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View Full Version : Тут про рускорп написали невежливо

15.06.2008, 21:54

В вашей гильдии играет много моих друзей из вова, возможно этот текст вам известен, если нет - будете знать кого заносить в черные списки килл он сайт :)

Уж больно злобно написал товарищ этот:


We have a massive alliance to contend with which consists of some massive 500+ member russian noob zerg guild. And a bunch of other little guilds that are too scared to stand up to them so they have become their little ass bitches and seem to be quite happy to bend over and give the russians a few reach arounds whenever they ask for one. Ohh prison life how they must love it!

So anyway while these fucking russian chumps been camping spawn points for their pitiful meaningless frag counts and while they been queing for a few weeks for a loaf of bread or whatever shit those fucking commies do when they not jerking off over zerging the fuck outa zones and shafting each other up the asses congratulating themselves over building a city that involved a few guys collecting cash from their noob ass zerg members. we have actually been doing shit.

Agent Orange
16.06.2008, 00:07
Спасибо за сигнал, текст этот хорошо известен :)

16.06.2008, 04:43
обожаю читать хейтмейлс и вайны типа этого )

16.06.2008, 08:30
Надо создать Топик где либо в котором будет пустен слушок что якобы рускорп собирает деньги для того чтобы сьездить к некоторым мемберам найтмар асилума в гости в реале, тоесть сделать типичный развод, порой помогает и многие из крикунов затыкаются. Ну или в худшем случае действительно к ним сьездить как это было при линаге или ультиме.

16.06.2008, 09:26
We have a massive alliance to contend with which consists of some massive 500+ member russian noob zerg guild. And a bunch of other little guilds that are too scared to stand up to them so they have become their little ass bitches and seem to be quite happy to bend over and give the russians a few reach arounds whenever they ask for one. Ohh prison life how they must love it!

So anyway while these fucking russian chumps been camping spawn points for their pitiful meaningless frag counts and while they been queing for a few weeks for a loaf of bread or whatever shit those fucking commies do when they not jerking off over zerging the fuck outa zones and shafting each other up the asses congratulating themselves over building a city that involved a few guys collecting cash from their noob ass zerg members. we have actually been doing shit.

Этот топик доказывает их полную недееспособность против как они говорят рашен корп факинг нуб мемберов .

16.06.2008, 10:34
Нас бесплатно пропиарили, радуйтесь )

16.06.2008, 10:50
zerg ftw! die ****ing terrans!
for the kerrigan!!! we will bring death to aiur!

17.06.2008, 12:51

20.06.2008, 02:42
Fuckin commies :D убило :)