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7.12.2008, 02:06
Вот, пробегал глазами очередной список исправлений на тестовом сервере и кое что меня зацепило... К примеру, DX10 (похоже, дождемся мы его таки) или возможность вытаскивать гемы из сокетов. Новые опции для лута в УИ. Или то, что походу осады окончательно пофиксят. Ну, время покажет.

Update Notes for Update 1.04

* Dx10 in included in this update! Please be aware that not all areas have been completely optimized to work with Dx10, and some areas may still require further development.
* Cradle of Decay - Level 43 group instance, accessed through Field of the Dead
* Xibaluku - Level 80 group instance
* The Slaughterhouse Cellar - Level 80 single player instance
* Players can now desocket/delete gems in their items by opening the info view of the item and using the shift-rightclick menu on a gem. Desocketing will require a potion crafted by an alchemist. The recipe for this item drops in Xibaluku.
* All areas should now support multiple players zoning at once.
* Food and mana/stamina drink can no longer be used while you already have a buff of the same type running. If you want to change your food/drink-buffs you will need to manually cancel them.
* Alt-tab problems should be fixed now.
* An issue causing server lag spikes has been remedied.
* You will no longer briefly see yourself from inside your head when going from first person view into dialog view.
* The emote relaxed_lean will no longer cause the camera to shake slightly.
* Many server performance fixes were done.
* Fixed the female sitting animation.
* Added some new emotes: Adjust, cough, fart, picknose, and sneeze.
* Added cinematic camera movement when you are killed.
* More than 200 male and female social animations have been polished.
* When creating a new character, the random server chosen will match the client language if possible.
* Tab targeting will no longer target dead players, as requested.
* Characters will now make less noise while using Hiding ability.
* Defensive Stance for all Soldier classes have been put on the level as the Guardian starting at a base for 7%. With Improved Defensive Stance you can gain up to 10%.
* Defensive Stance will now also mitigate magical damage.
* Added stealth fatality animations. Now players will have a chance of doing a fatality on human enemies whenever they attack them from the stealth/sneak-hiding mode.
* The level up animation will no longer play while in combat mode.
* Two handed blunt weapons will no longer sound like blades when being drawn/sheathed.
* The Feared animation should now play correctly when you are feared.
* Players will no longer get stuck in the knockbacked state if they get feared during it.
* A small (1s) cooldown has been added to the Hide ability when it successfully activates. This will prevent a player from entering then immediately exiting Hide state if they were to press the button twice.
* Some pets will now be immune to crowd control effects. This includes: Pitch Pots, Living Firestorm, Living Thunderstorm, Blood Pit, Idol of Set, and Cyclone of Set.
* Fixed an issue where characters could be knocked back under geometry.
* When being knocked off a ledge or similar, the player will now land as if falling, and no longer be able to slide around on his back while getting up.
* You can no longer enter spellweaving when climbing or swimming. If you are hiding or crouching and enter spellweaving, you will leave that state immediately.
* Spells on your shortcut bar will gray out when you cannot cast spells in the state you are in (stunned, feared, charmed ).
* Fixed a bug that caused aborted multihit attacks to not show (client side only) the cooldown of the combo, if the combo would not have hit anything.
* Characters will no longer slide when moving immediately after performing a basic attack using bows, crossbows, and throwing weapons.
* Fixed the line-of-sight bug on tab targeting that made you unable to tab correctly to your next target.
* Dead entities will no longer be auto-targeted when your character faces them.
* Male characters will no longer twist their wrists unnaturally when firing crossbows.
* Curse of the Lotus will now snare victims by 50% for the duration of the fear effect.
* Death's Gaze has a new casting animation.

* Updated the description text of the Impale feat to more clearly reflect the function.
* The description text for the feat Finishing Blow should now be more accurate.

* Added new particle effects to the 'Blessed Conquest' ability.
* Updated the description of To the Death to reflect its current functionality.

Dark Templar
* Devourer's Might will now increase the damage of Soul for our Feast I and Leech Life I.
* Epic armors have been adjusted to a darker color to better fit the feel of the class.

* Added new particle effects to the 'Planar Shift' spells.

Herald of Xotli
* The cost of Hell Strikes I has been lowered to 8.3% from 8.8% of your base stamina.
* Reduced the cost of Body and Spirit Wrack II from 16.2% to 15.8% of your base stamina.
* Reduced the cost of Burn to Death from 10.8% to 10.4%.
* All ranks of the Molten Steel Slash combo will now animate and execute slightly faster.
* Added new particle effects to the 'Phoenix Cloak' spells.

* All Necromancer pets should now play a "spawn animation" when they are first summoned.

Priest of Mitra
* Added new particle effects to the 'Hand of Mitra' and 'Soul of Mitra' spells.

* Mezz Shots will now play the correct animations for bows and crossbows.

Tempest of Set
* Spell - Thundering Command has been renamed to 'Spell - Thundering Voice.'
* Added new particle effects to the 'Serpent Transmutation' spell.
* Blood Mana's displayed cooldown timer has been corrected, and adjusted to be more easily readable.
* Storm Field's base critical hit chance has been increased for all ranks.
* Epic Tempest of Set Pole Arms now add magical Tap Stamina instead of physical.
* Storm Crown/Throne/Regalia has been changed so that you will no longer inflict damage while you have Shield of the Risen running, so that you don't lose that protection. People in your team will also stop inflicting the pulsing damage if you have Shield of the Risen running. Additionally, people in your team that have Shield of the Risen will not pulse the AOE damage while they have Shield of the Risen running. You should now no longer lose Shield of the Risen while you have Storm Crown active.
* When you change your settings and the confirmation dialog box is open, you will now no longer be able to make any changes until you press Yes or No.
* Fixed a bug where clicking a link in a chat window would sometimes activate text input for that chat window.
* Only shift+leftclick now works for getting player info in chat. Rightclick still opens menu where player info can be selected.
* All options in video/advanced should have a tooltip (when they are not disabled).
* You can now disable buff icon minimizing! Option is found in Interface Options.
* You should no longer stop running when opening the map (when using the mouse to move). If you have the map open and want to start running, you should not click on the map!
* Remapping hotkeys using ALT and CTRL should work properly again.
* Buffs on other characters should now show the correct time remaining when you target the character after the buff has started counting down.
* Keybindings on the shortcuts now are more readable. Long shortcuts are truncated, and long combinations will be indicated by a "+".
* When you fail to teleport to the same instance as your team, you now get a proper error message.
* Player tooltips will no longer show through other windows (such as the tradepost or bank ui).
* NPC base damage type will now be shown in chat text.
* Resizing in windowed mode will no longer cut off the bottom of the screen.
* Updated and corrected the map for Khopshef.
* Remapping should now work as intended. The order of ALT,SHIFT and CTRL does not matter (e.g. ALT+SHIFT = SHIFT+ALT)
* The buff view will no longer report 1 extra unit when the time displayed is exactly what the time really is. (1:00:00 will no longer report as 2h, while 1:00:01 still does).
* Shift + click to loot is now following the same rules as normal looting.
* Potion effects - Chilled, On Fire, and Charged now have new icons.
* Loot options has a submenu - one tab with personal preferences which will be used when your character creates a team, and another tab which shows the current team's loot options.
* New Loot options : one setting for loot powerlevel (below which loot is auto-distributed), and one personal setting to pass on items below a given powerlevel.
* Guild cities with barracks now receive straw dummies on which to practice their form.
* The guild message of the day will now show in green with a tag in front of it to make it stand out from the regular chat text.
* Even if you spam guild invites, only one window will be open.
* When you receive a guild invitation you will always see who is inviting you, by name.
* Using an NPC to teleport to your guild city will now place you in a more appropriate location.
* You are no longer able to build two of the same building even if they are initiated at the same time.
* Treasure Chests throughout Hyboria have been improved and filled with more stuff!
* The Winterbrew potion now correctly boosts Cold-based spell damage, as opposed to Fire.
* Gold Tooth now stacks in stacks of 100, and the price has been adjusted slightly.
* New valuables have been introduced to replace the white quality equipment that drops from humanoid NPCs.
* Cloak of Champions is now searchable in the Tradepost.
* Darfari items have been distributed to more Darfari npcs.
* It should not be possible to trade non-tradeable items anymore.
* Quick Dismount will no longer go on cooldown when activated while riding a Mammoth or Rhino, as this ability does not function with these mounts.
* Characters should no longer pop below the ground momentarily when dismounting in combat.
* Weapons should now appear sooner in the hands of mounted characters who perform attacks without first entering combat mode.
* You should not loop the mount/dismount/stagger animation anymore on observer clients (or your own).
* Characters should no longer experience rubber-band issues when being thrown off their horse.
* You cannot be staggered off your horse while mounting/dismounting anymore.
* The death animations for dying while moving forward when mounted should now work properly, and resurrecting other players who have died this way should be easier.
* Players should no longer be able to use their mount's special abilities while stunned.
* Cape animations have been adjusted so they no longer intersect with horses while mounted.
* The speed of draw/sheathe animations while mounted has been increased.
* Fixed male animations for drawing/sheathing crossbows while mounted.
* When entering a zone where your mount is prohibited, your mount buff is removed, along with its effects.
* NPCs that deliver a killing blow with any of their combos should now have a chance to proc a fatality on their victim.
* Mounted NPCs should now play their attack animations correctly.
* Dark Beasts will now recover more quickly from knockbacks.
* All NPCs of the 'Ranger' class will now play a unique combo-animation when executing their combos.
* Three rival mercenary groups have begun camping in the Cimmerian end of the Border Kingdoms.
* Amphitheatre of Karutonia: It is now no longer possible to provoke infinite spawns from the summoning portal.
* Amphitheatre of Karutonia: Fixed the collision around the Frostfather.
* Amphitheatre of Karutonia: Tigers should no longer stick out of their cages.
* Black Ring Citadel: Seruah now has two new spells. Adds should no longer evade when they can't reach their target. Fixed a bug where Ripped From Within triggered when it was not supposed to.
* Black Ring Citadel: Changed the name of Chatha's root spell to "Unnatural Atrophy". It now targets a random soldier within range.
* Black Ring Citadel: Added a particle effect when Chatha changes into demon form.
* Black Ring Citadel: Fixed a bug that wouldn't let Chatha change into demon form.
* Black Ring Citadel: Renamed Chatha's single target knockback in phase 2 to "Savage Toss".
* Black Ring Citadel: Reduced the power of the Strength in Numbers spell.Visualized the source of the buff with a particle effect.
* Black Ring Citadel: Sabazios' adds now do poison damage.
* Border Range: Fixed an issue that caused some Dark Beasts to slide around in a static pose while walking back to their original position.
* Ice Dragon Cave: Chill Crawler Shadowbearers now have casting animations.
* Ghanatan Wardogs no longer drop human heads.
* Kheshatta: Chenzira now offers the same merchandise as the other Master Food and Drink vendors.
* Kyllikki: Kyllikki's minions should now wait a short period after spawning before they attack players.
* Old Tarantia: Lordana has been slightly moved to make her quest indicators more visible.
* Poitain: The Abyssal Lich should now properly follow players during combat.
* Spider Cavern: A Rare Delicacy - The mushrooms are now correctly placed.
* Thunder River: General Lupercus' dialog now matches his voiceover.
* Thunder River: A new merchant has been placed in the Thunder River Palisades.
* Tortage: Underhalls - Askia is now working as intended in epic and normal mode.
* Villa Camillus: Deformed Creation and Twisted Magus will now drop proper loot.
* Wild Lands: Viterion and Avitus, the teleport NPCs, are now moved away from each other.
* Wild Lands: Fixed some issues with mobs roaming inside geometry.
* Wild Lands: The bears have been moved a bit south of the Wild Plains rez point.
* Wild Lands: The Tortured Man has left the Wild Lands.
* Wild Lands: Keyx is now correctly placed.
* Yakhmar: Reduced Yakhmar's Wyrmlings magical and poison damage reduction. Increased the time between spawns of Yakhmar's Wyrmling.
* Yakhmar: Yakhmar now displays a buff when lullaby can trigger.
PvP Minigames
* The new minigame signup interface shows the four different minigames players can sign up for. It shows how many players are currently signed up for that particular minigame (players in the same tier as the player, regardless of apprenticeship), as well as allows players to sign up for any of the possible minigames (whichever starts first).
* Annihilate Opposing Team: You will no longer get the capture message if you walk into the north or south quarter before the match starts.
* Annihilate Opposing Team: The healing point in the middle of the playfield will again heal anyone that stands on top of it.
* Annihilate Opposing Team: The health of the resurrection totem was increased.
* Capture the Skull: Renamed the Flag to Skull.
* Capture the Skull: Decreased the amount of skull captures to win from 5 to 3.
* When one of the sides leaves the minigame, this will no longer always result in a tie.
* More than 11 players in a minigame will no longer expand the gui erroneously - the overlay will hide instead.

PvP Notoriety
* Murderer Pathfinders should no longer give you two identical travel options.
* Removed all cooldowns and added some XP to all Redemption quests.
* You or your pets will not splash damage neutral npcs anymore.
* Being killed will not remove the killer from diminishing returns.
* When being attacked in PvP, a player will no longer receive the criminal buff for attacking his opponent's healer, regardless of the level of the healer.
* The criminal buff will no longer be refreshed by attacking a low level opponent and then switching to a higher level target.
* Resource items will now have a chance of dropping in PvP. These will be PvP Resource items (a new mechanic introduced in Update 1.04). More info to follow...
* PvP droppable resources are now marked as such in their mouseover tooltip.

Massive PvP
* Siege participants should no longer unnecessarily get teleported out.
* The Massive PvP tab can now be opened without being in a guild and without being on the Massive PvP playfield.
* The ballista wont play an explosion particle on each player near the impact any more. The impact visual effect has been changed to be more appropriate for a ballista impact. This should improve performance during sieges.
* Two Wayfarers of Asura have decided to observe the conflict in the Cimmerian end of the Border Kingdoms.
* The losing guild in a siege battle will no longer be able to immediately build a keep anymore.
* The winner of a siege battle should always be reported correctly.
* While participating in a siege, the defending players will now have a red cloak and the attackers will have a blue cloak, for the duration of the battle.
* The PvP area marker should now always appear on the map, as intended. The minimap will show the name of the guild that owns a Battlekeep, and when the next window of vulnerability is.
* The Catapult and Trebuchet particle effect was updated so that it does not play a particle effect on every player that gets hit by the explosion.
* If a player leaves a group during Massive PvP they now have 60 seconds to find a new group. This should make it easier for players to organize players between the two different raids.
* You can no longer interact with NPCs of a Massive PVP City after you lose it to another guild.
* Many grammatical errors and waypoints have been corrected for quests worldwide.
* Several new transition quests for level 40 players have been added. Talk to Peison in Old Tarantia, Mmnemnes in Khemi, Conohmer in Conarch, Gern in Lacheish Plains, Thesilea in Poitain, or Dhumib in Purple Lotus.
* Atzel's Approach: Kidnapping and Torture - The palisades now have a shorter cooldown.
* Castle of King Conan: Fixed looping dialog in the conversation with Pallantides.
* Kheshatta: Tarantian Armorsmith - Quest reward items updated to accommodate every classes' needs.
* Khopshef: Destiny Quest 30, The Phoenix of the South - The goals for the first part of the quest have been clarified. The player will now be required first to gather all the lotus, then to place it on the altar. The cutscene will play only at this stage.
* Khopshef: Redemption Quest, Path of Venom - Scorpions updating the quest are found throughout the play area, removing the necessity of a goal marker radius.
* Khopshef: Redemption Quest, Ruthlessness - The 30 heads are now properly removed when the heads are put on the Stone.
* Khopshef: Redemption Quest - Redeemer Drak will from now on allow Stygians to redeem themselves in Khopshef - if they want to.
* Poitain: Chastising the Spirit Children - Fixed quest so spirit stones will no longer disappear before they should.
* Purple Lotus Swamp: Followers of a Crocodile God - The pendants will no longer disappear before they should.
* Purple Lotus Swamp: Healing the Wounds of the Swamp - Replaced a goal reference to 'Oasis Water' with the correct 'Moss'.
* Thunder River: Keeping the Land Safe - Removed the waypoint, as it covered half the playfield.
* Tortage: Destiny Quest Soldier, Awakening III - Some visuals have been added to the cutscene Arrested by Guards.
* Wild Lands: Hidden Treasures - Trade has been reduced to 15 items, as intended.
* Wild Lands: A Vote's Worth - Quest is no longer shareable.
* Wild Lands: Melis Root flowers will no longer float off the ground.
* Wild Lands: The Demon in the Tree - This quest now works as intended.
* Ymir's Pass: Heart of Atali - Increased the powerlevel of the necklace reward, and increased the variety of neck-item options.
* Ymir's Pass: Gaze of Crom - The progress bar for laying the Rabbit Snare, and the snare itself, will now have the appropriate name. You will now receive a more logical quest reward.
* Ymir's Pass: The Twisted Skein - Renamed the Ancient Dagger quest reward to Preternatural Dagger.
* Ymir's Pass: The Calm Before the Storm - Removed a waymarker that only led to confusion.

* Searches now allow - and ' and `
* The minimap will now update a resource node's icon if it is being used by a player.
* The result items of tradeskill recipes now display a stack size if they produce more than one item.
* You should now always see the correct "Tradeskills" category for quests in your quest journal.
* Black Soulstaff, Mottled Cane, and Stygian Deathcoil Vesture recipes items should teach you the correct recipes.
* When removing/unlearning tradeskills, other feats/spells will not be affected anymore.
* Chopping wood should now take the same amount of time as other harvesting skills.
* If you unlearn a tradeskill, the cooldown will always be removed.
* New Woodcutter recipes are now dropping from the following bosses: Vanir Shaman, Diabolist Aino, Metir-Phumon, Occultist Codril-Kau, Crazed Troglodyte Chief, and Atzel General.
* Gemcutting: You should now always have your quest update, without zoning first, after creating a gem. You should also always be able to create gems without zoning first.
* Weaponsmith: Moonsteel Steel Dart goal name is now Moonsteel Throwing Knife.
* Fixed an issue that was causing base, culture and alchemist recipes to drop less than the intended rates."
* Inventory icons for dropped recipes have been upgraded.
* Cleaned up a few minor cases where alchemy mats removed in update 3 were dropping when they shouldn't have.
* Fixed dropped rates of some tradeskill resources that were dropping too frequently.
* Some recipes were not properly requiring the following resources: "Ebony Venom" "Tincture of Bergamot" "Tincture of Mint." The correct recipes now require these materials.
* A new recipe is now dropping in Xibaluku. It allows alchemists to craft a potion that players may use to dissolve socketed gems, destroying the gem but freeing the slot.
* Many small adjustments to decrease the chance of getting stuck on collision have been done worldwide.
* Fixed a few cases where the player could get snagged on collision mesh edges.
* The water in now back in Wild Lands of Zelata.
* Atzel's Approach: Some climbing areas have been improved.
* Black Ring Citadel: The entrance door should now properly open after wiping at Ahazu-Zagam.
* Khopshef Province: The collision of the temple floor has been fixed. Players should no longer sink into the ground.
* Old Tarantia: Removed excess collision between the PvP vendors.
* Old Tarantia: When a player enter Old Tarantia from the Outflow Tunnels they will end up on a more logical place.
* Thunder River: Placed new discoverable resurrection points.
* Removed an invisible wall in the Inn in the Wild Lands.

7.12.2008, 20:55
Чтож, будем посмотреть..

7.12.2008, 21:21
тосов не нерфят, а апают снова=)

8.12.2008, 10:40
еще бы перевели и было бы клас ))

8.12.2008, 11:38
Блин, гемы не вытаскиваются, а уничтожаются!

* A new recipe is now dropping in Xibaluku. It allows alchemists to craft a potion that players may use to dissolve socketed gems, destroying the gem but freeing the slot.

Я понимаю падали б эпик вещи куда б вставлялись гемы, а так нах нада, я скорее новую вещь куплю/сделаю чем уничтожать гемы в старой.

8.12.2008, 13:16
Да вы че народ. Этож Фанком готовит новый прикол!
Смотрите. Ввели они гемы на эвейд. Все пошли, закупили. А они оп - нерф.
Ну народ вздохнул, че делать... пошел фармить голду на пульсинги. Только нафармили, вставили оп - нерф.
Ну ок. Народ сложил свои шмотки в сундук. Расстроеный, без бабок. И тут ФК говорит "терь вы можете уничтожить это гавно! Очистите свои шмотки!". Ну люди думают - хоть шмотку спасу, че другое вставлю.
Удаляют гемы и тут через недельну... Опа, - АП гемов! (Который кстати фанком давненько обещает).

8.12.2008, 16:11
На тестливе дали обьяснения вот этому:
* Resource items will now have a chance of dropping in PvP. These will be PvP Resource items (a new mechanic introduced in Update 1.04). More info to follow...
* PvP droppable resources are now marked as such in their mouseover tooltip.

Оказывается, это не дроп обычных ресурсов, а это ввод совершенно новых ПвП! ресурсов, которые можно будет добыть только в локации Border Kingdom, Cimmerian End. Всего будет 12 видов ПвП ресурсов. Согласно заявленному, ПвП ресурсы будут использоватся для создания новых строительных матерьялов для всех таеров Бэтлкипа и починки поврежденного Бэтлкипа. Для создания новых строительных ресурсов необходимо будет найти рецепт, который тоже можно будет добыть только в локации Border Kingdom, Cimmerian End.

Что касается двух других Border Kingdom-ов (Стигийский и Аквилонский) в них тоже собираются ввести фишки которые будут влиять на ПвП и экономику мира, но какие именно пока умалчивают.

Ура товарищи! Возможно скоро ПвП переберется из Кешаты и мордобитие приобретет хоть какой-то смысл. Мы будем собирать рейды на сбор ПвП ресурсов и т.д. и т.п.

8.12.2008, 16:42
звучит неплохо, но както сыро пока

8.12.2008, 17:06
Гавно зона слишком большая, если ресурсы будет разбросанны по зоне и если они будут в гилдовых зеркалах, то... Надо делать маленькую и вкусную зону с двумя - тремя милыми игрушками для ПвП мальчиков. Там должны быть все телепортеры во все зоны чтоб туда все забиндились, но могли бы схлопотать - огрести от кого угодна при входе в зону добираясь до телепортеров. Респ один жестоко охраняемый гвардами телепортеров из зоны несколько удалены на равное - достаточное расстояние друг от друга и отреспа. Нужны в этйо зоне хлебные задания допустим босс который респается раз в час или два - с него мега дроп, в часы оффлайна сервера босс респается раз допустим в 4 часа. Чтоб не фармили или надо для этого босса делать мини геймс прям на этой зоне, допустим люди в зону зашли и взяли квест на злодея у них сразу таймер отсчитывающий появление гада. Как появился все к респу подвалили группами и устроили резню, а вот лут сможет взять последний выживший (выжившая группа). Зона где респается босс на время битвы ограждается мейджик барьером, так же можно понапридумать кучу всяких интересных квестов, награда да и сам босс и задания должны давать минимум зеленую жрачку - будтылки - золото!!! Всё это должно быть в пределах достигаемости

8.12.2008, 17:31
Hey all,

just adding some more information about the changes to the resources needed to construct battlekeeps in the borderkingdoms.

In the upcoming patch 4 there will be a change in how the Siege Battlekeeps are being constructed and maintained. The buildings will require a new type of Crafting Resources that are only obtainable in contested PvP areas.

Our goal is to continue to enhance the world PvP by introducing a higher purpose to participating in this type of PvP and provide more rewards. The introduction of the PvP resources should provide something to fight over, and at the same time introducing a new commodity to the market.

We have also received feedback from the community that the current cost for PvP Keeps are too high, and we want to reduce the amount of time it takes to obtain the needed resources, but at the same time not affect the regular Crafting systems. This system will give us the opportunity to tweak the individual systems to better fit with the different mechanics.

One very important new feature introduced with this system that I want to explain at the same time, is the new PvP loot system. These PvP resources will have a chance to drop off your character if you are killed in a PvP fight and your killer will be allowed to loot them.

You will lose up to 50% of the items when you are killed, this is a amount that can be tweaked for each individual item type so we are open for feedback on what you believe is a fair amount. This is a completely new system in Age of Conan, and will initially only be used for this purpose, but don’t be surprised if more items are introduced later on that will have the same rule set.

PvP Resources
PvP resources are used to build and repair battlekeeps in the Border Kingdoms. This change will have no affect on already constructed buildings. Only when you need to repair a building or construct a new one will you be required to have the new set of items.

For now the resource nodes are only available in the playfield “Border Kingdoms, Cimmerian End”. This is done to centralize the PvP to one area to maximize the player to player exposure. We will monitor the situation and the testing on our test live servers to see if we should add them to the two other playfields as well. I can disclose that there are plans to add unique features to these playfields as well in the future to even out the balance of the three regions.

To harvest these PvP resources players are require to have completed the corresponding tiers of quests from the resource and gathering playfields. In other words, if you can harvest tier 1 crafting resources you can also harvest the tier 1 PvP resources.

At the release of this feature there are no rare resources available from these pvp nodes, but this is likely to change as we introduce new items in coming patches.

When a player harvest a pvp node there is a chance that an icon will flash on the Region map and Mini Map indicating that this node is currently being used. This Icon will stay for a short time before resetting to the normal node icon. So even if you are carefully picking your way around the outer boundaries of the resource areas there is a good chance someone else might be aware of your presence and decide to pay you a visit.

There are three tiers of resources placed in the playfield. The high end tiers are far rarer than the low end, but they will convert at a greater conversion rate than the more abundant resources.

The PvP resources will have to be converted into building materials in the same way as before to be used to construct the battlekeep buildings. The various tiers of battlekeeps require the same tier of building resources, which in their turn require the same tier of PvP tradeskill resources.

The recipes needed for this conversion can be found in three new NPC camps in the playfield “Border Kingdoms, Cimmerian End”. These items are placed out as items on a respawn timer, so they might not always be available if someone else has just picked it up.

These new recipes require that you are an architect of the corresponding tier to learn and use.

Item drop rules
Only items that have been set up to drop in PvP will be affected by this change. PvP item dropping is controlled by a percentage chance (0-100%).

If the items are part of a stack each individual items will be checked and a part of the stack will be dropped. So the size of a stack or the number of stacks will not affect the outcome of the amount of items dropped. If a player is a Murderer he will drop more items, crime does not pay.

A player will only drop PvP items if he is eligible for PvP XP. If he is affected by the diminishing return system and not provide any PvP XP he will still be able to drop items. Items will not drop if npc's do more than 10% of the damage and they will not drop if target is hit by guards.

There are two rules that are in effect in the world that is the exemption to the normal base rule sets. Firstly, In The Border Kingdom playfields any player at any level will always drop items, even if he is not within the PvP XP rules. You should not be able to harvest resources and pass them over to a lower level character for safekeeping. Secondly, there will not be any chance of dropping any items while participating in any of the PvP minigames.

PvP chests will follow the normal PvE loot rules (need/greed), the killer and his team/raid can loot. The victim will be given loot rights to the chest. So if he can make it back and his items were not looted, he will be able to reclaim them.


Что тут пишут.??

8.12.2008, 18:05
После 4 патча для постройки Бк будут нужны новые ресы . Также они обратили внимание на то, что цена постойки ПвП БК слишком высока и снизят цену постойки. Соотвественно вводится новая система ПвП лута , то есть если вас убили есть шанс что с вас что-то упадет (только ресурсы пока ??) , вы можете потерять до 50% вещей (тут они пишут что все это еще обсуждается ) и эта же система будет действовать при вводе новых айтемов.
Эта система (пвп ресурсы ) не затронет уже существующие БК , но рксы будут нужны для постойки новых и для ремонта поврежденных.Сначала шахты будут расположены только в киммериан энде , для того чтобы централизовать ПВП , но потом , если будет нужно распространится и на аквилониан и стигиан енд . Как и на обычниые ресы будет необходимо будет сделать харвест квесты чтобы добывать т2 и т3 (изначально рарных пвп ресов не будет). На карте будут подсвечиваться шахты которые кто-то в данный момент чистит .
Ресы будут конвертиться в необходимые для постройки доски итд по такой же системе как и сейчас, рецепты можно будет купить у 3 нпц.Каждый уровень БК будет требовать соответсвующего ресурса , то есть т1- т1 рес т2-т2 рес итд.
Дальше рассказывается о системе дропа лута , дропаются только предназначенные для этого айтемы , шанс распространяется не на стак а на каждую отдельную вещь(0-100%) , может упасть только с игрока за которого идет пвп хр , с мурдеров шанс дропа выше. На минииграх ничего дропаться не будет . ПвП сундуки подчиняются тем же правилам что и пве . То есть система нида.грида в группе\рейде такая же, с той лишь разницей что жертва имеет возможность вернуться и залутать свой сундук .

8.12.2008, 18:07
Мда уж сволочи а как же мои запасы. Надо требовать конвертации в золото по рыночным ценам.

8.12.2008, 18:10
Ну доски и пролеты ,видимо, останутся , а обычные ресы будут нужны только для постройки пве БК (нам ни к чему ) .

ЗЫ за граматикой не следил - торопился , так что звиняйте =)

8.12.2008, 18:10
Может они всёже о ПвЕ городах ну о стоимости, а не по ПвП стоимости городов. :( Да млят это не ПвП будет на ресурсах, шахты должны быть минимум нескончаемые, а если будут кончатся, то и ПвП не будет, по причинам пока добежал уже никого нет. Или шахты должны быть в одном месте! Чтоб пришла гилда - другая тоже и закипело. Мало того что ещё ресурсы были доступны только в часы наибольшего онлайна, а то в оффлайне накопают сволочи.

8.12.2008, 18:12
А если ресов нужно будет ещё меньше чем сейчас каждая гилдия за день фарма наберёт на батл кип 100 пудов. Мало того пока народ не прокачает Т3 сбор ресов, то можно будет валить кипы как хошь и починить нечем будет.

8.12.2008, 18:14
Фарел , у них скоро трава кончится и ,я надеюсь, станет немного понятнее что они хотят сделать. Как я понял их главная цель централизовать и перенести пвп из кеша(нет бы просто гвардов убрать )

8.12.2008, 18:15
Ну зато разрушил кому нибудь БК и весь следующий день можно их фармить около шахт =)

Agent Orange
8.12.2008, 18:17
Мда уж сволочи а как же мои запасы. Надо требовать конвертации в золото по рыночным ценам.
Продавай их срочнее :)

Хай левел шахт будет мало, меньше чем лоу. Можно поставить по группе у каждой шахты и контролировать. Как будут решать проблему фарма ресов в неигровое время, большой вопрос. Надо написать им жалобу на этот счет, чтобы скорость восстановления ресурсов зависела от количества людей в локе.

8.12.2008, 18:19
Нахрен скорость - от количечества, надо скорость в зависимости от трупов - шутка просто ресурчы можнодобывать 3 часа в день и всё тут всё остальное время жирные демоны ада ваншотят всех негодяев.

8.12.2008, 18:36
Не, должно быть интересно. Заслали развед группу из ренжеров, она к примеру обнаружила рейд врага фармящих ресы, мы часок подождали, попили чай-кофе, пришли всех вынесли и полутили с их трупов ресы. Галвное что б азура из той локации не работала и в оффлайн там уйти что б персонаж пропал нельзя было :)

8.12.2008, 18:56
Фарел , у них скоро трава кончится и ,я надеюсь, станет немного понятнее что они хотят сделать. Как я понял их главная цель централизовать и перенести пвп из кеша(нет бы просто гвардов убрать )
Трава у фанкома не кончится никогда :P

8.12.2008, 19:22
Как я понял их главная цель централизовать и перенести пвп из кеша(нет бы просто гвардов убрать )

Причем тут гарды? Причем тут Кеш? Нужен смысл и ПвП прогресс! Смысл что б воевать за что-то и видеть результат.

Вот тебе лишь бы пофлудить.

8.12.2008, 19:45
Причем тут гарды? Причем тут Кеш? Нужен смысл и ПвП прогресс! Смысл что б воевать за что-то и видеть результат.

Вот тебе лишь бы пофлудить.

Глупости =)

8.12.2008, 19:54
Надо делать одну нормальную ПвП зону для всех с их зеркалами это возможно, ландшафт можно тоже раный в этой зоне сделать тому пример новая зона от лавы - до ледников.

9.12.2008, 05:29
прикол если введут дроп шмоток 50 на 50. я голышом буду бегать, а баблос держать на твинке=) благо магия особо не пострадает=)
или вобще говнопетов навызывать и пусть они там занимаются своим делом...шмотки им не нужны=)

лучше бы сделали пвп скилы для разных класов...

Agent Orange
9.12.2008, 10:24
Так они вроде шмоток не собираются, тока пвп-ресурсов.

9.12.2008, 12:25
Да не будет дропа шмота никогда, при БоЕ шмоте не имеет смысла это. Дроп шмота имеет смысл в играх там где шмот не баиндинтся и любой клас носит любой шмот.

9.12.2008, 12:32
Честно гря блин скукочисща... я бы на их месте уменьшил требования для построики БК и осад до Т1. Так хоть осад было бы больше.

Я еще блин как назло бросил курить... без курева АоС вообще не вставляет пока..

Agent Orange
9.12.2008, 13:00
Сольют сервера, будет достаточно гильдий с Т3 кипами, которые будут желать батлкипа, имхо.

9.12.2008, 13:11
Сольют сервера, будет достаточно гильдий с Т3 кипами, которые будут желать батлкипа, имхо.

Они при слияниии нашли баг с потерей шмота и бо что то там у них не так. До января и т.д. слива серверов не будет кажись..

Может замутим какой евент интерестный сами пока ФК разбераются. Думаю может Арену заделать 5на5..

9.12.2008, 13:24
против кого?=)
давайте намутим евент 5 некров против 5 гвардов?=)

9.12.2008, 14:11
Где столько гвардов найти?

Agent Orange
9.12.2008, 14:13
На оазисе стоят :)

9.12.2008, 17:48
Я уже сейчас начну по Кимериан енду бегать, надо местность осваивать. Да и если честно достала кешата !:-)) Пофлужу в Глобале уверен кто нить да придет пободатся.

9.12.2008, 17:55
И во время осады вас кикнет в лачеис, а вообще энд - копия лачи.