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View Full Version : PunkBuster или Kicked by Administrator

28.10.2011, 04:42

If you have been receiving the "You have been kicked by the Administator" message while playing Battlefield 3 you may need to manually update your Punkbuster installation.
First, download PBSetup from here: http://battlelog-cdn.battlefield.com/public/pbsetup.exe [battlelog-cdn.battlefield.com]
When you start PBSetup, you will be presented with EvenBalance's license agreement. Accept the agreement to proceed.
The utility will then download information about the latest PunkBuster version for BF3. Once this is complete, you are presented with a list of the PunkBuster-enabled games that are present on your systems.

If Battlefield 3 is not in that list, you can add it:
- Click on "Add a Game"
- In the topmost dropdown box, choose "Battlefield 3"
- Click on "Add Game"
- You should now have Battlefield 3 in the list of PunkBuster-enabled games.

Finally update the PunkBuster DLLs. Click on Battlefield 3, and choose "Check for Updates". PBsetup will check if the DLLs are up-to-date; if not, the latest DLLs will be downloaded and installed. .
At this point PunkBuster is fully up to date and configured for Battlefield 3.

Вкратце: Если вас кикнул администратор, надо скачать PunkBuster (http://battlelog-cdn.battlefield.com/public/pbsetup.exe) и запустить апдейт, далее если не установлен BF3, выбрать из списка BF3 нажать Add Game и запустить апдейт.

29.10.2011, 11:59
Спасибо, обновил.