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26.08.2005, 12:33
Meteor: Lowered Energy cost to 5

Fireball: Lowered Energy cost to 10 and recharge time to 7 seconds

Chain Lightning: Increased cast time to 3 seconds; decreased damage to 10..85; changed recharge to 10 seconds; lowered maximum distance between targets

Glyph of Sacrifice: Reduced recharge penalty on next spell to 90 seconds

Mark of Rodgort: Reduced cast time to 1 second; increased duration of burning effect to 1..4 seconds

Cry of Frustration: Lowered casting time to .25 second

Mantra of Earth: Lowered Energy cost to 10

Mantra of Flame: Lowered Energy cost to 10

Mantra of Lightning: Lowered Energy cost to 10

Mantra of Frost: Lowered Energy cost to 10

Mantra of Recall: Lowered Energy cost to 10; lowered the amount of Energy you gain back to 3..28

Signet of Humility: Changed the related attribute to Inspiration Magic; changed duration of effect to scale from 1..16 seconds based on rank in Inspiration Magic

Shatter Hex: Reduced AOE to "nearby foes"; reduced damage to 30..120

Hex Breaker: Reduced duration to 15..90 seconds

Panic: Increased duration to 10..25 seconds; Increased AOE to "nearby foes"

Healing Seed: Lowered Energy cost to 10; Decreased duration to 10 seconds

Scourge Sacrifice: Now affects all adjacent targets

Restore Condition: Lowered Energy to 5; reduced the amount healed to 10..70

Healing Hands: Increased the amount healed to 5..30

Draw Conditions: Added 1 second recharge time

Divine Boon: Added 1 second recharge time

Protective Bond: Energy lost per hit increased to 6..3

Aegis: Now only affects party members

Putrid Explosion: Increased recharge time to 5 seconds

Consume Corpse: Decreased casting time to 1 second; increased Energy gained to 5..20

Blood Renewal: Increased Health regeneration to 3..6

Plague Signet: Decreased recharge time to 10 seconds

Deathly Chill: Increased secondary damage to 5..50

Dark Bond: Now affects all damage types, not just physical

Barbed Signet: Reduced recharge time to 20 seconds

Well of Suffering: Increased duration to 10..30 seconds; increased Health degeneration to 1..6

Grenth's Balance: Reduced recharge time to 15 seconds

Spinal Shivers: Increased duration to 10..40 seconds

Pets: Increased pets' run speed by 20%; increased pets' armor to 80 at level 20

Crippling Shot: Decreased recharge time to 1 second; decreased duration of Cripple to 8 seconds

Distracting Shot: Decreased attack time from .75 to .5 seconds

Punishing Shot: Decreased attack time from .75 to .5 seconds; increased recharge time to 8 seconds

Concussion Shot: Decreased attack time from .75 to .5 seconds

Nature's Renewal: Modified to no longer remove all Hexes and Enchantments when cast; now doubles the Energy degeneration for maintained Enchantments

Fertile Season: Reduced duration to 15..45 seconds

Quickening Zephyr: Increased Energy cost to 25; reduced duration to 15..45 seconds

All Spirits: The effects of Spirits no longer work on other Spirits (example: Fertile Season no longer adds Health and armor to other Spirits); also, when a Spirit is cast, it kills all other allied Spirits of the same type within its range

Dwarven Battle Stance: Increased duration to 5..11 seconds

"I Will Survive!": Decreased recharge time to 30 seconds

"I Will Avenge You!": Increased AOE to anywhere within your radar

All Skills
Skills with a recharge time can no longer be reduced to 0 (example: if a spell has 1 second recharge time and you have both Quickening Zephyr and Serpent's Quickness active, the length of the recharge time will not drop below 1 second)

Note: All skill ranges are for Attribute Level 0 through 15. For example, "Fertile Season: reduced duration to 15..45 seconds" would indicate that with 0 Attribute points, the duration would be 15 seconds, and with 15 Attribute points, the duration would be 45 seconds.

Other Changes
Improved Guild-versus-Guild matchmaking so that high-rated guilds are matched more quickly.

Fixed spawns near closed doors in Underworld.

Added two Resurrection Shrines in The Crag and improved respawning location so that the party respawns together at the nearest friendly shrine.

Decreased match duration for The Crag to three minutes.

Killing a pet in PvP no longer rewards Faction.

Lucky Grin
26.08.2005, 16:27
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