка консилмент? может ты его пробить не сможешь а он своим аое кнокбэком делов натворит и убежит отхиливаться за укрытие постреливая на ходу.
всё от рук будет зависить, например если ты пом в АоК тебе надо было думать какие контроли какому классу нужно раздать для максимального эффекта, какие контроли не действуют на тот или иной класс. Нюансов немеряно, а информации нет.
Шадрик, то, что ты сможешь играть ИА, да и любым другим классом на высоком уровне, я уверен. Однако, общий баланс рассматривается для среднестатических игроков. Мне кажется. что Bioware рассчитывают пвп баланс именно под казуалов, и вот почему:
-> Предпосылка: В большинстве игр милишниками играть тяжелее, чтобы испортить жизнь врагу надо до него сначала добежать.
-> Решение: Чтоб казуал милишник смог кого-нить убить ему дают абилки резкого сокращения дистанции/телепорта. Обычно это чардж. Но ни в одной игре я не видел чардж с кулдауном в 15 секунд, который интерраптит действие врага, рутит его на месте, да еще дает иммун к контролю. Или удочки, это вообще lame. Чарджится и удить будут тряпок, очевидно, вывод простой -> тряпкам будет хуже всего.
вот поэтому я надеюсь, что система персонального ресурса или его генерация сократит имба комбинации чардж кнокбэк и чаннелинг к минимуму
4.07.2011, 00:27
Почитал таланты этого ситха война, лол.
Иммуны к контролю после чарджа, самих чарджа 2 штуки, - 20 % брони у врага пассивно, + 30 % крит дамаг, замедлялки чето там на 7 секунд со 100 % шансом после использования какой-то абилы ... Дорогая редакция.
По видимому тем ренджет классам которые будут сидеть в укрытии и в них нельзя будет чарджнуться повезло. Ситх волшебник чтобы такого монстра уконтрапупить должен наверное иметь просто бешенный дамаг :D
у страха глаза велики, не так все грозно на самом деле+ я сомневаюсь что вы видели комбат на 50 левеле.
Почитал таланты этого ситха война, лол.
Иммуны к контролю после чарджа, самих чарджа 2 штуки, - 20 % брони у врага пассивно, + 30 % крит дамаг, замедлялки чето там на 7 секунд со 100 % шансом после использования какой-то абилы ... Дорогая редакция.
По видимому тем ренджет классам которые будут сидеть в укрытии и в них нельзя будет чарджнуться повезло. Ситх волшебник чтобы такого монстра уконтрапупить должен наверное иметь просто бешенный дамаг :D
Наверное по этому у магов будет пассивка *Имун к любого рода замедлениям* если я правильно помню
There are plenty of different blaster pistol models in the game, with a wide range of size and appearance, so this is really a complaint about the weapon selection made for video, not the game
"When asked about his choice small, almost ladylike pistols for a recent recruitment video, the Bounty Hunter just gave the reporter a mocking stare and said 'Do I look like I have to compensate for something?'"
Короче - Письтики в ролике о БХ прогрессе и их размеры ни как не являются каноном для всего ряда их моделей в игре, так что любителям *больших* пушек будет чем себя порадовать =)
Прочел 108 страниц сабжа...
Голова болит.
Объясните кто-нить с БХ. Какая технология хилла у них?
Я немного недопонял этого момента.
До конца не разобрался кто в роли хилла роляет БХ или Инквизитор?
Технологию хилла БХ надо искать с 138-ой страницы по 143-ую или с 152-ой по 164-ую, извиняюсь, не помню точно.
Celas ту нубас, я тебя ждал.
Хил БХ помоему в ветке мерсенари, реактивный хил от дамага. Начинает работать как цель каста получает дамаг. 10 тиков помоему. Бафф висит 10 минут. По крайней мере это то, что я знаю.
Угу, мерсенари, но и инквизитор в роле хила в ветке Сорцерер или как то так)))
Прочел 108 страниц сабжа...
Голова болит.
Объясните кто-нить с БХ. Какая технология хилла у них?
Я немного недопонял этого момента.
До конца не разобрался кто в роли хилла роляет БХ или Инквизитор?
вот те заняться нечем Мор, у бх должен быть аое хил если я правильно помню, это саппорт хил я так понимаю, полноценная хил ветка будет у инка сорки,
и да, правильно, это второй спек мерка
нубасы, я буду вас хилить. можете уже начинать падать ниц и тащить мне жертвы.
нубасы, я буду вас хилить. можете уже начинать падать ниц и тащить мне жертвы.
себя отхиль сначала :D
я же буду не пробиваемый нахрен, чего мне себя хилить?
скрины в большом разрешении
ох и двоякое же ощущение, масэфект 1 напоминает :)
вроде в МЕ не было ни 1й планеты на столько масштабной
Если сжать скрин с фулл-хд до 800х500 то любая игра красивой покажется
во че нашел=) инквизиторам понравится
Если сжать скрин с фулл-хд до 800х500 то любая игра красивой покажется
правой кп мыши на скрине - Открыть изображение, а далее его увеличь - они где то 1440 х 900 И красивее чем тут 800 на 500
и тд куча скринов
Возник вопрос. Люблю я понимать что происходит. А зачем вся эта шумиха вокруг Гохи да еще и с такими жесткими банами??
Оно ж - игра всего навсего. Для удовольствия в основном. Пусть люди развлекаются если им очень чешется.
Кроме того, шавка лает - караван идет, пусть себе нагнетают атмосферу и придают популярности...
Или есть другие причины?
ps - не спорю, просто спрашиваю.
Как можно говорить то что графика как у ВОВ =\
Корелия - ЛУЧШАЯ! =)
все скрины
вот те заняться нечем Мор, у бх должен быть аое хил если я правильно помню, это саппорт хил я так понимаю, полноценная хил ветка будет у инка сорки,
и да, правильно, это второй спек мерка
Значит Инком нада будет.
Хилить хочу сил нетЪ.
Технологию хилла БХ надо искать с 138-ой страницы по 143-ую или с 152-ой по 164-ую, извиняюсь, не помню точно.
Прочел тред со 108 по 140.
Слезятся глаза.
Много непонятного.
Надо понимать то что БХ кроме всего прочего носит Армор, тяжелее того что достался инквизитору
и в Альтернативном ХИЛу билде он имеет РДД спек, Когда как Инквизитор МДД+Хайд - Не стоит забывать про альтернативы, которые Вы можете этими классами опробовать.
Возник вопрос. Люблю я понимать что происходит. А зачем вся эта шумиха вокруг Гохи да еще и с такими жесткими банами??
Оно ж - игра всего навсего. Для удовольствия в основном. Пусть люди развлекаются если им очень чешется.
Кроме того, шавка лает - караван идет, пусть себе нагнетают атмосферу и придают популярности...
Или есть другие причины?
ps - не спорю, просто спрашиваю.
Забаненые в ТС - Фарел у тебя что критические дни? Сразу говорю такая фраза добавляет пару дней бана к тому что есть, по настроению конечно.
Возник вопрос. Люблю я понимать что происходит. А зачем вся эта шумиха вокруг Гохи да еще и с такими жесткими банами??
Оно ж - игра всего навсего. Для удовольствия в основном. Пусть люди развлекаются если им очень чешется.
Кроме того, шавка лает - караван идет, пусть себе нагнетают атмосферу и придают популярности...
Или есть другие причины?
ps - не спорю, просто спрашиваю.
Байла ну согласись, если бы РК подходили к игре не серьезно, РК был бы не РК
7.07.2011, 23:47
"Классы с укрытиями унылы в пвп" (С) Бета Тестер.
"Классы с укрытиями унылы в пвп" (С) Бета Тестер.
Да все изменится еще тыщщу раз =) мильен нерфоф и т.п............
В тестеры попадают *Рандомы*
Нормальных игроков которые видят игру\классы в перспективе 1к1000
Вывод - любым словам тестеров которые пытаются вешать ярлыки на классы можно смело принебрегать так как с большей вероятностью это будет нубас, Ответы которые стоит принимать на веру из его уст из разряда *есть личный транспор?* -*Да есть*. А вот любого рода анализ нужно делать только самому с последующими выводами.
Байла тут дело личное.
Когда шли с Рониным на троллинг в нашей теме не небыло запретов, более того как я помню в АИОНе Роня и сам тролил знатно.
У Фарела свое видение, он считает что это выставляет нас идиотами. В принцепе на мой взгляд концепт простой "батька сказал, надо делать", пока разрешают троллить в чужих топиках будем это делать там, запретит вообще троллить, значит перестанем вообще, по крайней мере на акках которые можно связать с РК как-то.
Метаксер загнул. Чел, который хотя бы 100 часов отбетил - уже не совсем нубас и имеет представление.
Однако фразу "классы с укрытиями унылы в пвп" можно трактовать двояко:
1) нагибают без вариантов. Скучно.(грядет нерф)
2) сосут неразгибаясь. Жалко. (грядет ап).
Метаксер загнул. Чел, который хотя бы 100 часов отбетил - уже не совсем нубас и имеет представление.
Тут вопрос не в том сколько часов чувак просидел в бете. ИМХО тут важнее общий опыт геймера\ММОшника, если играл в пяток ММО то любая новая игра это просто подстроиться немного под новые мелкие различия, и тогда уже можно смотреть глобально на игру и реально представлять что будет потом, как эволюционирует гейм плей и т.д.
не всегда. есть возможность завязнуть в диалогах с неписями, если тебя сеттинг прельщает. Бывает, что просто жрешь игру, мотаешь диалоги, скипаешь брифинги, а бывает, что тебе интересно и ты хочешь узнать чо да как. Так что общий опыт гамера\ммошера иногда встречает исключения.
Глобально просмотреть игру - это убить все, что хотели подать разрабы, и подвести под свои субъективные оценки. ПвП - хуже, чем там-то. ПвЕ - не раскрыта тема сисек. Кланы - нет браков и т.д., прочий бред. Если сравнивать разные проекты, то надо учитывать разный уклон разрабов. Те же мифики хотели замутить мотивированное пвп без принуждения, а для фана. Итог - перекачанные сруки, овн и фейл в дальнейшем.
з.ы. первый чар в аоке был конк и квесты проматывались. сином (3ий чар) квесты были изучены от и до. Лор рулит. Стареем, дядьки.
Да я помню Фарел сам в Айон топике что-то про сожженных женщин и детей отжигал)) И ничего - был самый популярный рекрут топик на форме...
Серьезно - это серьезно. О сереьзности судят по достижениям в игре (с которыми тут все впорядке) а не по форумной возне.
Я к тому - что игра должна доставлять удовольствие. А для некоторых - оно может быть в бодании с противниками на гохе)) Почему не разрешить - ограничив правда в средствах, чтобы особо вреда не было)
Ну просто Крейсеру бан... вроде ж серьезный мужик. Я правда даже не знаю чего он там написал...
Все кто получили бан, писали личности под ником Галатея, уже после того как Фарел тут написал что за это следует бан.
То есть личности по имени галатея вполне удалось то, что сия личность задумала - а именно как то "навредить". Я бы из принципа разбанил теперь)))
ой встретиться бы с ней=)
То есть личности по имени галатея вполне удалось то, что сия личность задумала - а именно как то "навредить". Я бы из принципа разбанил теперь)))
Навредить кому? Ты заблуждаешься забаненые люди навредили себе сами.
Да Галочка молодец не устает писать простыни без связной чуши =)
*Вообще - То что говорит ГЛ это закон, если кто то игнорирует его слова, то это становится Подрывом авторитета. Так как это рекрут топик и читают новобранцы, как ГОху так теперь и форум РК то авторитет Фарела подрывается именно в их глазах*
Фарел только в 1м проявил через чур жесткую хватку - Приравнял время своего поста на форуме РК к Активности на ГОхе, когда как там на Гохе не продублировал свое сообщение о мерах которые будут предприняты.
И почему меня не забанил? =))))
2АК47 - Сдается мне то что ты нубас )))) есть 2ве вещи которые меняют в корне ПВП
1- Макс лвл
2- Шмот
и не только твоего персонажа, но и всех других классов. Тем более в такой игре как СВтор где ресурс за счет которого игроки дерутся генерируется или тратится.
Если кто то не получив макс лвл, и не подравшись с такими же макс лвл заявляет то что его персонаж отстой в пвп ... значит то что это нубас
Фарел только в 1м проявил через чур жесткую хватку - Приравнял время своего поста на форуме РК к Активности на ГОхе, когда как там на Гохе не продублировал свое сообщение о мерах которые будут предприняты.
И почему меня не забанил? =))))
Я дал достаточно времени чтоб прочитали приват. По этому и не попал, так же как и несколько других персонажей.
Agent Orange
8.07.2011, 12:57
Чего вы в открытом доступе это все обсуждаете, кто-нибудь читает и ржет :(
Чего вы в открытом доступе это все обсуждаете, кто-нибудь читает и ржет :(
А над чем тут ржать то? Ты в сомнениях, что я не могу кикнуть особо недовольных? Люди они привыкли всё обсуждать и получать ответы, в этом ничего смешного не вижу. Кому не нравиться что я предупредил и дал время на реакцию и только потом забанил могут быть довольны. Что тут смешного жаль что не дали автомат и не дали предупредить, что буду стрелять, просто когда всё серьёздно и люди понимают, что тут никто не шутит все почему-то начинают бежать причем более активно при приближении отсчета к нулю. Короче тут даже и обсуждать нечего в уставе всё написано относительно тупить.
За сим завязываем тема не об этом. Если хотите обсудить прав или нет можете попробовать в отдельной теме, но могу сразу сказать чем это закончится. Повторю для непонятливых у нас нет демократии!
Что то вроде мини игры но не Фракционной, на сколько я понимаю
Agent Orange
8.07.2011, 17:06
Квейк же!!!
Как не фракционной? То есть можно себе подобных мочить?
Что-то меня пугает в том что из всех аспектов ПвП только скрины с миниигр местных постятся. Да и то по сути открытая площадка, т.е. тактическая составляющая минимальная. :(
#10 Вопросы ответы с тестером + картинки кое какие
Exclusive Tester Q&A #10
Q: Can you tell us more about Underworld Trading, Investigation,
Cybertech and Slicing?
A. They are just skills to gain items occasionally.
Q: When players talk to each other in game, are you able to see chat
bubbles above their heads?
A. As of right now, no, there are no chat bubbles. This has made me miss
more then a few people asking for a group, this should be changed though before
Q: People keep stating on the forums there is a contest to see who gets
to lvl 50 first. They are referring to it as the 200hr contest.. Do you have any
light to shed on this?
A. As far as I am aware, it's just a contest between the people at
Bioware to see who can get to 50 first, if it were open to Beta Testers, they'd
lose ;) .
Q: Is it at all possible to walk around the interior of your spaceship
while in space? Leave the controls and explore the ship?
A. Absolutely. It's exactly like KOTOR in terms of exploration, or Mass
Effect. You can head downstairs to your weapon modification table, you can head
to you personal room to put crap you don't need into storage, etc. Also, Your
ship is 1 of 2 places to talk to your companions.
Q: Are you currently allowed to change your advanced class? If so what is
the cost?
A. No, currently you're not allowed to. If I had to guess, you will be
allowed to change it at launch. A lot of the testers on the forums are a bit
upset that you make this important choice with a few sentences in your Codex.
I'd expect 1 or 2 free swaps at launch, then you're locked in, but not flip-flop
til you're content.
Q: How is the advanced class explained to the player in game?
A. Advanced classes are explained to you in a varitety of ways, but
really the same way. For example, the Bounty Hunter goes and speaks to the
Advanced Class trainer, and during your conversation, the 2 NPC's involved tell
you about Powertech and how the heavy plates can save your life, but get you
killed if you're not used to them, or Mercenary, which brings unprecedented
firepower to the table, along with medical knowledge.Then you get a couple codex
entries. IMHO, you're not given enough information to make a choice that sticks
with your character forever.
Q: How is inter-faction communication handled? Can you /msg or chat in
channels between empire and republic? Can you trade in a venue like an AH? Can
you send mail to a character of the opposite side? How about sending
loot/credits from your jedi main character to a new sith character?
A. Lots of questions here. Inter-Faction chat, as of right now is handled
in /1 (general) , /say (spatial, no chat bubbles) or /whisper, and /party if
your in a party. Empire vs Republic I haven't really seen, but as of now they
can read your spatial chat. If you're asking if there is a Auction House, yes
there is, it's the Galactin Trade Network.As to mail to the other faction, I
can't specifically comment, but I can find out and send a addition to this
Q: You show Jedi a lot of love, and I was just wondering if you could
share some crucial info about Bounty Hunters. You do a great job with the other
classes. Info that would be nice if you leaked would be: Armor, Weapons,
Different companions, Skill trees, Etc.
A. *Spoilers Kinda* Hehe, well, here is your lucky day. New Tester for
Q&A who just so happens to main a Bounty Hunter ;)
As for Armor, Bounty Hunters easily have the coolest in the game.
Weaponry is basically pistols, pistols, and more pistols but don't let that
scare you, they pack a huge punch.
Your companions start of with Mako, then Tatooine you get your DPS
companion Gault,then on Taris you get Torian, a Mandalorian, and finally you get
Blizz on Hoth. As for the skill trees, I can't comment on Powertech, but I can
comment on Merc. You have 2 dps trees and 1 heling tree within Mercenary, but
you can put all your points into DPS talents and heal fine outside of Flash
Q: Can you duel on your ships? If there is actual travel time I think it
would be great to have a "training bay" with test dummy's and room to duel.
A. So far I haven't had anyone on my ship, but the travel time is a oh so
long 10-15 seconds :| . Kind of sad, because your ship begins moving with you in
the cockpit, but then your jump to lightspeed only lasts for seconds, then
you're at the new planet :(
Q: I was wondering how the resurrection system works, who has res spells?
how/where do you revive? how do you revive your companions? will you have to
collect your body (such as eq2 or diablo2)?
A. As far as the rez system working, every character has a spell called
"Revive" to bring your companion or a friendly player back to life. So everyone
has 1 revive, on a 10 minute cool down.
Q: How does the Shadow system work? Is it just something vague or do u
really see your shadow move if u are fighting. (on highest quality)
A. Shadow's are very nice, but it's funny how badly optimized they are
right now. I can run them on medium, and there are people with higher end
graphics cards that are having issues with the shadows of low. That, and they do
follow you around very nicely.
Q: The lightsaber light effect on the 3hr gameplay video seemed squarish,
is it still like this? I mean the light it gives on the ground, wall, etc.
A. I honestly can't answer this, I don't pay enough attention to this
stuff when I am not on my Bounty Hunter. I can tell you though some lightsabres
you get later on don't sound like light sabers at all, they sound like pure
Q: While questing, are you walking half of the time, or is everything
A. Walking, crying, moaning, traditional MMO travel until you get to
level 15 and get Sprint. Those of you going Empire will hate Dromund Kaas, and
the Republic people will hate Coruscant. It's just the name of the game, but
once you're 15, you get sprint, which is a permanent +40% movement speed until
you enter combat.
Q: Have they done anything to even out the proportions of the character
models? For example the feel looked too big in a few of the dev videos.
A. They proportion is nice IMHO. I made the comment in-game and got
everyone laughing about how thankful I am we don't look like World of Warcraft
Human's, I don't think I could stand another trip to the zoo.
Q: Can you equip your companion with your old items? i.e. can my
companion equip my old T1 set when i get t2 ?
A. If they have the proficiency then yes, that's what I do, get a new
weapon, companion gets the old one.
Q: Are the Sith Assassins more like WoWs rogue class or is it an
enhancement shaman with stealth? If the latter, which class/ac is the closest
thing to a rogue?
A. They are either kind of like Rogues, or tanks. All depends on your
spec. They did a very good job at not forcing AC's into just 1
Q: How many classes have stealth?
A. Half of them. Some are permanent some are temporary.
Q: What are their durations of their stealth abilities and can someone
(through AC) achieve permanent stealth (OOC)?
A. If your class doesn't have a permanent stealth, you can't talent for
it, but those that do have a permanent stealth can talent it to increase speed
and effectiveness.
Q: Can you zoom out your view? The gameplay videos I've seen are all
terribly zoomed in, makes me cringe at the thought of having that bad of an
A. Right now you can't zoom out too far as we don't have many camera or
video options, but it's not that bad for now, although I would like to zoom out
some more to be more aware of my surroundings.
Q: Can you queue abilities?
A. No, combat functions exactly like World of Warcraft, although I guess
technically you can "queue" as your coold down doesn't have to be completely up,
but you can't double tap a skill and make it do it twice.
Q: Can you change the size/color and layout of the UI? E.g. move the chat
around and make the actionbar smaller etc.
A. As of this moment (7/7/11), I don't see any options for that, but we
are running on a client missing a lot of the customization options of retail, or
so I hope.
Q: From what I've seen of ranged combat it looks very static, is it
possible to kite and attack 'on the move' maybe with some jumpshot action like a
hunter in WoW?
A. Yes, it's very possible, as long as your skill doesn't need a cast
time or need to be channeled you can run, jump, spin, or do whatever you want
young Grass Hopper.
Q: Who has (if any) reliable, spammable CC? Who is most likely to be on
CC duty within a grp/raid?
A. So far I have not seen any CC that is spammable beyond 20 seconds, but
in a group, everyone has a CC, so with some communication, you can always have a
CC running, depending on the durations/classes.
Q: How does physical and magical armor migitation play out? Is there
gear/ talents with +magic res e.g.? Do you have formulas for migitation?
A. Right now, none of that is really testable, for instance, Bounty
Hunters have a ability called Tracer Missile which functions like a Warrior's
Sunder in World of Warcraft, it stacks 5 times and lowers Armor Value, but there
is no visible amount in game, but it does increase your damage to the enemy.
Q: Have testers been vocal on forums regarding implementing dmg meters?
Have BW answered?
A. Not that I have seen, but in-game people don't really seem to want
them too much, as Parsers will indeed work.
Q: Can you see and plan character development before actually playing
class. I am talking about seeing character trees of each class and seeing all
the skills you can get. Could you post some of those skill trees with skills
A. No, you can't see any skill trees until you actually get your advanced
class. Kinda of sucks tbh, and BW should be changing that, or at least I
Q: Are there multiple servers in Beta right now, PVP/PVE/RP/RP PVP?
A. No, just one server right now.
Q: Have they discussed after launch server information, How many, How
many different types, Names of the servers?
A. No, beyond PvE, PvP, RP-PvE and RP-PvP we have no more information on
that then you.
Q: If the Beta Servers have names, what are they?
A. Just "Revan".
Q: This October 4th date you mention, you feel this as a tremor in the
A. That was Rick Ross's guess, my guess is that would be optimistic, I
believe later October/Early November if they want to iron everything annoying
out perfectly, otherwise that date sounds fine for some minor issues,
Q: What is the current status of Rick Ross' Sith Warrior?
A. This isn't Rick Ross, but I can answer you that my Bounty Hunter is
currently very happy in the 40's :)
Q: If Space Combat is so much like Starfox, Do you think that Bioware
will implement Multiplayer Space Combat like All-Range Mode from StarFox 64..
A. They have mentioned once or twice they'd like to make space open, but
that remains to be seen. As it stands now, I don't care for Space Combat, and
won't be partaking in it.
Q: Any more info that you can discuss about crafting?
A. Beyond what was already answered by others, no, but you can queue
items, so each companion can have a queue of 5 items, making it a little less
reliant on you.
Q: Can you tell us about the healing styles of the different ACs? What
type of heals do they each emphasize, flash heals, HoTs, proactive heals,
absorption shields, drains, transfers, etc.?
A. Bounty Hunters are about as much as I can really say for healing, and
it's a combination of direct heals and HoTs, with more emphasis on HoTs as
direct healing over heats you real fast.
Q: How is the choreographed combat looking in real gameplay? Obviously a
lot of people will be bunny-hopping around, no matter how senseless it is, but
does the visual fight choreography adjust for that?
A. It tries to compensate for that, but those people who jump around like
a bunny on crack aren't going to get the full enjoyment out of it. If you stand
still against a NPC as there is no need to move around except to run, it looks
really nice when certain events take place, like the NPC behind you swings and
you parry, then perform a kill animation on the guy in front of you. But jumping
around you're swinging at the air basically and it looks like it did in WoW.
Q: Hi I was wondering how Guild halls work exactly. Are they structures
you can place? Do you go to the Guild hall center ask to create a guild, and
get access to it on any planet? Or are they tied to a specific planet?
A. Not exactly sure what this question means, but to form a guild, you do
that on your main planet, either Dromund or Coruscant. But if you're referring
to Guild Halls that are player owned, those aren't in yet... if at all.
Q: From what we heard so far, you are playing a Sith Warrior. While we
can't ask you to level every frakking class to level ten twice just to show us
the talent trees, please do share the trees that are available to the Sith
Warrior of your Advanced class. Listing some of the more useful, or
AC\spec-defining abilities and rotations would also be extremely
helpful.Moreover, during a Live Q&A with Daniel Ericson, we heard mention of
talents that "could be available for purchase" for certain alignments. Is there
anything like this in the current build?
A. Again, this isn't Rick Ross, so I can't comment on Sith Warrior, but
for the Bounty Hunter, I could possibly take some screen shots of available
skills/talents and send them in, and if you guys are really desparate for
talents, I could level every class to ten, it takes 2 maybe 3 hours at most once
you have done it once.
Q: Could you post any pics of the talents? I'm mostly into the bounty
hunter powertech, firebug tree.
A. I could post pictures of Bounty Hunters Mercenary Tree :) Powertech is bleh compared to Merc though :P
Q: I have a question regarding companion mechanics in a PVP server.We do
know by now they are not allowed in Warzones and raids, and that currently they
take a slot in flashpoints. We also know they are currently under testing from a
PVP point of view. Also I know you haven't PVP-ed much since they are not many
plyes around. However, if you can answer this I would are they
currently handled in a open PVP environment, when you are attacked by an enemy
player? or when you attack an enemy player? They only stay there and do nothing
or are they getting involved in combat?
A. Companions in a PvP environment react when attacked as if they were
being attacked by a NPC. If they're on Passive mode, they won't do anything,
unless you have say a healing kit on them, and healing mode activated, then they
will heal, but not attack. Companions in PvP are okay, if you manage to nail the
other companion, it's almost like a 2v1, but your companion at that point will
probably be ignored unless it's healing you. It adds a weird element to PvP that
will take a lot of getting used too, not a rare fight.
Q: How prominent is the Tank role in PvP? is it a full time job? Or do
you see "Tanks" spec/build Damage and just use the guard abilities and go about
their business? Do the tanks have anyway to get the opponent to focus them?
A. I can't answer that as I am a healer/DPS depending on how I spec for
the day, but Guard does help quite a bit. I've had tanks throw it on me while I
healed them and it completely changed PvP. While the tank didn't do as much
damage as some of the DPSers, they were able to make sure I didnt take as much
damage and could continue to heal.
Q: Have you found any of the Sith Warrior's companions to be
A. Can't answer that as I am neither Rick Ross, nor a Sith Warrior, but I
have heard of Vette being romanceable if you are basically light sided or buy
her tons of gifts to bring up her affection.
Q: Have you seen any type of traditional sit-down type speeders as
mounts? or are all the mounts in the Segway fashion we saw at E3, that have your
character in that ridiculous standing position.
A. Seg-Ways aren't the only mounts, just the first ones you have access
too ;)
Q: Have you gotten the chance to take on any of the World Bosses? Or do
you have you ever ran into one while questing?
A. I have taken them on, and they seem a bit underwhelming right now, as
I think they're still being tuned. A group shouldn't wipe the boss down with no
real issues, it should be a challenge, which as of right now it isn't.
Q: How much interaction does the Sith Warrior get with Darth Malgus? Have
you seen any of the other characters from the Deceived novel in game?
A. Can't answer that, but the time line of years passed in between the
trailers that you hear speculated on the forums isn't exactly right.
Q: Are there light sabers with curved hilts?
A. I'm not Rick Ross, and I am a Bounty Hunter so I can't say, but what I
can tell you is that the lightsabers all have for the most part have different
looks and sounds, and some sound pretty damn cool, and not like the traditional
light saber :)
Q: I have a question about the Lightsaber Colour Crystals. You say they
have stats and i don´t like it.Is there a topic in the beta forum about
this? Am i the only one who doesn´t like it?
A. I don't know why you wouldn't like it. I sure like it, they make me
money when I sell them :) . It's just a way to customize the light saber, so it doesn't
become worthless the next level, you can almost keep it upgraded for a good 5-10
levels if you got the cash or the skill to craft. But again, don't take that as
a law. I am not Rick Ross, I am just going off what I hear from people that ask
me for Crystals.
Q: Anything you can share in regards to healing from the beta or the beta
forums? How do the different classes appear to heal differently? Does healing
seem to be a full time job in group content, or a sidenote while DPSing? What
kinds of healing tools have you observed?
A. Healing is fun, simply because, on fights like trash, you can actually
DPS and be half decent, and bosses you can step up and DPS if one of your DPS
dies. But yes, with the addition of being able to DPS while healing, and being
half decent at it, healing is now a full time job.
Q: What is your favorite convenience or usability feature that you
haven't talked about yet?
A. I don't exactly have everyone of Rick Ross's answers in front of me,
but I can tell my favorite conveniance is the quest item bag. Having quest items
in their own back pack, and not jumbled in with your inventory makes life so
amazing as I don't have to search for my quest item anymore, I know where it
Q: After leaving the capital for your faction, do you feel like you have
choices where to go next, or is the path as linear as it looks in that planet
list you gave us?
A. It's pretty linear unless you're a idiot and want to die. But there is
nothing wrong with that, almost every MMO has a path they want you to follow,
and this game actually gives you a reason why you go where you go.
Q: I'm considering playing as a Jedi Sentinel who would wear medium armor
that role players or folks that absolutely have to have a certain look for their
Jedi playing Guardians and ninjaing or rolling on Sentinel medium armor drops
for their DPS character. I realize that the tester has been playing the Empire
side, but I was wondering if the heavy and medium armor had stats similar enough
for the medium armor to be suitable for the heavy armor wearing DPS version of
the class, such as a Sith Marauder's gear being useful for a DPS Juggernaut.
Has the tester run into any gear conflicts where two different advanced classes
may want gear that is designed to be used for one class by it's weight (such as
medium or light or whatever).
A. Once you get to the higher tiers of the game (30+), you'd be a
complete fool to try and take gear clearly designed for a Juggernaut or Guardian
and use it on a DPS class. You only have to worry about the idiots. The people
with some semblence of intelligence won't roll on your gear :)
Q: Somewhat related to the previous question, has TOR implemented a
system similar to Warcrafts that's restricts need/greed rolls on the basis of
class need? Say a piece of heavy armor drops for a trooper or bounty hunter,
and the group loot window pops up, would only the trooper or bounty hunter be
able to roll need and everyone else roll greed? If not, has this been something
that has been mentioned in feedback that you've noticed, or have people
complained about idiots taking gear designed for other classes?
A. As of now, none that I can see. But I can almsot guarantee it will be
there pre-launch.
Q: Do the Lightsaber stances/forms actually visually change the way you
wield the lightsaber? or is it purely a stat change?
A. No. Purely for stats.
Q: When it comes to Crafting and schematics/recipe's, where do you get
them from? Do they drop as loot also?Or are they just for Faction Points? Are
they "just" for sale or are they coming as Quest rewards as well?As we know, it
might be that you can get them from the Crafting Missions through your
Companions,right?Are the Items from that "by far" better as normal Loot/Quest
rewards? Can you fully trade them or are they Bop?
A. You get them from a variety of things. Buying them, looting them in
companion missions etc.
Q: Wondering if Bounty Hunters can use weapons other than pistols? In SWG
Bounty Hunter could use rifles (Guardian Lightning Cannon anyone?) Wondering if
you could list all the weapon types they could use. Thanks! :)
A. Pistols only, it sucks, trust me. I want a rifle!
Q: I am curious about the reputations that might be in the game. Namely
how many there might be, how reputation is gained or lost with them, if you've
seen what good standing with the various reputations could provide, and finally
will reputations you encounter on the leveling up process benefit you in the
later level in any way that you have noticed.
A. Can't say on this right now.
Q: Say I am playing Jedi Consular and I go to the guy who gives you your
AC. If I picked Jedi Shadow does he give me my double bladed light saber or do
I have to go out and buy one?
A. Yes. If you go Shadow you get a double bladed Light Saber. If you go
Sentinenl/Marauder you get a second Lightsaber.You basically will always get a
upgrade from the Advanced Class Trainer.
Q: Do you find yourself "addicted" to the game yet? How many hours a day
do you play, and does it ever get boring? :)
A. I got in about 2 weeks ago, and I have been putting in 10 hours or so
a day. I got my Bounty Hunter into the 40's and a few others in the teens. The
first play through is absolutely amazing. It's the second time you do it, you
can't push the space bar fast enough. I actually envy those not in testing, they
won't have the story spoiled for them :)
Q: Since you are focusing on the sith warrior > Marauder I presume,
How different are the trees? Example how does carnage, annihilation, and Rage
differ from each? Sounds like annihilation has several debuffs (Destroys enemies
from within)rage has different force abilities you can use and carnage is about
lightning fast strikes and pure DPS.
A. Well, I am not Rick Ross, so I can't speak to Marauder. But I can tell
you, each tree has a focus. Single Target, AoE, etc. Pretty Standard MMO talents
Q: Which tree do you prefer and have you tried the juggernaut AC?
A. Again, I am not Rick Ross, and my Sith Warrior is only level 11, but
he is a Juggernaut, and tbh, I prefer it, combination of decent DPS AND
survivability? Yes please!
Q: There is big discussion in the forums about AC switching do you feel
that should be allowed? To me I don't see the point in switching from a ranged
character to a melee based character one you made your chaoince of being ranged
support etc without learning your role or class.
A. Absolutely there SHOULD be AC swapping at least twice. The information
provided to you, at this period in time, absolutely makes the choice hit or
miss. This is a slight exaggeration, but for my BH, the options were described
as 1 pistol or 2. And the codex is still kind of incomplete. So, yea, it sucks
when you get to like 20 or so and say "I hate this AC" and have to reroll. Then
realize it's not so bad afterall :P
Q: What are the biggest concerns testers are voicing on the beta forums
at the moment?
A. Legit concerns or QQ concerns? The most prevalent concern really seems
to be "Picking an Advanced Class" it has, by far, the most views and replies out
of all the other threads in the Feedback area.
Q: Would it be possible for you to copy and paste some current talent
trees or ability lists off of the beta forums? I know some of this information
will change before launch but the ability lists that I have been able to find
out there are all very dated and brief.
A. None of that is on the forums, and if it does get posted, it's
immediately deleted.
Q: Hello, i want to ask if sith warrior especially juggernauts armors
only looks like in progression video ..or if there are any robe hooded or robes
like marauder in progresion becouse i don't want to look like radiator or fridge
end game :(
A. Follow the progression videos, they are a decent view of what to
Q: Clarification request: if a character can only take one Craftingskill,
do the remaining two slots have to be one Gathering and oneMission? Or can you
take one Crafting and two Gathering skills?
A. I currently have Diplomacy, Slicing and Treasure Hunting on one
character. There isn't any real limitation, but go Slicing and don't send your
companions out too often, it often ends up costing you more. That, and slicing
in the field nets you 200-500 credits for 3 seconds of your time.
Q: Are there any guild emblems or tabards for players to apply to their
characters ?
A. None that I have seen as of now.
Q: We know that you can respec your class but do you have to go to your
trainer in order to do this?
A. No, you go to a Skill Mentor in Either Dromund Kaas or Coruscant, not
your trainer.
Q: could you do me a big favour please? i asked this question at QA8: "Q
: Can you make/write some "custom emotes" (with no special animation) ? like for
example "Luke points at the the wookie next to han solo" which are in a
different "emote-color" in the chat system? (like typing in swg a : and next to
it your "emote")
A. If its in, it doesn’t use the same command as WoW. Don’t think I’ve
ever seen anyone use it.
Q: Could you please try to find out if there is a way for that custom
emote stuff? If there is the kinda /em feature from WoW in that game?Thanks
A. Since you decided to ask so politely, enjoy this. There absolutely is
a emote feature. Just type /e is in love with you. And you get *Character Name*
is in love with you. In orange text and everything :)
Q: From the limited amount of information available on the Imperial Agent
Operative AC (concealment) I understand that you use a variety of Melee
"backstab" like attacks and close quarters blaster fire. However there seem to
be different stats for different types of damage, i.e: Strength = Melee Damage,
Aim/Agility = Blaster Damage, Cunning = Tech damage + Shields. Does this mean we
have to stack 2 (or perhaps even 3) different stats to increase our damage if we
decide to go down the Concealment tree?
A. Honestly, I am not going to BS you with crap. I don't know. I am
focusing on a Bounty Hunter, so I stack Cunning and Aim.
Q: Do sith warriors need willpower to increase their force choke and
force crush abilities even though their main dps stat is strength?
A. Again, I can't really answer that, as I am not Rick Ross, but in my
experience, no, it's not needed at all.
Q: In alot of mmos one of the really fun things to do is to form a raid
group and go take down the other factions leaders, are there faction leaders in
Swtor? and can you form raid groups to take go into the enemy capital and kill
A. Really haven't done any of that, but I can tell you right now, you
aren't going to Coruscant and killing the Supreme Chancellor, or Dromund Kaas
and killing the Emperor. Those planets, as well as the Origin worlds are off
limits to the opposite faction.
Q: Could you please list the lightsabre forms and what they do and to
what ACs they belong if you can?
A. Off the top of my head I can't remeber anymore than Shii-Cho, which 3%
damage reduction and 3% damage increase (to enemies).
Q: What spec is the PC you play the beta on? What FPS do you get on
average and how smooth and fluid does the game feel in comparison to WoW. For
example games such as AoC, WAR and Aion did not feel as smooth as WoW does even
at decent FPS.
A. Intel i7 2600k with a MSI GTX 460 Hawk, 8bg of Dual Channel DDR3 (4x2)
RAM, and other crap that doesn't matter. I get 60fps+ out in the world, but in
the cities it stutters abit due to all the data having to be loaded for textures
and the like since we can't change view distance yet. If I put it on Low I would
have no issue at all and it still looks pretty damn good. You'll have no issues
with a lower end system.
Q: Have you noticed any changes to your character's looks by increasing
your Dark Side rank? Has this feature been implemented yet? If so, what examples
have you seen of DS change?
A. There is no difference that I can tell and my Boutny Hunter is Dark
Q: Are there any sort of "Banks" to store excess items? If so is there a
decent amount of space, and where are they located?
A. Yes there are, they are located in the main cities on each planet.
Q: Could you go into some specifics regarding the Sith Warrior companion:
Jaesa Willsam? Is she your apprentice? Is she romance-able? What sith class is
she closest to?(Assassin/Sorcerer etc...)
A. No, I can't. I am not that far on my Sith Warrior and I am not Rick
Ross, so I can't really say aside from Vette.
Q: You said that you can go back and replay a low-level flashpoint, for
example yo have lvl 25 and do the "Black Talon" flashpoint. But, what happen
with your decisions made there? i mean, you killed the captain at lvl 10, but
then when you have lvl 25 and you go and you save him this time, which decision
A. I can't say, I am not Rick Ross and I haven't re-ran any instances
Q: How good are the nameplates. Do they change color or size when you
have aggro (or lose aggro in case you're playing as a tank) ? Do they have a max
range for visibility ? Do you stop seeing if you step too far away ?
A. Nameplates really suck right now.They need a huge update.
Q: For healing purposes, how useful is the party interface? Can you track
your hots/beneficial spells with limited duration (absorb shields and reactive
buff-like heals and stuff) ?
A. Kind of, but just know you're not going to have more then 2-3 HoTs out
on a player at a time, this isn't a game to be spamming skills. Heat/Focus/Force
etc will all require some decent management skills so it's a priority based
system, but yes I can easily track my HoTs that I do have out.
Q: Any idea on alignment requirements for gold/yellow/purple lightsaber
color crystals ?
A. There is none as far as I can see. Just Blue/Green is Light Sided and
Red = Dark Sided.
Q: What type of tank class would you classify the SW Jugg. in wow? (EX:
Warrior, Pally, Death Knight, Druid.) Also, Can you respec your AC, ive seen
people all over the forums asking for this and nobody has an answer.
A. Warrior minus the shield.
Q: Perhaps my question wasn't specific enough from the previous Q&A.
Can any specific details be given on the class or AC restrictions for lightsaber
forms? For instance, do sith assassin/jedi shadow have any forms?
A. If you're a Juggernaut you get access to Soresu and Shii-Cho,
Marauders get access to Juyo and Shii-Cho.
Q: What can you tell about the talent trees of classes in general? Is
there a stronger focus on improvement for current abilities or do trees offer
more abilities? Or is there a balance between improvements on and new
A. It's a mixuture. I mainly focusing on increasing my skills
effectiveness, as the skills in the trees aren't really worth picking up. At
least for a Bounty Hunter (well, aside from some of the healing abilities)
Q: What's the rate of turn in for crew skills/missions? Do fast or slow
turn ins affect the experience drastically or is it inconsequential in the
A. Turn in time is linked to difficulty, cost and reward potential. The
more diffucult the mission, the more it costs, the longer it is and generally
you get a better reward.
Q: Is the UI fully movable, i.e. can you put the abilities bar from the
bottom of the screen to the top of the screen?
A. Right now, not that I can tell, but with the way it's set up it's
Q: Is there some kind of "League" for The Pit ( which sounds a lot like
Blood Bowl or Speedball )? If you can form permanent teams, that would be kind
of natural.
A. It's just a PvP warzone really.
Q: Is there an option to inspect other player ingame (equipped
items/talent tree) ?
A. Inspect gear yes, talents not yet.
Q: Can Zabrak have Facial hair?
A. They can have hair, hair and horns, or just horns, but no facial hair,
it's Tattoos.
Q: In the following Q&A #9 question and answer, I assume Rick meant
Powertech and not Merc, seeing as Merc is the DPS choice for the Bounty
Hunter."Q. Can you give any insight to the BH class, with specifics to both Merc
and Power Tech, But manly with Merc as we have not seen a lot of info about the
Merc. A. The Mercs are great tanks, when playing with one I have never seen him
go below 60% health (Though a good healer always helps)." However, it would be
good to know if the Merc is that tough as a DPS class.
A. Well, I am not Rick Ross, and what I can tell you is, Merc's aren't
tanks. They're DPS or Healers. Power Techs are the tanks. But yes, Merc's with
Mako are freaking tough if you spec a bit into Healing. Mako can heal you pretty
well for the most part, and in the tough situation you can heal yourself as
Q: Do you know what the Agent equivalents of Darth and Lord are? And, if
so, say what they are?
A. No I don't know what the Agent equivalent is, and Darth is not a
in-game title, yet.
Q: Any rough estimates as to how big Kaas City is (like if you can
compare it to the size of a city in any other MMO)?
A. Makes Orgrimmar look like a kiddie play pen :) You can easily get lost if you don't use the map the first few
Q: Do you enter a new name when you get the Darth Title, or is it just
tagged on in front of your character's name?
A. Darth is not a in-game title as of yet, to our knowledge.
In the class stories for Inquistor and Warrior you get Promoted to Darth,
but according to all the people that are that high as Sith, either it's bugged
and not giving the title, or that isn't how the title is gained. And Bioware
isn't commenting.
Q: In the Q&A#8 you mentioned the Trooper gets Melee Dps Medium
Armor, Bug Dude, Hoth as a companion, i was wondering which species "bug dude"
is, Geonosian? Verpine? and what is his name?
A. Only testers that know are Troopers who actually have him. And I am
not one of them. Nor am I Republic.
Q: Which of the Trooper companions is dark aligned and enjoys you making
dark choices?
A. Can't say, not going to BS you with a answer that I am not sure
Q: The Trooper Commando appears to get a kolto bomb grenade, is this a
targetable on location heal or AoE splash on the healing target?
A. Can't say, not going to BS you with a answer that I am not sure
Q: What species are the Trooper companions Aric Jorgan and Elara
A. Can't say, not going to BS you with a answer.
Q: Have you seen in Flashpoints that the loot drops are always useful to
the group or are there drops that are for classes not in your group?
A. For the most part, yes, someone will always be able to use the item, I
haven't seen something drop for say a Sorcerer when we have none.
Q: Can a class not proficient in your armor type roll need on your class
A. As of now, yes. A Sorcerer can roll on Heavy Armor, etc, and I expect
it to change.
Q: Are the mounts affordable? do you need to basically not do any
crafting etc until lvl25 to be able to afford your first mount?
A. They are affordable if you don't waste credits on Crew Skills until
later on.
Q: What do the companion gifts do?
A. Give you affection. So you can be as evil as you want and keep getting
negative affection with them, and make up for it with a teddy bear :)
Q: Is there some sort of dyes available to change the color of
A. No, just to match your chest piece.
Q: Are there any situations where there is a lot of NPC vs NPC battles,
with you and your group supporting them?
A. Not really.
Q: How fast do you earn credits? I.e. how much do you get from
drops/quests and how much is “much”? Are you considered rich if you have 1000
A. If you don't waste credits and only buy skills, you'll have plenty for
a mount and mount skill at 25. And no, you have more then a thousand leaving the
Origin world.
Q: You said that levelling is not very fast paced, but to give us a sense
of that, is there any chance you can see what level the highest level player is
right now, and tell us for about how long this play session has been going
A. Well, Rick Ross might have said leveling is not fast paced, but I
disagree. It is what you make of it. If you focus purely on the quest at hand,
it goes by fast, but if you take your time and do things leisurely, then it's
pretty slow. I say it's about Vanilla WoW in length if you watch every cutscene,
shorter if you skip the turn in cutscenes.
Q: I know you have not done much crafting, but are light-saber HILTS
crafted or are they only gotten threw quest's / drops ? ( I know Artifice makes
the crystals but not who if anyone makes the hilts)
A. As far as I can see in Artifice hilts are dropped, you just make
internal components.
Q: The Jedi Guardian / Juggernaut, use Shield generators in their off
hand slot from what i have read, Do you know what crafting profession makes
these generators?
A. Not off the top of my head, crafting costs more then it's worth right
now so I haven't bothered.
Q: How many different (Unique) flash points have you done? (Trying to get
a idea of how many there are)
A. I am not Rick Ross, but I have only seen 3 Empire side, and I am in
the 40's.
Q: Is there any way to modify key binds? for example: the key "q" can do
one ability but when you press "ctrl" + "q" it does another ability, is this
possible to do with the current build?
A. Absolutely. My main binds for skills are currently q,e,s,z,x,c and f.
And Shift Modifiers for those as well :) .
Q: I would like to know, what is the dmg type for spell and abilities ?
Like in WoW there is fire,arcane,etc. I was wondering if force based abilities
does the same type of dmg then other class spell ?
A. Force Damage is Force Damage as far as I can see.
Q: I'm wondering about the "secondary weapon" slot which I've seen a few
times. In one of the E3 alderaan demos as the trooper was mousing over his gear
I snapped a screen shot of the item next to his weapon.
I have a hard time making out the whole thing, but I can see that it's
called something like: Enhancement Military D-Power Generator. Just wondering
what purpose this slot has? Is it just a stat boost, or do they affect
characters in any other way? And not just specifically for trooper, but for any
other class, like Sith Warrior for example? Also, if the character is duel
wielding lightsabers / pistols, do they still get that slot?
A. That's for a shield generator, force focus, or second weapon. That
opens up when you get your Advanced Class.
Q: Is the game running smooth for you?And do you think a Ati Radeon 5450
HD 1GB can handle this game? my CPU speed is 2.8 GHz and video RAM 2.7
GB(normal RAM is 4 GB)
A. Right now it's hit or miss, we are running a lot of extra crap for
diagnostic purposes. But that should run Medium fine at launch time. Possibly
even High if they put in View Distance settings.
Q: Can Bounty Hunters use blaster rifles or are they restricted to
pistols (single for powertech and dual for merc)?
A. Pistols only. Powertech is single, Merc is dual, correct. Although
there currently is a bug allowing Mercs to equpid a shield generator and 2
Q: Do any of the speeders have seats or are they all segways?
A. Some have seats yes, but not like for friends. No, not all seg
Q: Do quests have set loot rewards no matter what class you play, or are
the rewards for quests specific to your class? i.e. a Sith Warrior completing
the kill ten puppies quests can choose between Juggernaut Shoulders and Marauder
Shoulders, but a Sith Inquisitor completing the same quest chooses between
Sorcerer Shoulders or Assassin Shoulders.
A. Specific to your class, with options varying per AC, and sometimes you
get a box containing a random item or commendation. It's all selection based.
That, and Occasionally there is quests that only reward gear for your
Q: Does the color matching system only work with chest pieces or can I
color match my armor to the color of a different slot like the helm or pants
A. Only chest. But it's very nice, as there are no obnoxious colored
chests. Don't worry, you won't run around in a pink outfit :)
Q: I've read through all 9 posted Q&A's, and the game sounds
identical to WoW in every way. Can you give your opinions on what makes this
game unique (other than 'story') that would convince the masses to play it?
A. Combat is by far more engaging. No auto-attack makes it so you can
right click to use your stand attack, or hit the key bind, the crafting is far
more in depth then wow in that each item as modification slots, but not as in
depth as SWG, PvP is by far more fun then WoW, as tanks are a viable spec, so no
one is left out, and really, you guys are going to want to hurt me when I say
this, for the rest, you really do have to play it to understand.
Q: As seen in the video before E3, there will be some places called
"social hubs". As i saw people dancing and two guys dueling in between a crowd
of spectators, i assume these are certain locations, where players can interact
with each other. Are these social hubs already in testing or have you seen none
of them so far?
A. There are Cantina's but that's the extent of a "Social" hub. Otherwise
you just hang out wherever. Like by a Sarlacc pit :P
Q: Can you give a glimpse at how counselors (especially shadows) do look
like at the moment? Are there still these uncool hats and strange looking robes
(as seen in beginning of swtor), or have they changed the appearance to a more
mysterious, cool and jedi-like look? I don't want my character to look like and
old grandma. ;)
A. Can't really say, but you won't look like Miss Cleo.
Q: I have not heard anything about an in game voice chat feature. Is
there one/ is it any good?
A. In-Game voice chat is not in right now.
Q: Is there an auto-run feature like in WoW (while running press num lock
so you dont have to hold w or up arrow)?
A. Yes. I would cry if there wasn't.
Q: Do you guys know if there are other planets? Other than those who are
mentioned. Cause I can recall some rumor that there would be Dothomir, Manaan
and Utapau in the game. But as of now, we haven't heard anything about it..
A. What's been listed is what is in.
Q: Do orange lightsabers require a darkside alignment or are they
A. Blue, Green and Red are the only colors with alignment.
Q: Will the rumored legacy system be in SWTOR?
A. Can't say.
Q: Hi i would like to ask either RickRoss or the other tester about
something that may be considered as a spoiler. My question is about Darth Revan
quest line. From where dose it start(planet-level) and where it finish (if
either one of them managed to finish it).
A. I won't go into specifics, but Revan's quest line ends sadly in the
30's. And the Republic, to my knowledge doesn't get a quest line for him.
*SPOILER* You kill Revan if you are Empire in a Flashpoint in the
Q: How often does the game receive updates/fixes?
A. Not that often, maybe once a week.
Q: Have they implemented Advance Class respecs or has there been alot of
talk about it on the Beta Forum.
A. No respec for ACs as of yet.
Q: The droid on your ship are you able to interact with it, maybe give it
a name of your choosing.
A. He is a companion, just not for combat. He can craft and do missions,
nothing more. And no, his name is set.
Q: If you played a SI or SW, how difficult is it to obtain the Darth and
Lord titles
A. They're not in-game as of now, to our knowledge.
Q: With the new style of the Character Creation what are the steps, from
some of the pics we've seen there are six. Some people on the suggestion forum
have wanted to be able to lock in their characters name, does the new setup
allow this?
A. Im not sure what you mean by this. But to lock in a character name,
just keep clicking next until you're ingame.
Q: How do cross faction mirrors work? Do trooper/bountyhunter and Jedi
Knight/Sith Warrior have the same abilities and talents, just renamed, or are
they seperate but equal?
A. Kind of the same, but not the same. Skills are all different names and
looks, but the same general effect.
Q: How many characters are allowed in names? Can you have multiple caps
I.E. RickRoss?
A. Not sure but you can add only Apostrophes so your name can be Revan or
Re'van but no caps aside from the first one. And yes, people are using this to
be Darth'whatever.
Q: What do characters who only use one weapon (single lightsaber/blaster)
do with their other hand? Are they blocked completely from equipping an item
there, are there stat only items that can be equipped there (Like Shammy totems
in wow?) or is it just an empty slot on the character?
A. They can have a shield gen/focus etc.
Q: How many romance options are there per class? Is it only one per
A. Not sure, haven't fooled around with romance.
Q: About what percentage of quests are class quests (the ones unique to a
A. Very few. There is only 4 class quests on Dromund Kaas if I remember
correctly. the majority of quests after the Origin World are planet quests, and
not Class Quests.
Q: Are mods and other items level capped to prevent Twinking in pvp?
A. Yes and no. Some mods require the weapon to require a certain level,
so other then that, no.
Q: Are the guards in faction camps beatable? In other words, will people
be raiding the other factions camps?
A. Haven't seen this personally, but would imagine yes.
Q: Can you /dance?
A. Of course, but everyone seems to have the same dance regardless of
Q: Has anyone found creative ways to grief other people? If so, what are
A. Some quest items are...bugged. Like a shock collar for a quest was
bugged and people were using that for some lulz.
Q: Any idea who the Sith Emperor is?
A. No comment.
Q: Any experience with Imperial Agents or read anything detailed on the
forums (detailed advanced class operative/sniper or both)? They seem to have
the least amount of info out there and any juicy bits is welcome and seem
lackluster compared to other classes.
A. No IA experience, except right now Snipers are OP beyond belief.
Q: Have you had personal experience or read on the beta forums
SLI/Crossfire working with the game? Is it an improvement or do folks need to
disable one of the video cards to get better performance.
A. No personal experience, but I can't imagine no SLI/XFire at launch.
Bioware has there heads on straight and is working to fix everything they
Q: As it pertains to flashpoints and operations, is there some type of
functionality to "mark" targets (as in WoW) that facilitates group efforts on
specific targets (kill orders, CC, etc.)?
A. Not that I have seen, but it's really not needed.
Q: I was wondering, what are the final three (31 point?) abilities in the
Sith Warrior trees?
A. Couldn't tell you, not in-game at the moment . And this isn't Rick
Ross, and Sith Warrior isn't my main.
Q: You said in the games current state it is 30 GB, my computer only has
3.9 GB of RAM atm. Has Bioware expressed any thoughts on compressing that down
to a smaller number on the testing forums? And what are your thoughts about the
memory this game will take up when it launches.
A. It's only going up in size, sorry.
Q: Are the crafting xp levels and your adventuring level linked. For
example if somebody supplied you with all the resources you needed to make it to
master at crafting, do you need to have to a higher adventuring level to open up
schematics or is all based on that crafting xp.
A. Not sure what you mean. It'll be like WoW in that you can buy all the
mats and just craft to your hearts content, no training needed. Aside from
Q: Can you give us a breakdown of what each of the gathering skills are
used for.
A. Arch for Crystals (artifice). Scavenging for trash (honestly don't
know). Slicing can net you some crafting items and Bio Analysis I have no
experience with.
Q: Can you give us a breakdown of what each of the mission skills do, eg
underworld trading, diplomacy etc.
A. Diplomacy nets you Light/Dark points, other then that I have Treasure
Hunting and Slicing on the character I play the most. treasure hunting finds
treasure, btw.
Q: I would like to ask if you would be kind enough to give us more
insight in skilltrees.I am particularly interested in PowerTech and Operative
trees, but basically anything is welcome.
A. At the moment no. But as time goes on I plan on leveling everything up
past 10.
Q: In a previous article on BetaCake, it stated that there are 2-3
questlines on a particular planet; The class quest specific to you, and then
some global "planet" questlines.In your experience, what is going to be the best
way to tackle this if you're going to be playing with a group of people. One of
the other players in my group is playing the same class as me, I don't think
either of us would want to run through the same quests twice right after each
other (but who knows, we may). Is it possible to complete the class quest first
on a Planet, and then start working on the Global quests, or will you need to
mix it up due to level restrictions? What about doing all of the "Global" quests
first and then working on the class quest before leaving the planet?
A. Honestly, solo is the easiest. So you can do world and class quests
together, unless you play with someone who is not the same class as you.
Q: Do Jedi go through The Trials before choosing an advanced class?
A. No. You do that kind of before leaving Tython, don't want to spoil it
Q: For the Miraluka race, are the eye patch/eyecover/veil or whatever
related to what helm you're wearing or is it something you choose at character
creation? Some of the screenshots BioWare posted look stupid. I want to play one
but I don't want my battle ready Jedi looking like he's a fortune teller or
A. Yes. There are many options for Miraluka eye patches.
Q: How easy is the flow of credits? Do you think the gold farmers will be
too big of an issue?
A. Gold Farmers are going to be out of business once people realize that
crew skills are a waste until max level. Credits just fly in if you don't waste
Q: Have you done any crafting yet? If so, how good/bad is it? Does it
seem tedious?
A. It's fun since you don't have to do any of it :P
Q: If you've done PvP yet, how fast pace is the combat? Considering there
is no 'auto-attack'.
A. Faster then WoW. Right now it looks like a Rave with all the glow
sticks waving around.
Q: Can you "beam-up" to your ship at any location? Or do you need to find
a space port?
A. Haha. No, this isn't Star Trek. You have to go the space dock and get
into the ship.
Q: Is there anything that you found really cool (feature, mechanic) that
nobody has ever mentioned so far?
A. Not sure if it's been mentioned, but you can start PvPing right awayif
that is what you really want.
Q: What is the difference between heavy, medium and light armor? What
kind and amount of damage does it mitigate?
A. Just armor value really. And what stats are assigned to it.
Q: In advanced class's description there's a big variety of damage types.
Can you upbuild them? Like, Internal damage include Poison and Bleeding damage
and ignore armor, or Energy Damage include Kinetic Damage, or Weapon Damage
affected by opponent's ranged/melee defense and mitigated by armor?
A. Not sure, don't pay attention to that. Too busy shooting rockets out
of my wrist. But seriously, no, none of that, that I have seen as of now.
Q: How can I precisely separate which abilities are affected by strenth
and aim, and which - by willpower and cunning? Its not specified in ability
A. Right now, it's real hard to tell. It's going to take the number
crunchers to figure it out.
Q: Lets say I use Marauder's "Obliterate" ability which described as
"307-363 weapon damage, strikes with both weapons if dual wielding". If its a
melee damage, why it has own damage numbers, is it a force attack?
A. Can't say. Not a number cruncher. I don't know if Willpower affects it
that much or not.
Q: How fast Sith Inquisitor replenish its force? Lets say "how much
seconds it takes to restore whole force pool"? Does amount of force points
increase with level?
A. Once you get your Advanced Class you get a poll of 500, upgradeable
through talents. You will need to use Seethe to restore them, they restore
pretty slowly otherwise.
Q: I want to ask about how some of those talents work. Endure pain, in
particular. This ability is supposed to increase your HP pool by 30% for XX
seconds. The tooltip says that at the end of the duration, the HP is lost. But
how is this "loss" calculated? For example, if a Jugg with 100% HP activates
Endure, he, presumably, has a 130% long, full HP bar. Then he takes damage,
equal to 30% of his regular HP pool. Now he has 100% HP +30% "empty" space on
his HP bar. When the duration of Endure ends, does the "extended" pool just
disappear, leaving the Jugg at 100% again? Or is the Jugg now at 70% HP?
A. I'm not Rick Ross, can't really say.
Во всех фейло играх такие Q/A, как под копирку бля.
Топ Гильдии в Бета-Тесте:
В данный момент Тестеры выбираются из общего списка заявок на бета-тест. Конечно, у игроков «топ-гильдий» такие же шансы попасть в бета-тест как и у других игроков и даже сейчас такие игроки присутствуют в тестировании.
Но, в данный момент мы не приглашаем гильдии всем составом. Может быть, в будущем мы пригласим гильдии в бета-тест, если позволит время.
Разработчики более внимательно рассмотрели «транспорт» в игре и в ближайшее время будет опубликована обновленная информация. Ожидайте в одном из ближайших пятничных обновлений.
Создать RP-PVP сервер не так просто. Точнее «обозвать» сервер RP-PVP легко, а вот создать определенные правила гораздо сложнее. У нас будут PvP сервера. У нас будут «мягкие» soft-RP сервера (где мы воодушевляем игроков на RP, но жестких правил нет). Ввести жесткие правила поведения в RP серверах достаточно сложно, на этот вопрос мы еще не можем дать ответа.
Ожидание «объявления даты релиза»:
Если вы помните, мы упоминали, что заранее объявим об «объявлении даты релиза». Так вот, осталось ждать две недели.:crazy::thnk:
Как правильно сравнили СтиваРейна - С Рейтузон, Бредит этот друган точно так же )))) Так что 2недели до даты релиза или 2ве недели как у него прошел запор - Его понять не реально что он там отсчитывает)
и тд куча скринов
давайте забаним метахера до релиза)
а то фарел уже в окно вышел несколько раз от всяких *стена букф на английском*_)
ла не может всрать. биовар тоже себе не позволит.
ждем мегапвекаребирпроект. будет нагибать плюш и вату. фарел будет как всегда материццо, за что его все и любят. Фарева.
Я уже хочу послушать как материться ГМ РусК...
Уже столько об этом слышал...
Я уже хочу послушать как материться ГМ РусК...
Уже столько об этом слышал...
Ну ничего интересного да и не лучший вариант общения.
Ахахах, да уж не лучший:) я помню Фарел в аоке на одной из первых осад еще поговорил с каким-то нубасом, который думал, что можно не выполнять приказы - так в тимспике еще минут 10 никто не разговаривал:)))
Если бы играли нормально Он бы не матерился)))
У меня всегда, сколько себя помню, были проблемы с ГМами и РЛами из-за моего голоса в ведре (((
Он имеет некое необъяснимое раздражающее свойство.
Как зайдешь в голосовой, сразу муть голос))
У меня всегда, сколько себя помню, были проблемы с ГМами и РЛами из-за моего голоса в ведре (((
Он имеет некое необъяснимое раздражающее свойство.
О поверь, ты будешь не единственный, есть у нас такие что хочется из канала убежать, лишь бы не слушать. :3
У меня всегда, сколько себя помню, были проблемы с ГМами и РЛами из-за моего голоса в ведре (((
Он имеет некое необъяснимое раздражающее свойство.
ну тут кикнуть из гильды и зафармить не получится, меня пытались как то раз, благо в рейде был, не вышло :D
в Межгалактическом HardBall-e поимеем ))))) Это подтвержденная мини игра между командами как Враждебной стороны так и Своей то же
2Фарел - А когда будет закрыт набор в гильду? Как наберется человек 300?
Картинка радует
смотреть в 1080р
11.07.2011, 01:57
Знать бы требования для этой картинки.
примерно такие - калькулятор :)
вообще это вархаммер напоминает О_о
Графа обычная , ничего особенного , думаю на средних компах будет норм на максе идти
Картинка глаз не режет, что уже хорошо. Те кто на Атоме поиграть захотят наверняка смогут траву убрать и пр..
Для Фарела - Сейчас начался эвент - Пригласи друга в бету. Уже тестирующим рандомно вышлют *** приглашений на инвайт друга в игру. Пошурши у нас на Гохе может вырубишь себе ключик )
11.07.2011, 13:01
Для Фарела - Сейчас начался эвент - Пригласи друга в бету. Уже тестирующим рандомно вышлют *** приглашений на инвайт друга в игру. Пошурши у нас на Гохе может вырубишь себе ключик )
Я их не знаю, если и будут давать на гохе, то только для админов, а вообще думаю своим друганам отдадут. Может фросту подгонят.
Ну скорее всего эти ключи по итогу - продавать будут ) чем друзьям раздавать ...
это ты все продавать любишь , а кто то реально даст друзьям , точнее большинство , имхо
Хм любопытно было бы конечно отправить 1 гонца в мир ТОРа, дабы был у нас свой персональный Q&A =)
P.S Элдаен а ты не мог бы чуть чуть переделать свою картинку в подписи ? Ато немного раздражает что над ней вечно висит желтая полоска "Click this bar to view the original image of 585x143px.".
Хм любопытно было бы конечно отправить 1 гонца в мир ТОРа, дабы был у нас свой персональный Q&A =)
P.S Элдаен а ты не мог бы чуть чуть переделать свою картинку в подписи ? Ато немного раздражает что над ней вечно висит желтая полоска "Click this bar to view the original image of 585x143px.".
ну ты посмотри какие мы нежные))))
сколько там осталось до обьявления даты релиза?
We don't have healers to res, they would have no point, as you pointed out
Every player has the ability to revive fallen players (outside of combat).
Sages and Sith Sorcerers get in combat revival. That is all Consular Sages and Sith Inquisitor Sorcerers, not just the ones the specialize in healing/support.
So, as you can see, we're doing things a little bit differently.
Воскрешения - если вы откинули коньки, то реснуть вас сможет любой игрок, в случае если не на кд умение (10мин) и только если этот игрок находится вне боя
Во время боя Вас воскресить сможет только 1н класс в специализации SI Sorc - Надеюсь это групповой рес
Шмот приходит в негодность в данный момент при 5+\- смертях в ПВЕ = надо будет чиниться
2Соленый - да нет ни каких 2х недель ))) SR - гонит че ни попадя, в коментах своего блога 1но, на свтор.ком другое. Такое ощущение будто он бухает и в блоге воротит лишнего по том по трезвянке правит а на свтор.ком его коментят и он отбивается.
Сейчас только собираются Гильдии тестить, как механизм - Так что имхо до даты релиза дальше чем пара недель
Почитайте что тестер 47лвл пишет о игре пока =)
The article below was sent to us through e-mail and its from the SWTOR test forums where a lvl 47 game tester posted his feedback. I must warn you the guy even says it in the first sentence, the following article is spoiler heavy.
If you don't care about spoilers, feel free to keep reading.
I would also like to say that i wanted to post a different update which would include more beta impressions and feedback but Google's Blogger had issues and i was unable to log onto my account and compile everything nicely into one post.
Anyway, enjoy !
Level 47 Tester's Feedback on SWTOR
This is only my personal impressions of the game so fare and this post will contain a lot of spoilers.
To start off this long read I would like to say that I will not be focusing on bugs or other game errors in this post. I have not been asked to look for them, so I will not make a long post about how much bugs suck, because we all know they do. I have made over 40 bug reports while playing, ranging from small graphic bugs to very severe bugs, so do not think that I just ignore them. I just do not feel that I need to post them on this forum in order to get BioWare attention on them when there is a perfectly good tool to do so in the game.
General impressions
Generally speaking I enjoyed the game. It is Star wars, it is BioWere, no doubt about it. I have a few beefs with how the lower level game play is designed (too much on rails for my taste), but as the game progress it really shines as a whole, and I as a player was kept engaged and constantly wanted to know more, explore more and kill more the further I got. So well done on that part.
I will now break down the game in some categories, starting with class story, side missions and bonus missions. After that I will add my impressions on each of the worlds I have visited, and sum up this saga of a post with a few minor suggestions. I will not suggest anything major at this point, because I think it is too late in the game development to change anything drastic.
My Character
I played this game from level 1 to 47 (as of this posting) as a Jedi Knight (Guardian spec, playing as tank). I picked almost all light side options in conversations expect for one time to see what would happen. (Dark side points subtracts from your light side score).
Class story
Starting off on my class story I was immediately engaged. I was a Padawan and off to save the world. Little did I know that I would literally be saving Tython from utterly destruction by the Sith before I was level 10, but as story goes that is ok. I actually saved Tython again later on making me wonder what all the other Jedi are up to.
» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
The good parts
I progressed thought my story at an ever increasing speed, proving at least to myself, that story driving leveling is a huge motivation. I saved all the worlds I visited and bought peace and stability to the galaxy. Exactly what you would expect from a Jedi Knight story.
The Bad parts
Almost each of the Jedi Masters that I encountered during game play falls to the dark side at some point, and then I have to “save them” by beating them in light saber combat, afterwards they surrender. This happens 4 or 5 times as I recall. My problem with this is that it because repetitive, and therefore boring. You know that when you get to a new planet, one of your former masters is the bad guy and you redeem him or her. I have to say it becomes boring.
I would like to see more hard line moral choices in the class story. Places where you REALLY have to think about the choice you make. Right now it seems to me that it is too much Black & White and to little gray to be really good.
Side Missions
The side missions are where you get the bulk of your leveling xp. For the most part I was impressed at the variety of the side missions and my overall impressions is that they did a really god job with this. Sure I probably destroyed 10 communication relays on 10 different missions, but they all felt like I was doing something new. The VO for the NPC’s offering the side quests I skipped most of the time. You might say this is wrong and so on, but I really do not want to listen to 2 and a half minutes of conversation why I need to go fix something. Accept and move on, that was my play style here.
Bonus Missions
The bonus mission feature is something that I am very excited for -when it works-. I think it is nice that you get to a quest area start to kill monsters, and all of the sudden you get a bonus quest. I like it. There are however many bonus quests in the mid and high level game that gives the wrong amount of xp, you cannot complete because you run out of monsters, and in some places areas without bonus quests that “should” have them. I suspect that they have not gotten to this part of the game play in this build.
Companions [Pets]
My companions or pets as I call them are great. I do not think they are companions at all, but are more like pets that faithfully follow you around and bark at you from time to time. This is ok. I did not expect dragon age 1 companion, but to call those guys companions in a BioWere game is misleading. They are glorified pets, and there is nothing wrong with that at all. But I suspect a lot of people will be very disappointed when they realize this.
The pet UI (Crewskills) broke for me, when I got my 6th pet (a sithlord called Lord Scourge of all things!), and it did not fix itself until I was done with my class story. That was the case for me at least. I only had 3 crew members from 39 to 47. Clearly a bug.
As far as equipping your pets goes, that is good, no need to change anything.
There are companion’s missions that you get when you get enough affection with one of your companions. I played mostly with Kira and I got a conversation at 25% and 75% and at 50% and 100% she and I went on two short (and very disappointing ) missions. The first was to Nar shaddaar and last was to Voss were we needed to rescue one of her friends from the Sith.
If you want companion missions to be in the game please make them a lot better, they are a real big disappointment at the moment (at least the few I tried)
I will now go over my impressions of each of the worlds I visited.
I was a little mislead into thinking that this game would have full worlds that you could explore. This is not the case. You are limited to a part of the given world and in some case a very small part. Later on (with a few exceptions) the worlds become a lot bigger, but you cannot really go explore as I see it. Is this a problem? For me no, I rarely visit an area when I’m done leveling there anyways. Will it be an issue for some players, yes? They will feel trapped and that they are in a box with very visible walls.
Now I will break down each world, and my impressions of them, and if anything good or bad springs to mind.
Tython (1-10)
Starting planets of the Jedi. Was nice and pretty, nothing much to comment here. Just getting used to the game. Questing was nice and fluent here.
Old Mantell (1-10)
As a Jedi knight you visit this place at around level 16 when you get your ship, nothing much to say about that. Just a quest class quest.
Coruscant (10-16)
Going from the freedom and densely populated (of mops and quests) planet of Tython to this planet was not nice. It felt empty and way too big. The run alone from the space station to your trainer was almost more running that I did anywhere on Tython. Finished up on Coruscant gave me my ship which was nice. Will not comment on the ship in this post but I’ll just say that there is to long loading screen and to many gates to get to and from your ship. Questing was good, no issues.
Suggestion: Run speed at level 16 helped a lot with the distance issue; maybe move that to level 10.
Nar Shaddaar (20-24)
I hated this place. I was totally confined and the game started to feel like it was on rails, and that I have ZERO choice in where I quested. But I stuck with it, and said to myself it HAS to get better, and it did, but not before I finally left Nar shaddaar. Looking back Coruscant and Nar shaddaar was by far the most restrictive worlds in the game (except maybe for Quesh).
Tatooine (24-28)
Arriving on Tatooine I was again overwhelmed by the distance I needed to run to get from A to B. I had not yet gotten my mount (got that at 26), so just running around Ancorhead felt quite insane. The planet itself was nice. Looking back at the game Tatooine stands out as unique. When I got my mount the planet seemed very nice in size, and it was the first “real” planet I got to. It was huge compared to any of the other areas at this time. I visited the Pit of Sarlacc and was very disappointed (please revisit the graphics on that). But other than that Tatooine was a nice experience. (Would like to have killed a few jawas, but cannot have it all :P ).
Alderaan (28-32)
Stepping out of the Alderaan spaceport and seeing that would for the first time, with the Alderaan music playing is the one moment that stands out in this first week of playing. It was breathtaking, going from a desert to this lush and blue planet. It is my favorite place in the game so fare. Quests on Alderaan was nice and xp seamed well balanced.
Balmorra (32-36)
Balmorra is a world torn by the war, but you start in bugtown in a setting that reminded me more of Star troopers than star wars, and that is ok I guess. Nothing much more to say about this place. Questing was fluent and very well balanced.
Quesh (36-37)
This was the first planet that seamed generally incomplete. Few quests, few mops, no music and so forth. Did was were there and moved on. The place failed to move me.
Hoth (37-41)
Hoth stands out as the worst planet I visited, not because of the Art, but because of the bugs currently on this planet. My class quest broke here, and I spend over an hour just flying around looking for a class phase. But I finally found it and could move on. The xp is wrong here as well, bonus quests do not give what they should and so on.
Looking passed the bugs I liked Hoth. The ice world felt a lot like Tatooine which I also liked.
Somewhere around this time in the game my xp started to go wrong. All the content started being 1-2 levels above me, and I suspect this is due to me skipping most group quests, and the xp that needs adjusting. Whatever the case the rest of the game everything I fought was higher level than me and on Corellia I was only level 44 when I started.
Belsavis (41-44)
Entering Belsavis I thought please don’t have this place as bugged as Hoth and Quesh, and it wasn’t. Belsavis felt like it was done, and it was great fun to play. It is a prison world, and very well balanced overall. The operation area seems to be blocked off atm.
Voss (44-47)
The start of Voss was full of gamebugs (Art) and almost no quests, this changed later on as you progressed the area. I still think that there were too few quests here, but the story is good. I also found my first holocron on Voss that gave me a +10 presence bonus.
Corellia (47-50)
Very large city world. Only 4 hubs and it felt very empty even though that was the highpoint of the entire war.. I suspect that Corellia is not done. The vendor NPCs was also just standing in a huge pile. Underwhelming experience, but the art and buildings here was very nice, but questing was not.
Illum (50-50)
Ice world with grp content. Have to wait for a few people to level up before I can say something about this world.
Overall game play
The overall game play is nice. It isn’t revolutionary, but it is ok. I really like the lightsaber sounds.
There seemed to be a lack of quests in the mid to elder game. I suspect that this is due to several planets not done at this time. In general it surpasses any other mmo I ever played.
Defiantly without a doubt, the coolest thing in the game.
It is just a shame that they only put a sum total of 4 flashpoints in the game so fare (I think 4 for each side). This raises some concerns for me because flashpoints are where the MMO of the MMORPG comes in. I hope and pray that the retail version of the game will feature many MANY flashpoints and not just the 4 which is in the beta atm. I have tried 3 of them and they are all great. It is where I get the most caught up in the story, mostly because I am sharing it with others. (Add to that the fun part when someone says something in a conversation that is totally opposite of what you can and should say!)
Combat for the most part was fun as a Jedi knight. I enjoy tanking and I felt like I could level as a tank and still kill stuff. So that was very well balanced and fun. I would like to have flowing HP boxes on top of all the NPC’s I am fighting. I hope you add that in the final game. I would like that feature because it becomes much easier to correctly pick the target you want to kill instead of tabbing or retargeting every mop you are fighting.
Currently biggest game issue
Aside from the Xp issue, and the general bugs in the game I would say that the economy is an issue that annoys me. You get to little cash to level crews kills while questing and your skills from trainer is way too expensive compared to the cash you get from missions etc. But this is easily fixed.
End notes
That sums up my experience. I did not pay much attention to bugs, but simply reported them and moved on focusing on my game play and enjoying the game. I did not expect SWTOR beta to be perfect and fix each and every one of my dreams for an MMO. I try to keep my expectations of the game realistic.
My take on this game is that is it may be around 85% done at this stage. There are some huge issues that do make the player frustrated and annoyed, but this is beta, and with all our help we can bring those issues to the devs attention and make the game better.
I am looking forward to playing the last of 4 flashpoints currently in the game. It is a high level flashpoint called Directive 7, but that will have to wait a few days until the rest of the server levels up.
It does not seem like operations is currently in the game. I came to an area blocked by a grey wall at some point on Belsavis and I suspect it is on the other side of that.
ролик = бла бла бла бла бла....
действительно впечатляет
Почитал чувака про 1-47 лвл.
Интересно, и выглядит вполне себе реалистично, хай лвл контент конечно же еще не закончен, вполне ожидаемо.
а где связь между Хай лвл контентом и 47 лвл?
Он его не видел да же .... вроде там да же флэши закрыты на половину так как их тестируют на ЗП люди а не просто рандомы ..
Эээ, а 47 из 50 это не хай лвл ? Ты ведь не путаешь хай лвл и энг гейм контенты ?
Дайте истинному ситу приглашение- Дарту Бейну)
Томик - я же написал то что на его лвл текущая сборка не рассчитана, там только 3й акт включили (история класса) пару недель назад, а история не охватывает всех данжей (это касается истории Стороны)
По мне так все эти отзывы тестров от 1 до 11 можно удалить там все что есть полезного это патчнот который проскальзнул с 8м вопрос\ответ. Если нам патч ноты давали регулярно читать можно былоб нормально понимать в каком состоянии игра
у твилеков какая то мода танцевать на всем что стоит на Ножках )))
Ребят не большой оффтоп, но я заметил как появились скрины с беты в норм качестве и отчеты и обзоры от тестеров почти уже никто не говорит что СВТОР будет ЭпикФейлом всех времен и народов ММО
Да не может Тестер - Оценить такие вещи, ибо 99% тестеров это нубы)))) Пусти Фарела в бету он сразу скажет то что в текущем виде игра есть только До макс лвл, далее можно удалять - Ну или популять мини игры (ВЗ)... Остальное в разработке.
То что получение макс лвл сделано интересно и играть=пройти историю класса будет интересно в этом ни кто не сомневается, но То что сделает игру на энд гейме интересным и что не даст людям да же альта качать пока просто в игре нет.
Одно стоит отметить то что во всех отзывах нету *спама* Игра забагована, дыра на баге ляпом погоняет - Полируется игра достаточно прилично, как сингл.
Может быть просто дэбилов в бету пустили, вон и нету спама. В бету надо брать читеров, багоюзеров и просто говнистых людей.
12.07.2011, 22:35
Может быть просто дэбилов в бету пустили, вон и нету спама. В бету надо брать читеров, багоюзеров и просто говнистых людей.
Я к какой категории отношусь?
Перевод умений воина ситхов.
Может быть просто дэбилов в бету пустили, вон и нету спама. В бету надо брать читеров, багоюзеров и просто говнистых людей.
Как раз таких не надо))) Ибо они ни чего не скажут ни кому.
Я к какой категории отношусь?
багоюзер )))
Вот и правильно, что не скажут никому ничего. Можно будет хоть поиграть весело.
Я к какой категории отношусь?
про зеленые катапульты напомнить? :crazy::crazy:
13.07.2011, 07:49
про зеленые катапульты напомнить? :crazy::crazy:
Какого хрена нехватало ещё чтоб свои клеймо багоюзера вешали. :)
А кто Вистрикса Соло убивал? ))))
В бету надо брать читеров, багоюзеров и просто говнистых людей.
я думаю он имеет ввиду нашу Хуяку=)
13.07.2011, 12:55
А кто Вистрикса Соло убивал? ))))
любой барб мог зафаталить вискаса
на сайте ЕА у свтор сменился статус дата выхода неизвестна на To be announced
Как и обещали наверно, в течении двух недель скажут дату релиза даты релиза СВ ТОРа))))))
Какого хрена нехватало ещё чтоб свои клеймо багоюзера вешали. :)
Тут все свои, чего скрывать :)
Хочу оплатить преодер уже ...
Инквизитор Ассасин - таланты
Sith Inquisitor / Assassin Darkness Talent Tree
Thrashing Blades 1/2
Increases the damage dealt by Thrash, Lacerate and Voltaic Slash by 3%
Lightning Reflexes 1/2
Whenever you successfully parry or deflect an attack you recover 1% of your total force. This effect cannot occur more than once a second. In addition, your melee and ranged defence is increased by 2%
Charge Mastery 1/3
Improves the effect of your sabre charges why they’re still active.
Lightning Charge: Increases your crit chance by 1%
Dark Charge: Internal and elemental resistance increased by 3%
Surging Charge: Your attacks ignore 3% of your target’s armour.
Shroud of Darkness 1/3
Increases your total Endurance and Willpower by 1/2%
Lightning Recovery 1/2
Reduces the cooldown of Deflection by 15/30sec, Force Speed by 2.5/5sec and Force Shroud by 7.5/15sec.
Swelling Shadows 1/2
Increases the chance your Dark Charge applies its effect by 2/4%
Electric Execution 1/3
Increases the damage dealt by your saber charges by 3/6/9%
Disjunction 1/1
Activating Force Speed now removes all movement impairing effects, and your Force Shroud now lasts 2sec longer. In addition, using Cloud Mind while Dark Charge is active will no longer reduce threat, instead taunting all enemies within 15m and forcing them to attack you for 6sec.
Induction 1/1
Thrash and Lacerate have a 50% chance to reset the cooldown on Shock and make your next Shock a critical hit.
Dark Ward 1/1
Surrounds you in a Dark Ward with 8 charges that increases your shield chance by 15% for xsecs. Each time you successfully shield, the Dark Ward loses 1 charge. Does not break stealth.
Shadow Basking 1/2
Increases all healing done and received by 3/6%
Hollow 1/2
Increases your shield absorption by 2%. In addition, when you activate Overcharge Saber while Dark Charge is
active, you instantly heal for 5% of your total health.
Mounting Darkness 1/3
Increases the damage dealt by Dark Charge Discharge by 10%, and reduces the force cost of Shock by 2.
Premonition 1/2
Increases your stealth detection level by 1 and defence by 2%
Spike 1/1
Force 10
cd 30sec
Range 4m
Spikes the target upon an overloaded saber, dealing 188 energy damage and knocking the target down for X seconds. Requires a double-bladed lightsaber.
Nerve Wracking 1/3 (requires Spike 1/1)
Targets knocked down by your Spike take 3% more damage from all sources.
Electrify 1/1
Increases the threat and damage dealt by Shock by 15%
Eye of the Storm 1/1
Whirlwind no longer breaks on damage, but while the effect persists, the target takes 75% less damage from all sources.
Blood of Sith 1/3
Increases the rate at which your force regenerates by 10%
Wither 1/1 (requires Spike in Tier 5)
Force 40
CD 7.5sec
Range 15m
Causes up to 5 targets to wither under the weight of the force, dealing 75 kinetic damage and decreasing the damage all targets deal by 5%. This ability generates a high amount of threat. Lasts Xsecs.
Старварсомобиль классный :)
Старварсомобиль классный :)
да мита любитель баяны столетние постить...
а вот и я
лысый дядька более расширено говорит о некоторых моментах и обещает какой-то хай энд контент пока не анонсированный отличный от рейдов
У Шадрика банан отняли))))
Q\A 11
Q: Just a round number would do it: How many in-game-days do you expect for a skilled and well experienced MMO-player, who still wants to enjoy his game, to reach level 50?
A: 10 days if you put in 10 hours a day and don't fool around and just constantly do quests. A bit longer for your first time through the game. So we'll say 15 days more or less for you experienced MMO gamer, less if your the hardcore gamer putting in 16 hours a day.
и тд ниже по ссылке
кто-нибудь пройдет все за день :D
да же ты не пройдешь)
Ставлю на то что 1м пройдут игру за 7 дней ) не ранее - это только соло контент
15.07.2011, 22:28
Snipers are just too OP right now
oh yeah
Задайте вопрос разработчикам о ПВП в игре - Только имейте ввиду они не на все ответят ) Это о вопросах из разряда ПВП+Гильдия
+ инфа по всем статам чара и на что они влияют в конкретном случае это Жэеди Сентинел
Корусант - столица Республики
Таланты JK Sentinel - Как аналог у Империи будет SW Marauder, присмотритесь те кто этот класс хочет опробовать
Barron's financial report marks November 2011 as the window for SWTOR's possible release date.
Electronic Arts has confirmed that it intends to acquire PopCap. PopCap Games is one of the best-known casual-game developers, and one of few [to] have created multiple hits on multiple platforms.
The price is $750 million, with a multiyear potential earn-out provision. The deal is strategically intelligent, with a fair price. PopCap's business is where EA wants to go, and it has been able to produce new hit intellectual property, which is where EA has struggled. Based on knowledge of PopCap's growth, we expect this to be an $850 million acquisition, which at 8.5 times revenue is comparable to similar assets in the space....
The deal is expected to be neutral to fiscal 2012 EPS, and accretive by 10 cents to F2013 EPS. We are updating our model accordingly. EA also pre-announced fiscal 1Q (June) positively. It gave disappointing initial 2Q EPS guidance. We are officially moving the expected Star Wars launch from September to November. PopCap is not the key to getting ERTS right.
We like this acquisition, but this is not going to make or break your ERTS trade this year. The success of Star Wars and Battlefield, on the other hand, will. All eyes now shift to them. Market cap: $8.1 billion.
если я все правильно понял то тут речь о анализе рынка игроков пересчитаных на деньги во времени и получается что для еа выпустить свтор на равне с БФ3 (осенью) - это потенциально заработать 850 мл. от 8.1млр-ов целого пирога игровой индустрии на 12год.
Экран загрузки клевый))
П.С. что за Попкап геймз такая за такую сумму х_Х Неужели казуалки такие прибыльные оО
Экран загрузки клевый))
П.С. что за Попкап геймз такая за такую сумму х_Х Неужели казуалки такие прибыльные оО
ты даже не представляешь себе насколько, учитывая их себестоимость
Из-за них все разработчики ушли в эти офисные игры((((
Из-за них все разработчики ушли в эти офисные игры((((
это чушь
and more
это чушь
Ну это так крик души)) Просто на гохе вечно новости всплывают, то Гарриот работает над казуалкой для соц. сетей, то еще кто-нить)) Игры теперь чисто бизнесс :(
я понимаю, да,все вокруг бизнес, если честно)
там в рекрут топике меджик принялся наконец то, фарелу полегче будет)
Реванов КВ )) продолжение по ссылке
Вопрос только насколько у Мэджика останется желания командовать, после распиздяйства гильдии в АоКе.
я не понимаю бурю восторга
одним нубасом стало больше, только и всего :)
Ты расстроен, что никто так не радовался зануде Шадрику?
м? просто моё замечание святая правда. твоё... ну безосновательно.
ты неправ, ты знаешь правду, я - истину)))
к выходу свтора все состарятся и будут слакать :crazy:
и будет пофиг - нубас или не нубас
Походу это тебе спать пора)) Я еще Breaking Bad 04e01 не посмотрел)
4й сезон появился? тыц тыц тыц
а мне спать нельзя я на работе
BREAKING BAD 4? пошел смотреть. Bonus: :]
ну ваш брикинг бэд, после 2го сезона все не то. Я смотрю 3й сезон хранилища 13, самое оно летом не то, что депресняк ваш:)
после 2го сезона как правило всё не то
я кстати думал о хранилище 13
19.07.2011, 17:30
после 2го сезона как правило всё не то
я кстати думал о хранилище 13
Тема плавно съехала на сериалы...
P.S. warehouse 13 тот еще среднячок, тем более его закрыли вроде.
ИНФА ПО ПРЕДЗАКАЗУ (х3 правда или нет)
Description :
Discover the period of the Old Republic - thousands of years before the rise of Darth Vader when war between the Galactic Republic and Sith Empire divided the galaxy. Choose and create your own character of the many classic heroes of Star Wars ™ series, min: Jedi Knight, Ranger Award or smuggler. Make decisions that will define your personal story and peel your own path at the bright or dark side of the Force. During the adventures complement to your team that you support the will to fight.Total stoczycie amazing fight, you will collaborate with other players to overcome the toughest challenges and discover the wonderful world of Star Wars in the best MMO game genre.
Main features:
SWTÓRZ YOUR STORY IN THE WORLD Star Wars - Choose one of the eight available characters and become a hero of his own adventure - with an interactive storyline, cinematic way to conduct a conversation and a full dubinngiem (in English).
TELL AFTER bright or dark SITE UNDER - making meaningful choices during your adventures you specify your own path at the bright or dark side of the Force.
Complete TEAM - Build your own relationships with associates who join your team and will fight at your side
Heroic PRZYZYJ START - Take part in the breathtaking lightsaber duels, space shoot-outs in the canteens and huge battles against other players.
Fly OWN SPACE SHIP - earn their own ship, which will become your base of operations while you explore the galaxy and take part in epic battles in space.
DISCOVER Fully functional MMO GAME OF THE SPECIES - Join your friends and experience the player-versus duel-player in special economic zones (Warzones), scenarios for collaboration between groups of players (Flashpoints) and challenges for many players (Operations). Join a guild, trade by auction houses, produce their own objects, sit at the controls of vehicles and much, much more.
The above is a rough translation, if any Polish people willing to properly translate this, feel free to post it in the comments.
Source :
Самое прикольное то что ПРЕДзаказ (по этой версии) даст Ранний доступ в игру =)
А вот ценность кристала не ясна до тех пор пока со 100% уверненностью нельзя будет сказать о количестве его использований = можно ли однажды вставив его поменять на другую пуху в будущем..
Сурс, какой-то сильно неофициальный.
а это просто РЕкламка коллекционти - но по скольку на ней стоит *штамп* Рабочий макет + то что он попал в сеть скорее всего будет изменен
в целом все больше и больше сочится инфы о игре причем уже детили предзаказов, может и правда то что на КомиксКоме обьявят дату+откроется предзаказ =\
Они таки сделали ЭТО? =\ 2х меч + одноручка =\
Варзона Войдстар
Они таки сделали ЭТО? =\ 2х меч + одноручка =\
Нереалистичный бред. Помоему какой-то баг.
ну в трейлере Hope - вроде норм все
Просто представь какая анимация должна быть. Лучи же не должны перекрещиваться, рука не должна выворачиваться на 180 градусов, что резко снижает кол-во степеней свободы. Фанаты не поймут.
посмотрел ролик - ТАк там за счет того что владелец 2х меча имея возможность Вкл\Откл 2е лезвие да же преимущество получал так как выкидывал и убирал его Минуя все тобой описанные трудности - Но то что это в игре сделано\будет сделано я то же сомневаюсь ...
А если все движения выполнять в полной раскладке 2х меча то по любасу собственные мечи будут встречаться .
Но если сделают ... То в такой комбинации бой получится очень красивым - имхо
а ну если убирать-выкидывать, то может получится действительно красиво. Блок удара двумя мечами а третье лезвие в пузо)))
он и маску сбил вроде выкинув лезвие
локи - Скрин который мы обсуждали вроде как обман ))
Кстати все обратили внимание то что РЕЙД будет состоять из 6 групп = 24 человека (АОК стайл) Очень радует так как я уж боялся то что будет 12 только
Забиваю место БХтанка в рейде с Фарелом )))))) )
20.07.2011, 23:09
Кстати все обратили внимание то что РЕЙД будет состоять из 6 групп = 24 человека (АОК стайл) Очень радует так как я уж боялся то что будет 12 толькоОкуда инфа.
П.С, мне не светит мейн рейд.
Открой скрин и читай внизу по возможным Формациям рейда
нафига я эти скрины показываю если вы ни чего не смотрите )))
21.07.2011, 00:22
Открой скрин и читай внизу по возможным Формациям рейда
нафига я эти скрины показываю если вы ни чего не смотрите )))
Я смотрел честна, но чет туда даже и не подумал глянуть, да и не на полный экран.
ну с таким подходом ты точно в основной рейд не попадешь)))))
НИ че найдем еще 22 слакера ))))
21.07.2011, 00:44
ну с таким подходом ты точно в основной рейд не попадешь)))))
НИ че найдем еще 22 слакера ))))Ты слишком много скринов выложил :)
As anticipation grows, BioWare also proudly announced today that Star Wars: The Old Republic will open "Beta Test Weekends" starting this September. These weekend play sessions will be open to selected players worldwide and create an opportunity for fans to get a sneak peek of the epic stories, worlds, quests, battles and characters in the game.
Please visit to register for game testing and to stay tuned throughout the summer for more details as they become available.
Source :
Начиная с СЕНТЯБРЯ начнется ОБТ по версии Биовар
локи - Скрин который мы обсуждали вроде как обман ))
Как всегда, лишь бы нае...бать)))
As anticipation grows, BioWare also proudly announced today that Star Wars: The Old Republic will open "Beta Test Weekends" starting this September. These weekend play sessions will be open to selected players worldwide and create an opportunity for fans to get a sneak peek of the epic stories, worlds, quests, battles and characters in the game.
Please visit to register for game testing and to stay tuned throughout the summer for more details as they become available.
Source :
Начиная с СЕНТЯБРЯ начнется ОБТ по версии Биовар
CBT однако...
О чем и говорилось на Е3
Будут брать И давать доступ к игре куче людей на 2-3 дня, а не как сейчас Тестер на месяц.
ЭТо облегчает работу по самому серверу кол-во которых не надо раздувать, за то за месяца 2-3 если пускать в неделю по 5000 людей могут посмотреть игру 60 000 человек ... На CBT не похоже, на мой взгляд
2 дня - что бы не успело надоесть что ли...
ммм... Metaxer, я раньше считал что ОБТ это когда пускают всех, а КБТ это когда пускают тока выбранных из списка :)
пвп на варзоне
Адвансед класс можно будет Сменить! - 1й Раз практически бесплатно но последующие коррекции будут все дороже - за заоблочные бабки ))
возможно будет закрытое обт..ну или открытое збт..
как в рифте, когда вроде збт, но ключик на него не доставал только ленивый
В Этом Ролике - Агент ОПеративник ОЧЕНЬ круто выглядит =)) Чекист =))
в пве против мобов, все круто выглядят
в пве против мобов, все круто выглядят
PvP в последнем ролике ( тоже очень круто выглядит.
На 1:20 там тру джедай.
Чтоб все враги были такими. =]
АС можно сменить... биовары тупые лошары.
АС можно сменить... биовары тупые лошары.
Да какая разница, в игре с легкой прокачкой это не важно. Рерол за неделю две никого не напряжет после очередного ребаланса.
Шадрик - а ведь ни кто не знает толком, о механике смены АС
Вдруг стоимость смены зависит еще и от ЛВЛ персонажа
на 12 лвл сменить 1й раз стоит 1000 кредитов
на 50 лвл сменить 1й раз стоит 1000000 кредитов
Уверен то что тупо загибая цену смены в космос они не остановят повальные реролы туда\сюда? Вариантов масса, как они сделают в релизе х3.
Но не дать вообще менять АС это то же не по божески так как 90% играющих казуалы =)))
На 1:20 там тру джедай.
Чтоб все враги были такими. =]
тот который чаржнулся в толпу ситхов и был пережован за сукунду?
Exclusive Tester Q&A #12 Разговор с тестером у которого 50лвл чары
Q : A question regarding Jedi Consulars and Sith Inquisitors.
Does the baseline class archetype still get a healing ability (Benevolence and Dark Heal respectively, if I'm not mistaken) pre-level 8 in the current build? Do Jedi Shadows and Sith Assassins get access to this basic heal (not asking about exact talent support or scaling with stats - just availability)?
No, you do not get a regular heal unless you go Sorc / Sage. However, at level 46 the archtype gets an ability called Sacrifice (do not know the Sage name, I don't play goodie two-shoes faction) that kills your companion and heals you for 40% of max health.
I have not played Assassin / Shadow, so I do not know if there are some heals in their spell books.
Q : I know there is no auto attack but there is a standard attack (either with your lightsaber or your blaster) for each class. If you right click an enemy will it do that standard attack once or do you have to click or press your hot-key?
All classes have a “default” no energy cost attack. Right clicking will use whichever ability you have in action slot 1. So I suggest putting your no-cost in that one.
Q : Does the bounty hunter healing spec have any kind of cleanse mechanic? If so what ability is it and how does it work?
Yes they do. Mechanics is similar to how it works in WoW, and there's a talent to improve it.
Q : In previous Q+A sessions, it was said that questing is the most viable way to gain exp.
(the tester said if you try to lvl by grinding creatures, it will take a long time)
I am not the guy who has answered before, but this is correct. Leveling in SWTOR plays more like Mass Effect / KotOR than it does WoW, if you catch my drift. It's a story experience.
Q : In Q+A 11, the tester said, about flashpoints, " Aside from the massive XP gain"
Is running flashpoints over and over a good way to lvl? I like to run quests as much as anyone,
but sometimes its fun to just crush instances over and over to grind out that last lvl needed for a mount,
or whatever. Is this viable?
Sort of. If you do a flashpoint at the level intended, you can get pretty decent xp for it, assuming you don't have a high level in your team ruining it. This is similar to other MMOs. Could you level from 47 to 50 in the level 47 flashpoint? Technically, yes. I wouldn't want to do it.
Q : On July 20th the severs were being taken down. Is the new build up? are there any major changes to note?
or is it just added polish? Any previous complaints that are now addressed?
Not just a new build, but a completely new client. I haven't had time to play much after that (it's only 2 days ago, guys), so I don't want to venture any guess about the amount of fixes. But the old version was over 1 month old, and since it required a completely new client, I'd imagine they've put some effort into it.
Q : It was recently said that cover is useless in pvp (paraphrasing) Have pvpers learned to use cover to their advantage,
is cover just broken as far as pvp? or does it need work?
Useless is a bit strong, but personally I am not a fan of being stationary. I am sure good PvPers are going to find a way to work it into awesomeness, but personally - not loving it.
Q : We know that light saber wielders will be the majority. Will this make non force users more desirable in a guild or raid,
or are they so balanced, that it doesnt matter who you take? I am thinking back to wow being stuck will all
druid healers, and looking for a disc priest to add the shield, etc. And if so, can you comment on
what healing or tanking abilities are handy to take long? We already know that SI and JC get
battle rez. This may influence how raiders will roll.
We do not have access to any raids yet, so it's a guesstimate for me. It seems to me at this time that the roles are fairly evenly balanced, and it's not going to be a huge issue whether your tank is a Juggernaut or a Powertech; however, when it comes to loot distribution, chances are pretty good you'd appreciate being an underplayed class.
Q : Can a character that starts on Hutta (say, an Agent) do the Black Talon with someone on Korriban (say, a Warrior) the first time in order to use it as a way to get to Dromund Kaas? Additionally, once you get to Dromund Kaas, can you do the Black Talon with someone still on a starter world before you obtain your class ship?
Yes, everyone ends up at the same spaceport, where Black Talon (and whatever the nice-guys version is called).
And yes, you can also return there from Dromund Kaas. You just have to find the right shuttle, and the game doesn't really explain which one to take, but hopefully BioWare will add some labels to the map to make it easier to understand.
Q : Do Jedi knights use the same 'rage' mechanic that Sith Warriors use or do they have a different system? I really hope it's something similar to a mana bar.
Same system. The Sith / Jedi classes are pretty much 100% mirrors of each other mechanically. There's more variation in the non-force users classes. The stories are widely different, of course.
Q : Has there been any one on the beta forums running tor on a linux machine though wine?
I have tried it, it's… technically doable, but a Very Very Bad Idea™.
Q : Whats the story behind the Sith Emperor and who is he?
I won't comment on story line spoilers.
Q : What happened to the Exile and our companions from Kotor 1 and 2?
Some of them make cameos in the story, some small, some large. I'm sure everyone knows about HK-47 by now. That being said, I don't really want to give away too much in terms of story.
Q : I enjoy tanking and like the idea of ranged tanks. However, I'm a bit concerned that it will be too easy and kind of boring, because, as I see it, you just have to stand in one spot without the necessity to ever move.
Attacking a spread out trash pack? Just stand there, tab through targets and shoot everything.
Adds spawn in a boss encounter and run towards the healer? Just stand there, tab through and shoot.
Melee tanks most likely have a much harder time managing those situations, having to rely on line of sight to get ranged mobs, moving a lot to get adds from the group etc.
I don't know if you have played ranged tanks yourself, but maybe you have grouped with some or read about this on the beta forums. I'd apreciate any info you might have.
I have both a 50 powertech and a 50 mercenary. I enjoy ranged tanking; yes, the ranged abilities do give us some added tools in terms of picking up stray adds. Not to the level of imbalancing.
Again though, BioWare hasn't given us access to raids yet, so this is for 4 man content; which isn't too challenging to tank for any class.
Q : In KOTOR if you obtained one of the special color crystals, or simply a color you liked you could upgrade or make a new saber and transfer that color crystal over. With the CE showing that there will be a special color issued is the same mechanic used for TOR? Will the color crystals transfer if we don't want to use the standard green/blue/red hues?
You cannot take a color crystal out of a lightsaber after fitting it. I assume this is not the case for the pre-order bonus (that'd be retarded). That being said, color crystals are fairly easy to get hold off in any color you want. It appears that BioWare wants you to have access to these fairly easily so you can customize.
And yes, color crystals do have stats. They are fairly small stat boosts, and you can find any stat/color combination, so your role isn't going to limit you to specific colors.
Q : Could you please tell me around what level you will get all your companions and if any of you has experience with the Jedi Consular would you mind telling me if it is a fun class with a good story? Thank you guys.
It varies a little from class to class. Generally, you get the first one around level 7-8, second one is your ship droid (so around level 15). Third one most classes get on Tatooine (around level 25). Fourth one you get at the end of Chapter 1 of your story, which is around level 32-34 (Taris usually). The fifth one you get at Hoth (around 38) and the sixth one you get at Belsavis (45-ish).
This is all for Imperial side. The planets come in a different order for Republics, and I haven't played Republic side enough to really know.
Not played Consular, but I do have a Jedi Knight. I love that story, at least.
To some degree, the choices you make as a Jedi are more meaningful; they actually require you to weigh the pros and cons. As a Sith, it's pretty much either “be evil” or “be a pussy”.
Q : I would like to know if all healing AC have their own healing mechanism with different specialization (such as more oriented on single heal, AOE, HoT, etc.) a la WoW. And if so, can you elaborate a bit about each mechanism as far as you can ?
I have only healed as BH; there's various mechanics, some shields (Earth Shield), some HoTs (although they pretty much suck at the moment) and the regular “big heal” and “small heal” functions you see from all MMOs.
It appears to me healing is fairly similar from class to class, but again, I've only healed on Merc.
Q : How large is Korriban? Are the stat bonuses on color crystals balanced, or will there be "superior" colors? And is there any chance of the lightsaber color restrictions being removed with some feedback, or is it set in stone?
Korriban isn't very large. In general, planets get larger the further into content you get. The first planet (Sith side) that feels properly large is Tatooine. Then Alderaan gets even bigger, Hoth becomes huge, etc.
Yes, color crystals are balanced. As for whether there are superior colors; not at the moment at least. Could it be that there are some unique ones that drop from raids? Who knows. Not seen any yet.
I doubt the color restrictions will be removed, but just pick your LS / DS alignment based on the color you want if you absolutely want a Red/Green/Blue saber.
Q : How is the conversation system in terms of complexity? In leaks up to now we've only seen the right/decision portion of the ME conversation wheel, how about the "explore the back story" options on the left of said wheel? Is there ever a time (in your class story for instance) you get those options to just question an NPC for more information, or are all dialogues basically just trading one liners? I can see how that is a necessity for MP dialogues but I'm kinda hopeful that your personal story interaction is closer to ME in terms of not being so "dumbed down". Is that a fools hope?
You do sometimes get the opportunity to dig into the story a little more. It's very clear when those options are present, you typically get one alternative that says “Ok, I'll go do it” and the other one is “Wait, what?!?”.
Q : Can you please explain the current state of the guards? Are town raids possible?
Starting worlds and home planets are completely off limits. Towns on the remaining planets can be visited and invaded. It doesn't actually serve any purpose, but yeah you could take your Sith friends to Anchorhead and slaughter all their guards if you want.
Q : Does the Assassin/Shadow have a equivalent distance closer to the Force Leap ability of the Sith Warrior/Jedi Knight?
Yes. Force Spring is their gap closer (arch type ability). Increases speed by 150% for a few seconds, does not break stealth.
Q : One tester suggested, if you don't spend your money, except on training you will have enough to get your speeder etc at 25. This seems to be an MMO standard. But IMHO if you group all the time in MMO's, & group cash was your only source of game cash/group drops, that you tend to fall far short of the money needed for a mount & training by the expected level. This seems odd, since MMO's are supposed to be about social gaming, most MMO's give a bonus to exp for grouping, but no bonus to cash. Thus if you divide the cash gained by the number of people in the group equally, you end up getting that much less money. I.E. if there are 4 people in the group you will be short of the amount needed for a mount by a factor of 4 unless you kill 4 times as many mobs as a solo person, which is fine in an MMO that has no penalty for farming kills. But since this game is "story based" & they don't want people to "farm exp or kills", how do you think people who group all the time will be able to make up for that cash amount? Will they mostly turn to buying gold? Will they have to become crafters? Or will they just have to farm instances? Do you think BW needs to add a cash bonus for each member in the group?
Money is not a big issue, unless you're an idiot. I've had more money than I need through every level, and that includes the speeder & speeder skills upgrades.
In short; don't buy EVERY crafting schematic you can find - buy the ones you need. Don't keep sending your companions on missions 24/7, try to gather resources in nature yourself.
If you don't waste your money, the game is fairly generous about keeping your bank roll decent.
Q : My group currently appears to be a BH powertech tank & 2 dps IA (currently 1 is leaning sniper, the other aoe), with Mako for heals. Do you think that group will be fine? Will the BH powertech be able to keep aggro & tank? Will Mako be able to keep the group healed. Do IA get a base heal before they choose an AC? Do BH's get a base heal before they get an AC. It was suggested that such skills stay with you throughout your leveling, though maybe weak. I hope, since BW has allowed these classes to focus on a healing tree, that they give them a small taste of their healing capabilities before they have them choose an AC they can never turn back from. Would they be able to use those "base" heals to help mako heal in tough situations? Are "medpacks" , the equivilent of other MMO's potions, plentiful enough to be used for emergencey heals as in most MMO's? In your opinion could such a group truly be able to do instances?
Companion healing is bad. Really bad. Hopefully it will get fixed, because it appears it does not scale very well to stats.
That being said, 4man content isn't horribly challenging, if your people know what they are doing, and you have a dps who also has some secondary healing capacity (Sorc, Merc, Operative), you should get through it fine.
Q : It appears to me that BW is trying to use heavy cash sinks & a shared (between factions) economy to keep the economy balanced. From the videos I have seen, it seems things are far too expensive & the mobs drop far to little cash, do you think BW's current sink heavy idea will work? As I believe heavy cash sink economies actually help to sell farmer gold, & actually promotes elite crafting with absolutely unrealistic pricing. So do you think BW's current model will promote the MMO norm of farmer dependency or actually create a balanced game economy?
I have not, at any point, had any problem with getting enough credits for anything I need. As long as you aren't wasteful, credits is a non-issue.
Q : I am not a huge pvp server fan, as I don't usually find there is that much more pvp on those servers than most modern MMO's pve servers. I loved Warhammers pvp fits & Tor seems to be copying that. I also loved Warhammer's open RVR area & RVR level rewards, which worked great to entice more pvp on pve servers. Those rewards combined with lots of repeatable quest, exp for killling players, exp bars that rewarded me with blue gear when finished, & chances for blue loots when killing a fort boss were carrots to keep me pvping. That combined with almost instanct access to battlegrounds, with very short queues worked wonderfully in Warhammer, until everyone realized taking cities had it's fatal flaws. But I have only heard of 3 battlegrounds, shared by all tiers in Tor? Is this true, is this & pvp gear all they have to encourage pvp on pve servers? If so, I fear that Tor pvp on pve servers will be terribly subpar compared to most mmo's, what are your opinons on what you have seen in testing for pvp on pve servers?
There are only 3 warzones at the time, yes. Whether they plan to add more before release or not, I don't know. They're all pretty good (to various degrees), and PvP is fairly balanced. I enjoy it a lot - some people complain about bad lag, I'm guessing bad computers or bad connection, I've never had any problems in warzones.
The PvP / level balancing system is alright. It's sometimes frustrating to get killed by a level 10 when you've spent hundreds of hours getting to level 50, but it's a necessary sacrifice in the beta, since population is very low. I believe they have said they are still considering level-adjusted warzones for release.
Q : I am guessing that on a pvp server, that companions can always be out, & therefore ironically are a core part of non instanced pvp on a pvp server. I am also guessing that "gank squads" will tend to group 2 players to a group, using something like 2 dps, or 2 heal companions. Take 8 people doing this & people will be rolled by 16 people at a time. But if huge groups like this clash it could be pretty exciting. Is this your experience on pvp servers?
There are no PvP servers in the beta (at least not in my group, and I haven't heard of any elsewhere). Companions are a significant part of SWTOR; that's something you should just be prepared for.
I wouldn't say they are powerful enough to be a big deal in world PvP, but they're a decent addition to your char, and you're handicapped without them.
Q : Since MMO's are supposed to be a social aspect, & it only takes a group of 4 people for a full group. Are you seeing far less companions out hunting with a group than most would expect? Or are you seeing a tendancy for more players to solo, so they can work with their companions?
Because of the low population on beta servers, it's hard to tell. Some group content you can solo with your companion; most of it you can't. Unless you outlevel it and come back of course, but that's not efficient XP.
All things considered, the leveling experience (even the solo content) is more enjoyable if you do it with a friend. It's faster, better xp, and you have someone to talk to.
You can solo from 1-50; I would prefer not to.
Q : I remember some MMO's that had mini games that were so well done that they seemed a part of your character. I think of crafting as one such thing, but WOW's fishing, cooking were such mini games. These seemed to benefit your character with extra stat boost, or stuff to sell. I also think this was smart as it natually added to the amount of time you played that toon. Do you think the lack of mini games like Pazaak, an in game Bounty system, speeder racing, npc KOTOR 1 arena fights, pvp duels mini games, & the ability to bet on these mini games (like in pazaak) at launch will give Tor a much lower average played time on a single toon, than other MMO's with such minigames?
Yes. I am one of the people who really want some content to do when I'm just “hanging around” in the game, and I really miss that. WoW was amazing at providing that kind of stuff.
The testing forums are very polarized on this. One group is making a huge deal about this missing, the other group are calling them idiots for wanting to fish in a game.
Q: I have read several tester reactions on the potential Cantina as "social hubs", not really having any in game social draws. Do you think adding mini games like Pazaak, speeder racing etc would actually make the cantinas social hubs worth visiting, for the aveage player?
It certainly could. It's hard to judge whether people would group there, because the server populations are so low now. But yeah, minigames would be good.
Q : I have always felt the BH powertech tank build seemed underpowered compared to the other tanks in the game. I question their hps, armor, damage mitigation, & damage potentials as a tank. So, I have a crazy concept, since healers have presence as a major stat, & presence gives healers more healing power, companions more health & makes them hit harder. Is it possible that a say healer Sith Inquisitor, could use a companion to tank for a group & be able to do about the same job tanking as a BH powertech player with mako healing?
No. Heal / Tank companions really can't replace player chars. You can “make do” with them, if you have absolutely no alternative, but they are not, even best case scenario, as good as a player tank or healer.
Q : I have seen some testers say that the Sith Juggernaut & IA are OP. And the videos I have seen seem to validate this. But since TOR is like Warhammer in that it has each faction having similar classes per faction that are not exact mirrors, I was wondering if the balance is there and Smugglers & the JK that is opposite of the Juggernaut is considered just as OP? If they are not considered just as OP, do you think this is a potential fatal flaw in the TOR balancing act, especially pvp?
I haven't really seen any chars as OP. I think this is more about people cryfacing because they got owned by someone in PvP; which may very likely have nothing to do with the class being OP.
A lot of the people in the test are really, really bad at playing MMOs. I'm talking run-into-the-wall bad.
My experience is that my Merc is pretty much always top dog in warzones, but I'm also a pretty hardcore PvPer from other MMOs, so whether or not that comes down to the class, or me just not being a tard, I don't know at this point.
I love the IA story btw, you guys have something to look forward to.
Q : I assume the BH powertech Shield tech tree is the sterotypical MMO instance tank. What in your experience is the BH powertech advanced prototype tree? Is it like a WOW dps warrior build? Is it an aoe tank?. Would you consider it a tank thats ok for most occasions? Or would you consider it more of a 2nd dps option? & do either of the BH powertech trees have problems keeping aggro from the rest of the group?
All of the tank ACs appear to be performing pretty well now. As for holding agro, you can do that in any tree, but your survival is greatly reduced if you're not shield tech.
I'd say that a dps specced Powertech can tank 4man content just fine, but once you get to raid level content, you're going to want more pure bred specs. That's speculation at this time, though.
Q : Damage calculation formula for dual wielding lightsabers is: 30% of [weapon damage +bonus damage( calculated from str) ] additionally there is penalty to accuracy -33%. Does dual lightsaber deal more damage than single one? Based on this calculation it's not. Am I missing something ( like skills hitting twice)?
Marginally more. When you start adding some +accuracy items, it becomes very sweet. Both my Merc and my Marauder is sitting at about 76% hit chance with a lot of accuracy stacked; damage is awesome.
Q : When they try to balance class abilities and skill trees, does it seem like they get it right first time or do they need a few attempts at buffing/nerfing before getting it right?
We haven't seen any significant updates for over 1 months now (probably thanks to the MAGID people…). Most changes before that has largely been baby steps. I imagine it was more drastic in the early phases of the game, but I wasn't invited back then, so don't know.
Q : Is there a debate going on tester forums wether AMD or Nvidia gfx has an advantage over one another in TOR? Any consensus to which is winning the race?
Absolutely no idea. I use nVidia, and do not have any problems at least. I run the game at max settings at 1920x1080, and only place I ever have issues is right after zoning into a big city.
Q : Whats your guess on what it takes to run the game maxed out in 2560x1440 res?
I don't have a dual monitor setup, but in general, the game runs very smoothly for me. If you can run that resolution in current day singleplayer games, I can't imagine you'd have a problem in SWTOR - perhaps except in the middle of huge raids etc.
Q : I'm guessing the companion Ashara Zavros will be the female romanceable companion for SI, what race is she? Any pictures you could upload of unseen companions would be highly appreciated.
She's a Togruta, she appears to be borderline jailbait… Looks pretty good, actually, and I've enjoyed her story. She plays the role of “fallen jedi” very, very well. Yes, she is your female romance, and she's pretty hard to “get going.”
Q : I know respeccing ACs are still up for debate, but what about respeccing within your chosen AC? Is there a dualspec system in place? To swap between e.g. pve and pvp spec..
Re-AC'ing was just confirmed yesterday, so just adding that in there.
Respeccing skill tree is just like in other MMOs, you talk to an NPC, pay him some credits, and you get a reset option.
Cost scales with how often you do it; very cheap in the start.
No dual spec. And I'm leaning towards it not being needed, but that might change when raids are available - if they require more purebred heal / tank specs.
Q : Hi my question is. Force scream seems very prevalent in the Jugg Sith Warrior tree. Any info on this ability? thanks.
It's essentially just a damage ability that will also “scare” (i.e. stun) your target for a few seconds, unless it's an elite.
Q : I know most people have not tried the Tunnel Shooter, though I was wondering if what we were told is true and if it really is a viable way to earn some credits and possible do some character advancement. So far it was said you earn credits and Ship equipment from the Space combat missions, Anything else? And how many Credits?
It's not played much at this point, because it's ridiculously difficult to complete the missions. The first couple are ok, but then it just gets to the point of being ridiculous, you get shot to pieces before you can even get started sometimes.
As a general matter, it's ok fun, but needs balancing. You get a little bit of xp and credits, not enough to make it worthwhile for those purposes.
You get commendations from it, that you can use to buy ship upgrades.
Q : Can you ask anyone if they know if Elara Dorne (trooper companion) is lightside or not? or what kind of attitude she likes? for a male she appears to be the only romance arc :p
At this point, companions do not have LS / DS alignments. I don't know about her personality, I've only played a trooper on low levels.
Q : Can you use one of your tank companions to tank and hold agro, while the SS casts and heals the companion? I suppose what I am asking is can you fill the trinity of healer and tank with your SS and companion?
Yes. It's not an ideal solution, but it's doable.
Q : Is a SS gimped if they go for a dps / healing build while leveling? So basically a lightening / corruption build or can you even go corruption / madness build for leveling?
Some people I've talked to has leveled as healers, I wouldn't do that. Presence does make your companions better, but not enough in my opinion.
Madness sorc is awesome.
Q: We have seen the SS use the lightening abilities alot, as this is what the class is a out. But can an SS still use the light saber if needed?
Yeah, you still have the basic melee abilities from the Sith Inq tree, and you do keep getting new ranks of it. So yeah, if something gets in your face, you can cut it down.
Q : Are there more flashpoints then those on the main site? If so how many more?
Yes. Currently, there's one for each faction around level 10, two for each faction around level 30, and two for each faction around level 47.
There is also a “heroic” flashpoint available at level 50, which to a large degree ties together the stories from the previous ones.
Now, BioWare isn't actually TELLING us where to find these, so it's very possible that there are more level 50 flashpoints people haven't found yet.
Q : Have you seen any wearable Imperial soldier armor?
Do you mean armor that would make you look like the Imperial NPCs? If so, no. There's some armors that have darker color schemes, and look kinda similar, but as far as I can tell, you can't a actually dress up as an imperial soldier.
Q : Do you know what species the Agent companion Vector Hyllis is, or at least what he looks like?
Nope, never seen an IA that actually uses him.
Q : Speaking of Agent companions, do you have any idea why Doctor Lokin is a melee tank?
Well, someone has to tank, no? But no, I don't really know the back story or anything like that.
Q : Any idea what "social rewards" are? (as in the stuff you can get from points accumulated when grouped with other people)
It's gear. Pretty good gear, however the accumulation of social points is so slow, you have almost no chance of keeping current with your level. So at this point, it's mostly a vendor showing you stuff you cannot buy.
Q : So the Empire controls Corellia. Is that the case from the beginning, or does it happen at some point in the story?
From the beginning. Corellia is awesome.
Q : When leveling a Smuggler class, which of the dps builds is best (I refuse to play a healing based smuggler); Sharpshooter, Saboteur, or Scrapper? Furthermore, which class do you anticipate so far as being the most viable or more dominating PvP class (as far as the smuggler goes)?
I have only played smuggler a little; the cover mechanic is really good in PvE, although to me it gets a bit tedious. I don't know the class well enough to really answer this question.
Q : Of the 4 builds of the Smuggler class, which is the most popular?
I can only judge by the /who lists in game, and that doesn't show me which spec… but there's more gunslingers than scoundrels.
Q : In earlier releases, I have heard that Smuggler's were dying a lot more than other classes and having a hard time soloing (with companion). Has this been changed more recent releases? Do you notice Smuggler's dying more often than other classes?
Again, I've played very little on republic side, only char I've leveled past starship level is the JK. But at least up to and throughout Coruscant (level 14-15), I haven't had any problems with my Smuggler.
Q : In the current beta build, can you cross-faction chat? Do you anticipate that cross-faction communication will be implemented at release?
Yes you can. And I absolutely hope so. If people have sensitive tits about being taunted by the other dudes, learn to use /ignore.
Q : Could you be so kind to give some information about the Sith Inquisitor Sorcerer healing character?
There is little to non footage out there and same with text info.
Is it viable for solo or do you lack dps?
How is healing like? Is swapping targets and healing any good?
I'm used to healing in WoW, and to me the lack of mouse over macros just makes me want to grab a rusty fork and stab it in my eye.
From a balance point of view, Sorcs can heal just fine, I'm just really not loving having to actually switch targets every damn time I need to heal someone, and stuff like that.
There's also a small issue in animations extending your cooldowns, BioWare has acknowledged the issue and hopefully will address it in the future.
Q : Questions regarding Imperial Agent. 1. Is your impression that the IA Sniper is capable of defending himself and killing the oponent, in a 1v1 scenario. Personally I am afraid IA has a nice burst/dmg potential, especially in a group scenario, but on his own hes like a wet toilet paper. 2. Have you seen any of the endgame/close to endgame armors you can have (such as being able to ctrl+click the item to see it on your char), does the armor look good/slick compared to other class armors? 3. What is your overall impression of the IA, if you have any special "thoughts" that crossed your mind about the class (Sniper in perticular).
I don't know IAs enough to answer. Sniper has absolutely brutal damage, probably highest in the game at the moment. How well that translates into PvP, I do not know.
There's no “wardrobe” function yet, hopefully they'll implement that.
However, in this game, your icon actually matches the look of the items so you have a pretty good idea of what it's going to look like just from the icon. But yeah, a preview function would be much appreciated.
I've enjoyed the IA story greatly. Probably my favorite one so far. Sniper has brutal damage, Operative skill tree is horribly broken.
Q : How do the different ACs differ in terms of healing? Which ones are the most capable for burst/constant healing and which one is considered the strongest for PvP and/or PvE?
Seems to be very even, I'm not primarily a healer, so I'm not the right guy to ask. But yeah, all things considered, it seems like any of the healing ACs can step up and get the job done.
Q : My question is simple, I've read all the Q & A's about this game, and while I am excited, the people answering the questions choose to answer with 'It works like in World of Warcraft.' Is this a bloody clone of the game? Should I not be excited by this? How different is this game from World of Warcraft? Have they strived to make noticeable differences?
No, it is not. If anything, it plays LESS like World of Warcraft than I expected it to. Are there significant similarties to WoW? Yeah, of course. They'd be completely insane not to take some benefit of WoW's success.
But the game plays more like Mass Effect than it does WoW.
Q : When I was in the beta about 8 months ago class balance was terrible. Jedi Knights could plow through packs of 6 mobs with ease and Consulars would die taking on 2 at a time. Are classes reasonably balanced (the best being maybe 10% better than the worst) or are there still glaring issues like this?
Are there differences? Yeah. That being said, I've leveled a SI to 50 (equivalent to your consular), and never had any problems. My JK seems to have a little bit easier time - but this is reality in all MMOs.
A class that has tanking ability has by definition skyhigh survivability, and that makes PvE easymode.
Q : When listening to the devs I get the impression that this is essentially a single player game that only runs in co-op mode. As such once you hit 50 apart from PvP and the occasional raid there will be little to do other than go back and explore things you may have skipped over or re-roll and run through the story again. Are there enough interesting things to keep max level players occupied for more than a week or two? Are there heroic versions of flash points? Will this be like Rift where everyone leveled up to 50 in 100hrs of play time then quit?
This is a concern that a huge part of the testing community keeps bringing up. Hopefully, BioWare are listening.
Since they aren't actually giving us access to end game content yet, I honestly couldn't answer you.
But I can assure you that BioWare is repeatedly reminded of this fact.
Q : Can you tell us something about healing? - Like which class has hot?(Healing over Time) - Which class has direct heals. - Which has Shieldings etc.
Well, my Mercenary has all of the above. I believe my Sorcerer also does, but I've never actually heal specced him, so I wouldn't say for sure.
Right now, heals and shiels are (at least for Merc) pretty bad, and you'll mostly rely on your “big heals” to keep your team alive.
That's partially because you're also going to participate in combat. Might change in raids, but in 4man content, you don't need to spam heals like you do in WoW.
Q : Seriously, who is the Emperor?
Don't know, and even if I did, I wouldn't tell you. The story really is a focal point of this game, and spoiling it is going to ruin a lot of the fun.
Q : What is the current state about gear customization? If it is nonexistent, have the devs mentioned they were planned something about it?
I absolutely love the way gear works. The only MMO I've liked the gear system better in is SWG, and I realize SWG's crafting and gear system is too complicated for today's MMO market.
In short, the good quality armor pieces only have 1 stat on the actual armor - that is an armor value.
Beyond that, it has from 1 to 5 modification slots (overlay, underlay, circuitry, support and harness) that you can customize with mod items, so you can actually build very unique stat bases from your armor.
This is also part of the reason why this game doesn't need an appearance tab. If you have one chest armor that you really love, you can keep that armor piece for a long time, and just keep upgrading all of the modification slots, to keep it current in terms of stats provided.
It's a brilliant system.
Q : What is the list of the Inquisitor companions? (I know there is Khem val, Xalek, what are the other three?)
Khem Val - tank, freak, big part of your storyline. Great tank even at 50
Andronikos Revel - smuggler/pirate picked up at Tatooine. Great dps
Ashara Zavros - jailbait jedi, dual wield lightsabers. Good dps, a bit of a goodie-two-shoes, but she'll come around.
Talos Drellik - Ranged healer, by and large useless.
Xalek - your proper apprentice, caster dps - amazing.
Q : What are the romance options for the Inquisitor?
Ashara and Andronikos. That being said, there's plenty of NPCs you can bang on your journey through the galaxy. Not so much romance involved in those, it's mostly just down to business, and get on with your work afterwards.
Q : Can you give a quick list about the titles you have seen so far and how to get them?
Christ, there's just tons. Way more than you've seen in WoW, for example.
You get titles from your LS / DS standing, you get titles from your class quests, you get titles from completely the planet-story quests, you get titles from doing flashpoints. You pretty much get titles everywhere.
Q : So my question is: u said that the only time u got bored playing TOR was when u tryed space combat, but even so u rated the game with 6.5...if everything was excited but space combat, why this bad rating? Im not whining about your judgment, it can be true i never tryed the game, im just trying to understand it. Other mmos like aion, rift or lotro to name a few are all "ok" and decent games but not brilliant, and they all got better ratings than 6.5, and much better ones if u ask me to rate them. 6.5 its a mediocre rank, its not a game worth buying most of the times when sites and magazines give it to games. I must say your commenut scared the hell out of me , and now i fear the same ghost, the mmo ghost that dooms(atleast to have a big fan base) all mmos but WoW. If u can explain better your claims I would be glad :).
Thanks and sorry for my english.
Ok, there's different people answering these Q&As, this is my first one, so I can't really answer the question.
I'll say this;
As an RPG, I give this game a 9.5/10
As an MMO, I'm holding off judgment until I see endgame.
Q : Do slows or holds fill the CC bar in PvP as well: Are they counted as crowd control?
Q : You have talked about the Powertech and that you dont want to play the class, even for money. What are other players oppinions to the Powertech? Are there more Testers not really excitet about the Powertech? If so, will there be a fix?
Different guy here; I have 50 powertech and 50 mercenary.
I prefer mercenary, but no great issues with powertech. I think the reason why the previous Q&A disliked powertech is that you don't start getting the fun stuff until fairly high levels.
Until around 25-30, it feels a bit tame. Again, I like merc better, but powertech is a good, solid class.
Q : In Q&A 11 it was mentioned many or some testers are disappointed in PvP. Do you have any knowledge as to why the disappointment and have there been any tester suggestions or developer comments on negating the concerns revolving around PvP?
The biggest complaints I've heard is lag, and I don't have any lag problems. I enjoy PvP a lot. Is it perfectly balanced? No. But it's close enough that every class which is properly played can hold it's own.
Healing in general needs to be made less of a pain in the ass by fixing some animation issues, but that's hopefully in the works.
Q : You mentioned that crew skills are quite expensive and yield very little unless you craft above your level. Will gathering your own materials while out in the field and forsaking crew skills while leveling make crafting more economical for your character? If you do this will it be as time consuming as in WoW or will it be more of a side experience while questing?
Again, new guy here, so I can only answer from fresh; if the previous Q&A due has problems with credits, he's doing something wrong. Since the community is too small to have an active economy, crafting doesn't really pay off at the moment. Nobody to buy your stuff.
You should pretty much never send a companion on a gathering mission, there's nodes all over the world that you can pick up on your own.
I only send my companions on 1) slicing missions because they make shitloads of credits and 2) diplomacy missions to adjust my LS / DS ranks.
Q : I for one really enjoy experiencing everything a game has to offer. I'm a semi-hardcore player but life takes priority. My question is will I be able to enjoy everything this game has ( even space combat which is shaping up to be disappointing) without over whelming myself?
You'll probably enjoy it more than the people who go “ZOMG GOTTA GET TO 50!”
I'm one of the people who hate leveling so much, that in WoW I have eight 85 chars, and every single one of them was leveled by a power leveling service.
I _hate_ leveling.
But in SWTOR, I've loved it. Don't get me wrong, the 4th time you do the same generic side quests on Nar Shaddaa, you're not gonna find them interesting anymore, but yeah - compared to previous MMOs, leveling is enjoyable.
Take your time, enjoy the story. No prize for being first to 50.
Q : I have always liked playing a debuffer type class in MMO's like Burglar in LotRO or to an extent Warlock in WoW. Are there any specific classes that stand out in SWToR as a major debugger type class or are they all on par with each other when it comes to debuffs?
Sorc / Sage probably the closest - although I think there isn't enough of it. It's a bit too much “tank & spank” and too little strat for my taste.
Q : What is the last companion for the Smuggler besides, Corso Riggs, Akavi Spaar, Bowdaar and Guss Tuno? What's it's name?species?role?
Risha, ranged, medium armor. Rifle if I remember correctly.
Q : What are social points used for? Can you buy stuff or get ranks or titles with them?
Already answered above, but it's used for buying gear. Badly balanced at the moment, not really working.
Q : I recently watched a video involving a multiplayer conversation, in it the player was choosing the responses but another player was speaking. Could you explain a bit more about the multiplayer conversation system and how it determines who speaks?
Yes. Every player selects one response, then the game does a /roll 100. The one who gets the highest score, is the one who actually acts out his choice in the game.
For any conversation that has story plot consequences and/or LS/DS, your choice counts for your character, even if you do not win. So other people can't ruin your story.
Q : As we've seen from the screenshots you can configure your lightsaber in many ways, I'm going to be playing a Gunslinger Smuggler and I was wondering if there are similar options for configuring my two Blasters?
Yeah, there are. Including color cartridges for blaster fire.
Q : I think there is much misleading info on the classes and AC choices. Are the classes complete mirrors or are there enough differences to each class that warrant their own identity? For example the JC Sage and SI sorcerer. Assuming both focus on their primary DPS trees Telekinetics or Lightning, are they different as far as Stats, animation, and damage or completely aesthetic simply with the same skills with different names?
The Jedi / Sith classes appear to be 100% mirrored functionally.
The non-force user classes seems to have a little more variation, but they're also pretty close to each other.
Q : Not related to TOR itself but it seems that many are discussing about your 6.5 score. Are you going to change that depending on some of the issues you've have been addresses? Regardless I knew it wasn't going to be evolutionary but on the whole it sounds like you enjoy it and to an extent will most likely buy it and subscribe to it... is that correct?
Different guy, I think a 6.5 is definitely lowballing this game. I do share the other guy's concern about not having seen any endgame content yet. But I'm giving BioWare the benefit of the doubt for now.
Q : I plan to play with 2 other friends. At this point I plan to be a BH (powertech tank), & they will both be IA, maybe 1 a sniper the other the AOE dps build. As of now we plan to use Mako as our everyday healer. Do you think the Powertech, tank build is a decent enough tank for this? How is the BH powertech's taunts? Can he keep 3 or 4 mobs aggro? Do the IA & BH get basic (small) heals before they chose an AC that could supplement Makos healing? Does a healing companion heal the group, or just their owner? Do you think such a group could do instances? Are medpaks (heal potions) common enough to be used to supplement healing, like in other MMO's? Or do you think I would be better off going the Powertech dps tree or a hybrid? Or will I just be forced to go to one of the other Empire tank builds? As Sith Warrior seems OP compared to the other tanks, from the little I have seen.
Tanking is fine. Mako's healing is pretty bad. Med packs are fairly minor, I wouldn't rely on them in anything other than solo content. Still, since everyone has a self-heal out of combat, you're mainly looking at healing from an “OH SHIT” perspective. At least in 4man content.
Q : I have heard several leakers suggest that the BH merc dps/heal build is great. I have seen some testers claim they have never seen a merc dps/heal build drop below 60% health. This suggest Mako or a group healer was there. I think I also have seen it suggested that some mercs were able to take advantage of a bug & use the powertech shield while keeping up their dps. Do you take advantage of that bug? Is that one reason you like your merc so much? Bugs not withstanding, do you think a Merc dps/heal hybrid with Mako healing would be a better tank than a powertech tank with Mako healing?
Well. First of all, yes, Mercenary works very well. I have a 50 Merc, and I love him to death.
As for the shield bug - partially. You can't actually make it _work_ like a shield, that actually required a talent from the Shield Tech tree, which Merc obviously doesn't have.
For any char that doesn't have that talent, the shield item is simply a stat stick that gives you a little extra. Do I use the bug? Yeah. But it's such a small impact on your character, you'd barely notice the difference.
Q : IMHO if you group in most MMO's & the shared loot/quest are your only source of income, you never seem to have enough money to buy mounts etc at certain levels. I reason that is because you kill essentially the same amount of mobs (only so many mobs in an area) & that cash/loot is divided by the amount of people in your group. So essentially, you have to work the AH/craft/instance/ or buy gold to have enough money to buy mounts on time. It was mentioned if we don't waste money on crew skills, we should have enough money to buy our mounts at level 25. In my experience most MMO's have an exp bonus for grouping, but no group cash bonus, so unless you work the economy, or farm instances you can end up short on cash, because you group. Do you think that is the case if you group all the time in TOR?
Not sure. I've never had any problems with having enough credits.
Q : Most MMO's crafting systems are not profitable early on (unless you buy gold), so I think your statement about your experience in TOR is true in most MMO's. The crafting systems usually also make stuff that is to costly for the reward, & to time consuming for the cash you will get back from a sale on the AH. Do you think the current crafting & cash sink system is designed to benefit hard core crafters? And because things are so expensive hard core crafters will have to do like in most MMO's rely on a guild or buy gold? I think this is the way most MMO's crafting economies are set up these days. So inadvertently the system supports gold farming. In most MMO's people can make some money by training all gathering skills, are there enough resources available on each planet to support this? If one does do only gathering skills early on, is it not worth it to send your companions on gathering missions? & if you do the old gathering skills "to supplement your income" system can you re-train to a real crafting skill at level 50, when you actually have the funds to afford crafting?
You could make it a bit easier on yourself by waiting to 50 with crafting, but it isn't necessary. If you only buy the schematics of stuff you can actually use, instead of buying every single one of them, you can do that easily.
Is it going to reward hardcore crafters? I don't know.
A big problem with the crafting system is that your companions do it for you. Imagine in WoW, if you went to find a Blacksmith to make you an awesome piece of armor, and you gave him mats worth thousands of gold, and then he tells you “Ok, I'll be back with your item in 5 hours!”.
That would make you pissed off, and pretty damn concerned about being scammed. Well, that's how it works in SWTOR for the moment…
Q : From what we have seen in videos from BW, it appears their approach to keeping the economy balanced is to have huge cash sinks (everything is over priced) & to have the mobs drop very little valuable loot or cash. In my experience in MMO's this leaves players feeling frustrated, & feeling like they have to buy gold to keep up with the jones. Do you think that will be the case in this MMO?
So far, I have had more credits than I need to spend on any of my characters.
Q : I realize that gold sellers, even though illegal are desireable to an MMO. They may be illegal but many players seem to support them, & lets face it they are paying subs to the company & buying new copies of the game when they are banned. So even though i'm against gold selling, I ignore it, as other players like it. & the current state of MMO economies almost relies on it. But I find it annoying when they spam your mail or spam the group with an ad then leave the group. Does TOR seem to have anything in yet to stop at least the mail spamming? I really liked that addon that blocked mail spamming in Warhammer.
Hard to tell, there's only a few hundred people on each server, none of them seems to be spamming me with credit sales :p
Q : Does TOR have any Warhammer open battlegrounds? Can factions "take control" over the neutral planets? Are there open area pvp bases to take like in warhammer? Are there any reasons to get the average player into pvp? I was very excited when it sounded like TOR would have Warhammer style open battlegrounds & I hoped this would lead to rvr levels & rewards that would entice even casual players into pvp. But from what I have heard TOR's pvp system seems to be seriously lacking in carrots to draw non hardcore pvpers in. I don't consider myself a pvper, but I fear many of the pvp players will have very few options compared to other MMO's pve servers. What is your opinion on TOR's pvp verses other top MMO's?
Not that we know about. Although we do know that there are 2 planets that hasn't been disclosed to the public yet. Are they PvP? Or PvE raids? Who knows, all we know is that they are for “end game content”.
Q : I know TOR says there are no mini games like Pazaak in the game. I know they also seemed to indicate there was no KOTOR arena npc duel mini game. But in the last BH armor progression video there seemed to be a arena duel between 2 players & 2 npc's (One can see the specualation on the dissection of the video). Was that a quest? Was it a teaser of what might be added at a later patch? Or was it a mini game? We have also seen still pics that seem to show Las Vegas style dealer against 6 players blackjack style Pazaak tables. Is that mini game in? It is sad if they are not in as I think it would be a nice counter sink to some players & gold farmers, while also giving players an actual reason to gather in cantinas.
I don't have time to go looking for the video at the moment; there are no arenas, if you think about that term from a WoW perspective. There's plenty of areas well suited for dueling, but I'm not sure that's exactly what you're asking.
Q : There have been a lot of requests to transcribe the Talent trees, which is all well and good, but can you please transcribe a list of skills for the classes that you are familiar with? I think knowing the actual skills will give us a better idea of how the classes actually play, what they do, and how the talent trees augment their play styles. Thanks!
That would be a full time job. Problem is, you can't see the skills you haven't unlocked, so to actually see every skill in the game you'd have to level every single class to 10 twice - just so you can pick each AC and look through the trees.
I'm not really tempted to do that now. I'll see if I get around to doing it for the classes I already have later, and I'll email the cakeman if I do. No promises.
Q : How does Sith Juggernaut dps compare with marauder dps in PvE and PvP? If they
are very nearly the same, what are the differences in the types of dps?
I hope they aren't equal. Juggernaut obviously has much higher survival, it would be very unfair if that isn't countered by slightly lower dps. Obviously, they still need to be ok.
Right now, without any meters to acutally check, it feels to me like the best DPS in the game is Mercenary, Sniper and Marauder.
The main difference is in how you'd gear them. Because Marauder dual wields, you're going to want to stack a lot of +accuracy to get rid of your miss rates, while for a single wielder, you can focus more on pure dps stats.
Q : For the Imperial Agent, how well does concealment spec perform? Is it good in
PvP but not PvE? or are they still working on it?
No idea, I don't really ever see anyone using it. Whether that's because it's broken or just not fun, I do not know.
Q : Stealth classes have the ability to do good burst damage but how do they do
afterwards? Is a Sith Assassin at a disadvantage after the Sith Juggernaut
starts his attack?
SA seems to have pretty solid damage overall. I wouldn't worry about this. But without dps meters or a parser, I couldn't tell you with numerical precision.
Q : Overall how useful do you think stealth will be for a PvP mechanic? will players
with the option use it to start every encounter? or is it more just for sneaking
into/out of situations to avoid fighting? How easily is it detected?
I don't play any stealth classes, but I'd have to imagine not being seen is a good thing.
Mercenary has a talent for increased detection, that I use, and it seems people get surprised when I killed them while stealthing. So it appears that they are generally able to get away with it.
Q : Are you able to create Marcos?
No. Sadface.
Q : If someone intended to be the main tank of a raiding guild, based on
what you know, is there any tank option (Assassin, Juggernaut,
Powertech for Empire), which outshines the other in taking on world
bosses and potentially raid content? I know the raid content hasn't
been open to you yet, but I hope you get my meaning.
So far, they all seem to be doing pretty well. My standard group has a SA as a tank, and he can handle anything we throw at him fairly fine, but I'm sure either of the other options could too.
Q : What do you think are the best and worst features in this game?
Also, are there any epic (not necessarily epic) in-game cinematics during important story events?
Best; storyline, warzones, the item mod/customization system
Worst; UI, no macros, healing animations issues.
Q : Do you feel the group quests/instances are harder, easier, or about the same difficulty level as regular corresponding content in WoW?
The one heroic flashpoint I've done at 50 was pretty hard. Comparable to end game instances in Wow, I'd say.
Lower level content is hard to judge, because the difference between being +1 or -1 level compared to the mobs are pretty huge.
Doing Black Talon with a group of level 8s is going to be pretty hard, doing it with a group of level 12s is going to be steamroll.
How does group looting work? Do you kill a boss, a few items drop, and you roll on them? Or, do you kill a boss, return to the quest giver, and choose a reward? Or something else perhaps?
Mob loot.
You have choice between Master Loot and Need/Greed at least. Very similar to WoW (and most other MMOs).
Q : If I want to use a healing companion is there a difference between the companions skill level or do they all give me equal healing skill if I use the healing kit with them?
I am planning to play Jedi Knight and I would like to use the T7-01 droid to do the healing.
T7 is a tank. You can put the healing kit on him, but I can't imagine why you'd want to. Give him something that knocks down enemies. Knockdowns are win.
I don't actually know if the medkit for companions vary by stats or has a fixed heal amount, sorry.
Q : So I really would like to know more about Akavi Spaar, the female mandalorian companion of the smuggler. Does she look like Shae Visla, who is the bounty hunter in Deceived, or what does she look like? Is she Good or Evil?
No idea, sorry. I don't even know who this Visla lady is.
Q : I've heard that in SWG(though i may be wrong), when you point at aurebesh writing it is translated in a tool-tip. Is there such a mechanic in SWTOR.
I don't actually remember seeing any aurebesh writing, but if there are any, I'm sure the game would translate it.
Q : I wonder what is canon appearance for Revan? How he looks in game ? (screenshot please)
He looks the way he should, if you get my drift. I can't give you a screenshot, because it takes well over an hour just to get to him.
Q : Does Republic version of Revan quest line ends with Revan's death? How he will die? (Sacrifice or something else?)
From what I understand, he is not killed. But I don't play republic.
Q : What happend to the Exile?
No idea.
Q : Same question as the first one but for the Exile (screenshot please)
See above.
Q : During the videos that have been leaked all people that loot the bodies have to do so manually by clicking the take all button.
Is there an option that allows auto loot, basically you just right click the corpse and it loots everything automatically from that corpse without clicking the button?
There's auto-loot. If you mean videos by BioWare, they are deliberately using mouse clicking for everything (including combat) so that people get to see the tooltips.
If you're talking about beta leakers who use manual loot, I guess they're just baddies.
Q : You mentioned that you have to press space all the time to skip the quest dialog, during one of the leaked screenshots i saw an option to auto skip movies or dialogue in the settings, what does this option do?
That's just for the cut scene movies, like the introduction when creating your character.
If you want to skip all dialog, this game isn't for you. Sorry, but that's like ordering a steak, but asking for it to be vegan. It just doesn't make sense.
Q : So, you played a Jedi Guardian until right around level 50. Is there
ever a time past level 10 as a Jedi Guardian where you can equip heavy
armor that does not include a heavy plate look, or does the general
look follow the armor looks they gave us in our progression video?
Most of the armor past 10 we have seen has been just bulky space
plate. Are there any unarmored looks for the Jedi Guardian?
New guy, my JG is only 30ish. There's a great variation in looks, and if you look at my answer a few pages about where I explain the item modification system, you have ways of “re-using” a given piece of armor if you really like the looks of it.
But as a general matter, heavy armor looks heavy, yes. Jedi Guardian and Bounty Hunter has the best armor visuals in the game imo.
Q : In the Developers walkthrough Tat video the Inquisitor choose darkside and got affection points with Khem Val. So it seems if you go light side you will lose affection points from him. Will gifts alone keep Khem Val happy enough so he won't leave you if you choose the path of light as an Inquisitor? And in general will gifts alone keep all of your companions happy if you choose a path they don't agree with?
It's not quite that simple, companions react to more context than just whether it was LS or DS. You also affect your companion in a lot of conversations that do not give you LS or DS points.
And yes, gifts can compensate a lot. I've seen gifts that give +150 affection. Usually, the decreases in affect from your actions are fairly small.
Largest decrease I've seen was -110, but that was with a pretty outrageous dialog option that went directly against that companion. I won't spoil the actual story, but in general, you will find it fairly easy to maintain good affection with your companions.
Gifts are awesome, but gets expensive. Diplomacy skill is FTW.
Q : What crafting skills do you predict being the most useful at end game? I am thinking in terms of making money and also being valuable to your guildies.
Well, right now Slicing is a moneymaker, and Diplomacy is win for LS/DS points and companion gifts.
As for end-game, the game economy is probably going to work best if people have a balanced selection of professions. I predict Artifice and Armstech will be overused, and thus lower priced, but that's really a wild guess.
Q : Are companion romances significant enough in game to make you change your characters gender? I prefer to make female toons, but I also like the romance content of DA1 and ME1&2. As there is no homosexuality in game I would like some guidance on what I might miss out on.
I'm a straight guy who's really disappointed at the lack of Same Gender Romance, just for the record.
The romances are a small part of it, the most interesting part of the affection system is actually unlocking the quests, and learning more about their backstory.
Actually getting them into your bedroom on the ship isn't that big of a deal to me.
Q : Has there been any talk in the testing forums from bioware about any kind of name reservation / preloaded character creation system?
Not as far as I know, I do not believe they have any intentions of doing this.
Q : We have been told that in PvP, characters cannot be one-shotted and burst damage doesn't factor in as highly as in some other games. Assuming a strong player attacks a weak player 1 on 1, how long would the fight last before the weaker one died?
PvP combats are moderately slow, which is a good thing. I'd say a 1v1 between two people who aren't horribly bad should usually take 30 seconds or so.
Now, obviously, if you get focused in a warzone and everyone unloads on your ass, you're going down pretty fast.
Q : Player ships i heard you can drop off items in your ship for storage if so do the items you place in your ship show up on the floor or table on the ship? like if you put 5 weapons or armor in storage would you see them or is it just a box like banking.
It's a bank box, and it's shared with the bank out in the world. So you can access it from anywhere.
Q : When your companions craft stuff for you dose it just go in your inventory or is it placed some where on your ship and you have to go to the ship to pick it up?
Inventory. Or put in a pending mode if your inventory is full.
Q : player ships can you add items or move items around your ship kinda like in SWG in your house kinda thing so people can see the stuff you put up?
Nope. Only thing on your ship that moves is you and your companions.
Q : You said that you are getting a new beta build on july 20th have they said anything about inviting more people to the beta other then reinviting current beta testers? if so any number?
They gave a few testers 1 free key to hand off to their friends a few weeks ago, beyond that, they don't announce when new people are invited. I'm guessing invites are going out fairly frequently these days, but that's speculation.
Q : The new beta build you are getting you said it may take a week or so beta the servers are up again did they say why it take so long or why they where doing it? cause comic con people will be able to play it so just wanted to know.
The build was so large that they had to roll out a completely new client, which means a 35gb download for most people. The servers were down for about 24hrs, and are back up again now.
Q : I notice in a leaked sreen that they dont have alot of spells/abilities at the trainer. like after level 10 you get 1 or 2 spells/abilities every 2 levels but once you get to like level 16 or 18 you get 1 maybe 2 every 4 levels. do you get more spells/abilities once you put points in your skill tree for advanced classes? or dose it just improve the ones you have?
This is the way it's displayed. If you look at the trainer and select “All Abilities”, it only shows you Rank 1 of each ability. So essentially, when you only see a new ability for like level 25, 35 and 45, that's when you get the new ability itself; in the levels between, you'll still get new ranks of the abilities you have unlocked.
Q : Could you please tell us what gender/species are these IA companions:
Vector Hyllis, Doctor Lokin, Ensign Temple. ?
Doctor Lokin is an old man, Ensign Temple is male, Vector Hyllis I do not know.
Q : Would you be so kind as to move to character-creation-screen and check if male mirialans will be able to have beards or any facial hair?
No facial hair, just paintings.
Q : Do the beta-tester-forums have a different template as the normal forums?
Have you heard anything from Bioware in terms of switching the overall style of the home-page, as right now it is not really representative for such a big mmo-project imo?
They're just another sub-forum, hosted in the same place, with the same accounts etc.
Q : Is the equipment related to the region? E.g. Does the armor you get on Tatooine have a beduin-like look to protect you from sand and heat or do you wander about on Hoth in a snow-suit?
Not to any degree that I have noticed at least, but I've also not thought about it until you asked.
Q : Let us say you are in a conversation with another player, and the choice comes to either kiss or kick the puppy - What will happen further on in the story if your friend decides to kick it (And wins the roll) while you, however, chose to kiss it? Note that I am not asking about alignment points, but rather what happens next in the quest chain. Will you be treated by NPCs as if you kicked the puppy? Will your friend stay in the corner and giggle while you get scolded for his actions?
The actual scene will play out the way whoever won the /roll chose, but the future consequences for your story will be based on your personal selection.
Q : Recently I've seen a very good species thread on the official forums. A lot of people have differing opinions on them, whether they are diverse enough, or are just humans with different skin. I respect others opinions, but mine is also that they look like they are only recolors. I was wondering if the species you choose have any (even if only a miniscule) effect on your game (combat, story, VO) - for example, does it really matter if your BH is a Human, or a Rattataki, or a Cyborg etc.? Is there any difference at all, apart from the color of your skin ;)?
Not to a significant degree. You sometimes encounter conversations where people are a bit racist if you're not human for example, but it's not a very large part of the story by any means.
I do believe it will be a larger part of the Sith Inquisitor story, but that's unknown at this point.
Q : I understand the light/dark alignment determines certain light saber colors but is it possible to go from dark to light and have one blue one red light saber,or are there not enough quests to do that?
You don't need to. If you are Sith, you always have access to Red, even if you go light sided.
Similarly, for a Jedi, you always keep access to Blue/Green even if you go dark sided.
So yes, you can have blue/red combination for example.
Q. What is the level of interaction with the companions? Is it like DAO where you can talk to them whenever you want or is it more like DA2 where you can talk to them only at specific points within the game? hope you get me :p
In between. You can only have deep conversations with them when they want to. You unlock that at different levels of affection. Which is why you should raise affection step by step.
If you just spam them with gifts and go from 0 to 10,000 in one sitting, you suddenly unlock everything at once, and it just gets chaotic.
Some companions (mostly humanoids)do a lot of commentary on the world around you, but you can't have any actual dialog with them regarding that.
One of the early companions go “Towers out to be towering. I approve” when you walk up to a huge tower structure for example.
Q : I was wondering about companion experience. Do they level on their own, or do they only level when the player levels. If it is the latter then at level cap do they remain lvl 49?
They're always one level below you. Which probably is to avoid people taking up endgame equipment for their companions. But that's a speculation on my behalf.
Q : Also, I was wondering if you had any insight into the mythical JK/SW auras/buffs/fears?
No, those are two classes I haven't played very far yet.
Q : How prominent a role do the Mandalorians play in the bounty hunter quest line? Is it easy to screw up joining the Mandalorians when the time comes, or is it rather obvious along the way what choices go towards that outcome?
I don't want to spoil story, but it's fair to say that the Mandalorian clan is a very significant part of your story after you win the Great Hunt.
интересно кто-нибудь до конца прочитает? :)
надеюсь они пофиксят все косяки, что тут написаны до релиза. А-то аж напоминает конана и это пугает до жути.
бтв, де там дата релиза то?
when it's done как обычно.
расслабься Солёный, нагни кого-нибудь.
pain feed the Blood God как говорится
Теперь они могут не торопиться - игру то уже все купили :)
расслабься Солёный, нагни кого-нибудь.
pain feed the Blood God как говорится
дельное предложение
а как эту хрень танковать? О_о
А эту хрень вообще надо убивать? :D
Квест на Чак Нориса по крайней мере подразумевает ее убийство )))) Так что РК сам бог велел ее завалить
варежка есть - начит живое.. хотя может это и не варежка
Подходит Илья Муромец к пещере и кричит:
- Змей Горыныч, выходи, биться будем!
Голос сверху:
- биться , так биться , но зачем в жопу орать?
В СВГ - в нее падали и разбивались )
Но там как бы горка песка которую поюзать можно - игрок бежал к ней и ОПА - в яме\пасти)
что в СВтор будет х3 )
тк в свтор будет играть в 500 раз больше фанбоев - пасть моба придется набивать танками)
Ну Эвент то по любому замутить надо как гильда из 2х сотен людей Прыгает в пасть Сарлака ))) Причем это 1000% кто то снимет 1м
Так что Мы должны поспешить ))) Как можно раньше все получить доступ к татуину и совершить самоубийство =)
без меня
я не страдаю страстью к мазохизму и я не настолько фанбой
Ну Эвент то по любому замутить надо как гильда из 2х сотен людей Прыгает в пасть Сарлака ))) Причем это 1000% кто то снимет 1м
Так что Мы должны поспешить ))) Как можно раньше все получить доступ к татуину и совершить самоубийство =)
Ужас какой) Может лучше БХ Близами будут Сарлака кормить?)
у меня другая идея, более свойственная моего взгляду на вещи.
давайте вы не будете прыгать в сарлак, давайте лучше заставим прыгать туда других... я даже смогу сделать это место храмом Тёмным Богам.
у меня другая идея, более свойственная моего взгляду на вещи.
давайте вы не будете прыгать в сарлак, давайте лучше заставим прыгать туда других... я даже смогу сделать это место храмом Тёмным Богам.
скидывать девственниц в пасть к сарлаку... романтика
мне почему-то кажется, что ты прав насчёт девственниц и девственности игроков в этом проекте
страшно правда?
конечно, все кто 13+ будут пользоватся папиными кредитками и ставить возраст 30+ )
вы не оценили всю иронию моего поста, это прискорбно.
такого понятия как 30ти летний девственник не существует? для кого игра делается?
Okey rebiato, ne znaiu esli eto 4itali? No kak ya ponial; igra + servak reliz posle September after beta test. Quoted; 2011 Holiday. Obshe holiday kogda- Christmas?,2817,2388872,00.asp
Значит со спокойной душуй заценим снала Space Marines затем Battlefield3 и под колокольный звон приближающегося рождества начнем играть в СВтор =))
шадрик просто намекнул что хочет хрень на анти_разбивание_при падении))0
мы не в свг будем играть няка
более того я уверен, что эта херь просто прописывает команду .kill
)))) Аеги - завязывай с намеками =))) добром это не кончится
This could mean Pre-orders will be on for a while. Only it is not clear yet why this early marketing strategy. I guess I will buy the game once it releases officially. "still in thinking mode" :)
well i will not preorder this piece of crap.
offtopic: purity why in the of all that unholy you are using eldars? ffs. i h8 them all.
well i will not preorder this piece of crap.
offtopic: purity why in the of all that unholy you are using eldars? ffs. i h8 them all.
hahaha Eze, I had a feeling you would answer. I put it there to wind you up a bit :) haha
eldars are disrespectfull little cowards. Imperial Fist is the best. "Fight better, or i will kill u by myself".
on topic: waiting for a release date, not gonna preorder. btw did they anounced clearly any monthly fee?
eldars are disrespectfull little cowards. Imperial Fist is the best. "Fight better, or i will kill u by myself".
on topic: waiting for a release date, not gonna preorder. btw did they anounced clearly any monthly fee?
hahaha AK.
Regarding fee, nothing yet, I am not even sure if they have started working on server types except for Beta testing. I think I read a post by Metaxa relating to Server Status some where.
Off Top.
@ Eze, that's a cool short nick from the Original. Will be calling you that when on TS if you do not mind :)
Pronounciation : иЗи. :)
no they didn't.
в любом случае, если система пвп боя убога и устарела морально, то смысла платить абонентку за сингл или мободрочь я не вижу. К тому же, с моей точки зрения, я незнаю ничего о механики пвп в этой игре. И это меня останавливает от преордера и не внушает особых надежд на этот продукт.
Purity - I am Alpharius.
и как ты только играешь в ВХ40к ? =))) механика еще более убогая
а на счет - Предоплаты... Тут может быть вопрос только в деньгах - Иначе это какое то мозгоедство самого себя ....
Хочешь играть - Покупай
Хочешь играть как можно раньше - Сделай предзаказ
Хочешь просто игру посмотрть - Дождись когда пойдут 1е кому игра не понравилась и купи у них акк, так ты потратишь меньше всего денег
ну расскажи мне Мита о убогой механике dow2, что в твоём представлении это такое и почему она убога. Мы ведь о мултиплаер говорим да?
механика игры не меняется в переходе от СП к МП, в противном случае это другая игра.
Мне нечего добавить к тому что я сказал в дов механика древнее чем в вов и убогее.
обсуждать тут в деталях другую игру не уместно =)
и как ты только играешь в ВХ40к ? =))) механика еще более убогая
а на счет - Предоплаты... Тут может быть вопрос только в деньгах - Иначе это какое то мозгоедство самого себя ....
Хочешь играть - Покупай
Хочешь играть как можно раньше - Сделай предзаказ
Хочешь просто игру посмотрть - Дождись когда пойдут 1е кому игра не понравилась и купи у них акк, так ты потратишь меньше всего денег
Metaxa, maybe you are right, Money might be the issue. but to what sense, are they financially low in building the game?- this cannot be possible. There are 3 major companies with profit / investment shares not to talk of the subs, even Razer has put in shares : EA, BioWare and Lucas Art. These guys are pumping money into the games project till present
80% we know Starwars will be released sometime during winter 2011 likely, before christmas and we are only in third quarter year.
I do not think it has much to do with money, it may have to do with; example number of servers and Server status, % wise for each continental zone and population. I think this move is purely a preparation strategy for a smooth transition.
Check out profit stocks arguement for EA alone for this summer month + PREORDER. EA knows they can make more than 300million if they asked for 1million copies. So it is possible they just need 500 thousand copies for transition phase.
Пурити - это понятно как божий день, Из всех людей которые сейчас работают над СВТор - ТОЛЬКО 1н человек делал это бескорыстно когда начал писать сагу ЗВ. Все далее что касается ЗВ - это попытка огромного числа людей заработать на Вселенной. Так что сейчас ЛА\ЕА\БВ - просто пытаются заработать денег и как вообще может быть связана Политика Продажи игры и ее Качество? ММО индустрия по 2-3 раза в год хлопает мыльными пузырями очередного ММО проекта.
В наше время можно зацепить потребителя чем то реально Новым (аок, тсв)
Или просто заработать на проверенных фишках. Эти 3е решили сделать качественную игру которая может стать некой точкой которая будет Всему тому в мире ММО - Только в случае того если будет качественной, ибо до сих пор НИ Одной ММО не было на релизе качественной. Если не получится у этих 3х китов то не выйдет ни у кого сделать качественный и новый продукт. Возможно у Близардов у которых есть Флаг с 3мя WoW - у них игру купят любой и простят много ведь только они смогли довести свой продукт до Коммерческого ММО идеала.
2й вариант - Новаторы которые выпустят за 2ва рубля не что такое что все захотят купить и играть в это годами - До сих пор такой игры не было.
То какой делают СВтор - На сколько качественной - Нельзя сказать, так как Они ее да же тестят в 3 группы тестеров, вывод сделан по последнему q\a в котором тестер говорит о новой версии Клиента, и одновременно на форуме гохи Люди пишут то что Нового клиент не было 2 месяца. При том что этому с *новой версией* свтор До сих пор не доступен Рейд контент. Его тестят те кто на зарплате.
Вот и получается то что сейчас идет какая то глобальная шлифовка соло составляющей игры, и не понятно Как давно они занимаются РвР и Рейдами, и что имеют и в какой качестве. Про РВР известно только то что Ее делают Мифики и к работе привлекли того Человека который сделал РВР в ДАоК - он, кстати не работал над ВХо.
Сказать по правде я не верю то что на тест сервере могут быть Затестированы такие Аспекты игры как ПВЕ рейдовое и РВР. ПВЕ можно тестировать только в уже существующем проекте где сами игроки хотят глунуть новый данж по скорее. А так - поверить в то что на тест сервере соберется кучка голожопых людей и пойдут чистить данж - СОльются 10 раз и разбегутся, и все - Да они быстрее нового чара начнут качать чем будут вайпаться неделю.
Остается только надеяться и верить в то что РВР выйдет интересным и имеющим смысл к его повторного посещения, за РЕйДы я не парюсь - я считают то что мобы глупее людей и точка, главное что бы Подземелья и пещеры, катакомбы и лабиринты, Заброшенные тюрьмы и Заводы - Выглядели красиво и туда было бы прикольно захаживать) Как в АоКе
Пурити - это понятно как божий день, Из всех людей которые сейчас работают над СВТор - ТОЛЬКО 1н человек делал это бескорыстно когда начал писать сагу ЗВ.
ммм... Имя бессребреника этого можно?
Джордж Лукас
Тем кто хочет посмотреть на Бла-Бла-БЛа ролики гп SI - Assasin
Джордж Лукас
Ахуеть, чо правда? Создавал просто так?
ЗЫ. прикольно, пиши еще какую хрень. Почитаем.
Сказать по правде я не верю то что на тест сервере могут быть Затестированы такие Аспекты игры как ПВЕ рейдовое и РВР. ПВЕ можно тестировать только в уже существующем проекте где сами игроки хотят глунуть новый данж по скорее. А так - поверить в то что на тест сервере соберется кучка голожопых людей и пойдут чистить данж - СОльются 10 раз и разбегутся, и все - Да они быстрее нового чара начнут качать чем будут вайпаться неделю.
Остается только надеяться и верить в то что РВР выйдет интересным и имеющим смысл к его повторного посещения, за РЕйДы я не парюсь - я считают то что мобы глупее людей и точка, главное что бы Подземелья и пещеры, катакомбы и лабиринты, Заброшенные тюрьмы и Заводы - Выглядели красиво и туда было бы прикольно захаживать) Как в АоКе
Pynkt 1: True. Skare na4inutso beta test na PvE v Sentiabre kak napisali BW.
Punkt 2: Ya toje nadeius. Dymaiu na +% 4to ne kto ne ho4et AoC 4ast 2aya ili hujo. Pomniu kak oni na4ili.
26.07.2011, 19:49
Ниче себе зерги будут на US ПвП серверах, на первом месте гильда из около 1000 челов (2 гильдии с одинаковым названием), далее идут по 300-400 челов также, причем Империя в большинстве.
Самые большие гильдии за Республику около 200 человек и их мало.
На Европе ситуация тоже похожая, на первом месте Империя 100 +, Республика пока видимо жмется на ПвЕ мухахаха
Поиграй в ДАоК
2HImmi - сложно комментировать чью то Идею, которая вдруг стала приноить девиденты тем более идею родившуюся 40 лет назад, а то и более
Мита сейчас империи 70% всего населения что указаны на офф сайте. это ПвП население. С кем ты будешь драться? если противника можно тупо закидать шапками?
метахеру, люто фапающему на скрины из беты:
вот зацени высер ( свтор и эта хрень сделаны на одном движке
завтра начну ковырять :crazy:
Шадрик - ты видимо в ВХо не играл, уже сказали то что Население будет регулироваться = Не будет превосходства популяции сторон более чем на 15%
А В целом конечно - Да. Печально - Но это не отменяет возможности найти норм сервер или врагов. Работающий механизм вроде есть, если им не хотят воспользоваться то это уже другой вопрос.
2Аеги =))) я в тебя верю =)))
о да Мита, я хочу это видеть. На серверах разорятся
Когда тебе без предзаказа игры при попытке создать чара за Имперцев напишет то что нельзя их создавать из-за перенаселенности на этом сервере ) Убедишься на своей шкуре =)))
Кстати ШАдрик - *В качестве промо акции для Space Marines под ДоВ2 должны были выпустить аддон где в МП играют герои ДоВ2 4на4* - ТАкое уже сделали?
без понятия о чём ты Мита. Что значит spacemarine под dow2? Одна игра шутер, вторая стратегия. Есть для заказа комплект брони BR.
и да Мита если они это организуют, они сразу пойдут накуй со своим свтор
Как ты играешь в ДоВ и не сечешь о прикольных Аддонах к ней? )
Шадрик - тебя читать смешно))) Нет возможности купить игру = Эта игра говно, раз нет возможности ее купить ))) И все сложности от этого или следствие этого. Реши 1н вопрос и исчезнет множество других
Мита мне срать на dlc и прочую чушь, к тому же ты не ответил на мой вопрос, почему механика dow2 убога в твоём понимании.
Я могу купить игру, у меня есть пластик банка nordea (финляндия), я просто не вижу в этом никакого смысла. Ради раннего доступа? не смешно даже. Я лучше бутылку виски куплю
Я лучше бутылку виски куплю
+1 Shadrik.
Wisk(e)y, eto vesh. Dani moment ya tolko Jack Daniel's piu. Gde nahajus, net good Vodka.
Виски гамно. Домашний сэм подкрасить чаем, добавить лед - тот же виски ;) Проводил эксперимент после поллитра на харю. 1 в 1 ;)
По роликам преордера "вступай в бой" чот нехорошее впечатление. Чары все-таки кривоватые, анимация дерганая, недорисованная. Да и пвп не совсем динамическое. Стоят и пилят друг друга. Скучновато чот.
Мита мне срать на dlc и прочую чушь, к тому же ты не ответил на мой вопрос, почему механика dow2 убога в твоём понимании.
Я могу купить игру, у меня есть пластик банка nordea (финляндия), я просто не вижу в этом никакого смысла. Ради раннего доступа? не смешно даже. Я лучше бутылку виски куплю
Выстрел = Падание, значение армора и урон 2ва параметра всех статов
Все умения бесконечны к использованию и ограничены только временем их повторного использованию
Эта вся механика игрового взаимодействия тебя с врагом, на мой взгляд убога. Да же в УО\Муд и то механика шире.
Мита, ты нубка в DoW2. Ты поиграл в синглплаер и считаешь ты знаешь игру и её механику? ты лол. Даже в убогом сингле есть 4 вида дамага и 4 вида брони. Даже не пытайся троллить насчёт DoW2, ты не владеешь вопросом вообще.
Другой момент уровень твоего агро странным образом повышается, когда говорят, что свтор проект сомнительный, увы свтор это даже не свг. Если всё будет плохо это будет ВоВ в космосе с сингл плаером. Пока не будет информации о глобальном пвп, этот проект очередное гавнецо. Смысла в гильдиях в 500 человек если для игры надо иметь от 4 до 24 человек. Тоже 2 стадия проекта гильдий, объявление войн и союзов до запуска игры? тупее не придумаешь. Так что на данный момент этот синглплаер с абоненткой не стоит того, чтобы заказывать преордер.
объявление войн и союзов до запуска игры? тупее не придумаешь. Так что на данный момент этот синглплаер с абоненткой не стоит того, чтобы заказывать преордер.
браузерное ммо)
Мита, ты нубка в DoW2. Ты поиграл в синглплаер и считаешь ты знаешь игру и её механику? ты лол. Даже в убогом сингле есть 4 вида дамага и 4 вида брони. Даже не пытайся троллить насчёт DoW2, ты не владеешь вопросом вообще.
Если для тебя наличие в игре разделения по типу брони и дмг - Это механика ... Ну что ж )))))))))))) Хорошь игрок ....
Броня менялась по типу на моем опыте с диабло1 - И это канон жанра игр с элементом РПГ
Главное и самое прекрасное в ММО - Это то что если тебя или меня в ней не будет НИ единому человеку от этого не станет хуже, так что завязывай мусолить тему *Тебя в игре* в Топике о *Игре*
И я точно так же не буду *играть* в СВтор если в ней не будет РВР осмысленного, так как ранг я себе набью эксплойтами более чем уверен при условии то что в нем смсл будет
Конечно у меня куда более выше кредит доверия к разработчикам моей любимой и единственной вселенной в которой было бы интересно мне играть, Аеги может сказать как я в свое время отзывался о АоК, но это мне не мешало бросать игру 2ды при альтернативах. Просто я наверное не умею или отучил себя *фантазировать* о том что *делают\думают* другие люди - так как в моем случае время показало то что я всегда ошибался, проще дождаться информации из первых рук и ее обсуждать, а до тех пор просто не касаться этой темы - Это я о РВР\ПВП в свтор - КОгда разработчики расскажут о нем и можно будет делиться мнениями о них - До тех пор лучше молчать.)
2Аеги - не отвлекайся там ))) Занялся если хоть каким то *полезным* делом ))
.... ну да.
инновационные идеи которые должны презентовать проект как нечто свежее и уникальное как правило заявляются в процессе разработки. В случае в свтор инновация заключается в выезде на франчайзе ЗВ и сингплаер аспекте игры. Тот же АоК изначально заявил у нас будут осады, окуенно сказал я. У нас будет новая система боя, ещё круче.
Что у нас в свтор? баттлграуд - баян, компаньоны - нахрена? корабли - ну да покупку жилья это проблема сделать. Единственное о чём не рассказали разработчики, это контент для хай левел игроков, которые они грозятся раскрыть вот вот уже.
Мита ещё раз, раз ты в танке, не сравнивай сингл плаер dow2 с его мультиплаером, это абсолютно разные вещи. Ты просто заставляешь считать себя нубом и хреновым троллем.
вы заставляете меня читать ТАКОЕ!
иди на патриархе механику изучай)
прохождение Флэшьпоинта\данжа - Там куча кусков видео к закачке
ТАЛАНТЫ SI-Sorcerer открывайте изображения самостоятельно что бы они читаемыми стали
До релиза еще минимум 4месяца, так что особо серьезно относиться к ним не стоит наверное
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