View Full Version : Diplomatic contact with the guild : "Les Dragons de l'Ombre"
28.01.2012, 15:52
My name is Sequaloris and I am a diplomatic agent in "Les Dragons de l'Ombre" guild of Fury realm, Age of Conan.
I would be honoured to be allowed to talk to one of your diplomat about what just happened this morning at Gardak battlekeep.
Please contact me here or in game at your convenience.
Best regards.
Diplomat of DDO guild.
We will try contact you in game, or contact me or Tempesst, or just find any NW officer. What was happened btw? :>
29.01.2012, 18:40
Nothing serious except we tried to capture a battle-keep we thought was abandoned and end up fighting against a dozen of the finest warriors of fury server. :)
We tried to do something anyway but only succeeded in making two holes in the first wall and destroy one and a half building. The difference in combat efficiency was so strong we finally had to abandon our attack.
Anyway, I wanted to ensure you it was not an intended attack on one of your battle-keep. Meaning, it was not our intention to declare war against you.
As a matter of fact, we wanted to discuss with you the possibility to obtain this battle-keep you seem not to use a lot by another way.
I stand at your service to discuss this if you will.
Best regards.
Diplomat of DDO guild.
if u wanna take a BK choose on ofe keeps in aquilonian end we dont care bout it
ffs how many bk's we have? :p
30.01.2012, 17:26
Unless I am mistaken, you actually have 4 BK on 8.
- Caelnach >>> Human Mandible (NW property)
- Fort Bane >>> NW1
- Stonehammer >>> Night Watch
Aquilonia :
- Oakenhome >>> Les Veilleurs
- Sturmgarde >>> Les ecorcheurs
- Burnheim >>> Ferrata
Kush :
- Gardak >>> Celestia
- Amut'Anum >>> this bk is bugged and no one can have it.
So as we are not a very huge Guild, we first try to take Amut'Anum several times... But it never worked even after many "petitions". Then we decided to try Gardak because we thought Celestia, with so few member was an abandoned guild and that it would bother anyone if we took it. But it appears it was one of your BK also as we finally met about 10 NW defending it.
This thing is game with bk is a big part of AOC game, and we would like to try it. But if you keep half of them blocked, and as you are the strongest guild of the server, it will be impossible for us.
Also, we imagine it's funnier for you if you have some opponents sometimes. At the moment, it doesn't seem to be the case. If you allow us to take one bk, you'll have opportunities to fight around it now and then. Anyhow, you''l be sure to win if you really want the bk back.
What do you say? Is there any chance you'd allow us to try this part of the game?
And to answer Magicmn, the bk in Aquilonian end are protected each by only one Guild, quite big also, and that will never let us take it. You have 4 and maybe could let go just one... The one that is not in Cimmeria so that you can keep this all part for you? ...
Diplomat of DDO guild.
as i know at least ferrata isnt the same guild with 2 guilds with french names. And i thought those 2x guilds arent the same one.
If you need help i think we can give few volanteurs to elp conquer one of BKs in aq ens, what bout border o kush - unless our ally willnt get one of those keep i dont know what to do with it.
31.01.2012, 05:19
I'm not sure I understand you weel. But as far as I know, Les veilleurs and Les ecorcheurs aren't the same Guild indeed.
And we have no intention to use your help to defeat one of them in Aquilonian end. It would mean generate a war we don't actually want.
As for Border O Kush. Yes, we are interested in getting a BK in these parts. But as I said, one seem bugged (we tried to take Amut' Anum several times, and even the game masters can't help us with this bug) and Gardak, if it's not one of your BK, it seems Celestia is a friend of yours because you defended them when we try to take that BK 3 days ago.
Do you mean you wouldn't do it again if we tried to take it one more time?
Of course in the meantime, we'll try again to get Amut'Anum, but if it doesn't work, we'll have to try somewhere else...
We are having 4 battlekeeps on purpose, and actually Amut'Anun is BK of Iron Will its just not showed as owner because of bug. So about purpose, we want less free spots, because 8 is to much for a server to have any competition for them (each guild can claim one easy with no other guilds pretendings, since not that many want to have BK).
As you see there are 3 Battlekeeps in Aquilonia End, which we didnt conquer to make it competitive area for active sieging on the server. So if you want to try out sieges and stuff like this, you have to attack one of 3 guilds in Aquilonia End, and you get in this part of game content. As Magic told, some volonteers probably will even might join from Night Watch for this fun sake of good fight.
Ofc we probably not going abandon Celestial bk, because we were built it up to tier 3.
Hello, i'm Canimura a diplomatic agent in "Les Dragons de l'Ombre" too.
I don't understand why you have 4 BK for your guilde it's totally useless...
Caelnach, Fort Bane, Stonehammer in Cimmeria and Gardak in Kush.
One BK for each guild it's enought.
It's for that than we don't really want to attack Oakenhome, Sturmgarde and Burnheim in Aquilonia while your guilde have 4 BK...
You just kill the BK PVP on this server.
You could attack all the BK when you want and each time you want FUN ! But just keep one for you, is enought.
Or you're afraid to have one day new competitors guildes ? ;)
Sorry for my bad english.
31.01.2012, 17:00
Please excuse my colleague harsh words. But I have to say I don't really understand your position as well.
At the moment, we can't have a bk because they are all taken and to take one, and eventually go attack others, we need to have bk's buffs (in addition to stuff, pvp ranks, etc...). So freeing one of your bk to allox us to take one would create more pvp game because once we have one, we can attack others, and will have to defend ours.
You understand that its very hard for us to let some of your payers come help us attack a bk when we think it's not fair you have half the bk of the server? It would mean we let you do so, keep your bk without having ever to defend them, but having still the occasion to play pvp bk when helping us to attack another one... It would seem very unfair.
Also you say you won't leave Gardak because it's up to T3 but all of your bk are I suppose. Or if you have other bk with lower level, we'd agree to take this one instead of Gardak you know. :) And let's say it frankly : upping a town to T3 might not be so hard for you as you are the biggest guild of this server. ^^
We can't really attack one of the aquilonian bk because we all know (us and the 3 bk owner in aquilonia) that you'll always be behind an attack on their bk so no one will ever win while you have fun fighting in bk pvp without ever having to risk to loose one of your own bk. The risk you have here is either to provoke an alliance between all other big guilds wanting to have fun with bk fight against you to stop your supremacy, either to push all of them to leave this server as it happened on Crom with the guild "Les Ecorcheurs". This would be bad for all of us, you included, don't you think?
I think you just dont getting the point of sieging, the siege PvP is not owning a battlekeep but process of obtaining or defending it, i.e. the battle itself. As I was mentioned in previous post, when we having 4 battlekeeps we make more guilds to fight activly for rest.
Having BK is not necessary requirement to attack other battlekeeps like in Aquilonia End, because BK buffs are not really powerfull anymore. So for you for example totally no problem attack any battlekeep on server. Why we have 4 BK's? Well we conquered them by force from other guilds, and you say we risk loose nothing, its not really right any of guild can sign our battlekeep any moment and attack it eventually.
And we dont need you to attack any Aquilonian BK, we doing this sieges by ourselfs pretty regulary (tomorrow attacking Ferrata for an example), Magic just mentioned an option about our volonteers coz you obviously not that big guild like other owners of BK's in Aq End, so it would help to reduce numbers factor for you.
Why you are still wasting time with this weakling?
Why you are still wasting time with this weakling?
à íó âàëè â ñâîé ñâàòîð èëè åùå êóäà-íèòü!
*kiss* but i still love you Bragy.
however, dimplomat of DDO guild, if you can't conquer a bk by your own forces i fail to see a reason for you to desire any bk. On the other hand you can ask for help from NW members, many of those players are... jesus christ, never thought i would say that, hardened veterans of siege craft. There is two positive outcomes from that: you have a battlekeep, you have an ally and perhaps siege pvp events.
or you can be pvp player and simply take all those battlekeeps from nw by force, as you should.
2.02.2012, 00:23
Why you are still wasting time with this weakling?
HI Althix,
I can understand you look at me from you high ground and feel I'm not worth even a simple discussion. But no need to be insulting.
We only wanted to know your point of view on the fact that keeping so many bk isn't good for the server pvp. Also ask you if Gardak was, indeed one of your fake guild's propriety, and tell you that, at that moment, it was not a intentional war declaration for us to try and take it.
Now we know.
And I would like to thank you anyway for the time spent to answer me and for the proposition of help you made. But we are not asking for charity, only trying to find a compromised position on this bk subject. As it appears you won't change your policy about it, I guess it's time to end this discussion.
We'll surely have the opportunity and pleasure of fighting you again to try to take one of your 4 bk as you said we should. And even if our guild is tiny compared to yours, we don't lack in pride and courage and will keep fighting until we obtain what we want... What we need.
don't look at me, i am RC member not NW memeber, RC and NW are different in very core.
my point is, if you want some thing - you fight for it. If you are not fighting you are not worthy to have it. simple as that.
like i care...
dont even dream about Celestial Keep, its mine :P touch it, and i'll back to AoC just to kick ur asses out
epic theme, that nabs are really funny:P
Simple things to know about PvP.
1. If you wanna obtain something PvP in game you should fight for this.
2. If you cant, see 1.
Remember Hamanx, he bought PvP BKs 3-4 times and lost it every time.
P.S. Do not pay attention to Althix, he even doesn't know english he post random bulk of words he found in internet.
note to my self: murder Locky in next game and violate his body.
muhahalike your plan, join me in PvP in Miner)))
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