View Full Version : About Nemacysta petition:
Greetings Ravapra this is GM Kealos Do you have a moment to discuss your petition? You can respond directly to this message with /r or type /tell GM Kealos or by clicking my name in chat.
[23:00] A [Kealos]: Hi, Yes I have time now
[23:01] A [Kealos]: Are you there?
[23:01] [Kealos|Director de Juego]: I am here, how can I assist you today? :)
[23:03] A [Kealos]: A few weeks ago I did a petition about a player who was wearing a full T3 armor, that is impossible at this moment
[23:03] A [Kealos]: in this server and elseone
[23:03] A [Kealos]: other
[23:03] [Kealos|Director de Juego]: I see, what is the players name? :)
[23:04] A [Kealos]: A GM attended me an told me I received info
[23:04] A [Kealos]: wait
[23:04] A [Kealos]: I have picture too
[23:05] A [Kealos]: Now, a guildmate tell me there are 3 toons of the same guild tha has T3 major pieces too
[23:06] A [Kealos]: The name the toon I petitioned is Nemacysta from the guild The Telvanni:
[23:08] A [Kealos]: and the name of the other are: Zajigalockha, Eldaen and Touchmenot... the last one is a Khitian that had lesser time to get this pieces
[23:09] A [Kealos]: As you must be know, those pieces or the rare relics to purchase it are dropped by The Keeper of Artifacts or Thoth-Amon himself
[23:10] [Kealos|Director de Juego]: I see.
[23:10] [Kealos|Director de Juego]: And you petitioned thislast time yes?
[23:10] A [Kealos]: and there is no guild in this server that had killed it yet
[23:11] A [Kealos]: I petitioned it a few weeks ago, I don't remenber the date
[23:11] A [Kealos]: But the GM told me that it was under investigation
[23:12] [Kealos|Director de Juego]: Have you still seen these players? :)
[23:12] A [Kealos]: I saw Nemacysta only and took the picture
[23:12] [Kealos|Director de Juego]: I believe the issue was taken care of
[23:12] [Kealos|Director de Juego]: I do not see his name on server :)
[23:12] A [Kealos]: That picture is in this server, not from TL
[23:13] [Kealos|Director de Juego]: I see, well I can assure you we are definately looking inot it if we haven't already taken care of the situation.
[23:13] A [Kealos]: as you could see in the picture I have a mail and I think it is not possible semt mails in Tl
[23:14] A [Kealos]: sent*
[23:16] A [Kealos]: My guildmate are going to send me a link from YG about the other toons
[23:16] [Kealos|Director de Juego]: Ok good, thank you :)
[23:17] A [Kealos]: This link is Touchmenot:
[23:21] [Kealos|Director de Juego]: Thank you :)
[23:22] A [Kealos]: To you
[23:23] [Kealos|Director de Juego]: I appreciate you reporting this. I can assure you that we have taken care of the situation :)
This is the picture I took: (
Uploaded with (
its funny eldaen have full t3 too, all because of hack+exploit
Zaji typing only brainless shit all the time
"stupid shit" it you a shit piece before something to write about people,l2p an armless being.
relax nab cake
oh lol , i want more Zaji
why peeps care about shit someone has? want same shit - find a way how to get it
but if you cant u'll shit rumor bricks, petite or wutever nestling woodpecker can do
in russia we got one phrase for these kind of peeps - "убей себя об стену"
да и кикнули бы говнючка из гилды на всякий пожарный..
да кикнули бы сами всех хакеров и адских эксплойтеров, ах, ну да - кому я это говорю:lol:
извините, но сплойтеры и хеккеры даже в РЛ на вес золота.
а вот всякие павлики морозовы...
"stupid shit" it you a shit piece before something to write about people,l2p an armless being.
relax nab cake
Was that a comment or an order, sir?
"stupid shit" it you a shit
piece before something to write about
people,l2p an armless being.
relax nab cake
...omg, афтар! пиши есчо!
Ravapra сделал все правильно. Увидел паршивца, зарепортил паршивца. Всегда репорчу стоящих в стенах людей на осадах.
I think Ravapra done all as it was intended. He simply reported exploiters. I reported all wall hiding ppl on sieges.
при чем тут стоящие в стенах люди и кто-то как-то разодетый
это совсем разные *вещи*. какое ему нах дело что за шмот у чела?
да хоть т10, друг гм, папа биллгейтс, жизнь удалась - а этому завидно
противно просто
почему никто не репортил рагнарков когда у них гм в гилде был? гмы вообще на руку не чисты - творят не реальный беспредел. всем конечно пох. лучше репортить школоту всякую
раздаваемая экспа / шмот / бабло это цветочки вообще
Человек получил доступ к айтемам неправильным образом. Равапра зарепортил. Дальше мяч на стороне ФК. Накажут-накажут, нет, создадут прецедент. Мне например лень одевать мишку только что вкачанного, я-бы оделся таким-же способом побыстрому и ходил в Т3 и Кхитай уже ради спортивного интереса и ААшек.
ФК слишком трясуться за деньги что бы банить. До тех пор пока платит и читер и репортер им пофиг. Именно поэтому ПвП сервера обречены, хотя и не только поэтому...
2.09.2010, 20:17
да расслабьтесь вы нуб от т100500 шмота играть лучше не станет
при чем тут стоящие в стенах люди и кто-то как-то разодетый
это совсем разные *вещи*. какое ему нах дело что за шмот у чела?
да хоть т10, друг гм, папа биллгейтс, жизнь удалась - а этому завидно
противно просто_
Человеку неприятно что кто-то получил что-то незаслуженно, это не всегда можно назвать завистью, скорее он просто желает восстановить справедливость.
В данной ситуации репорт единственный метод (хотя скорее всего бесполезный).
кстати, я тоже собирался трансферить с крома дт в фулл т3, ибисами, кетаем и прочей лабудой
там все такие разодетые ходят. но на фурри народ немного на голову того
ПВЕ серваки у них для чего угодно - например кормления бориса :) но никак не для пве
да конечно, и эльдаен тоже с крома. НЕ смеши так, колики замучают.
3.09.2010, 00:35
Элди почетный шахтер ближнего загирканья у него даж нагрудная кирка есть такчта ему можно))) вот это тело с крома
и всякие пвп 10 тоже откуда-то оттуда вылезли
touchmenot female and khitai char =) i bet its the same ilikecats eldaen dt =) i was in the same guild on crom. he was not attuned to t3 and he had 3 pieces of bda.
By the pvp lvl and pvp kils he i believe its the same guy+female char and khitai made with us in crom minis. =)
Russian hackers!!!! )))
You need to L2Rus, you fat French gayboy. The correct term would be something like, "ОМГ Российский эксплуататор!!!!"
под стол от смеха ;)
лучше б сразу рабовладелец =)
You need to L2Rus, you fat French gayboy. The correct term would be something like, "ОМГ Российский эксплуататор!!!!"
под стол от смеха ;)
think I'll work on my spanish first love, did you know that it might in the near future represent the first community in the U.S.A before the english speaking one?
the only reason I should learn russian is to understand the bad guys in james bond films hehe (joke :p) (((but a little bit true heheheh))))))
as to the irony, those involved should know !!!!
btw, miss some of you, privet vsem pizdass :)
the only reason I should learn russian is to understand the bad guys in james bond films hehe (joke :p) (((but a little bit true heheheh))))))
Try the movie "International" its in Bonds style.
And BTW did you sell your account?
No, haven't sold it, also even still have game time oO
But won't be coming back in the near future :(
But won't be coming back in the near future :(
Wise decision.
And im a fool bought additional time till december 2011 when was dunked)))
Miss your guard rush on sieges...
Wise decision.
And im a fool bought additional time till december 2011 when was dunked)))
Miss your guard rush on sieges...
OMG - a drunken Russian. LIES, it must be. Russians don't get drunk. Neither do Scottish :P
Miss you too Scottish belle))) in RC+NW Kesh zerg.
How are you?
Miss you too Scottish belle))) in RC+NW Kesh zerg.
How are you?
I am doing well thankyou, as is India. She sends her regards. I just cannot get into any current mmo. I only play Fallen Earth now and again with the girls. More just to chat and mess around than play serious. Not sure if it's just me having outgrown mmo's or whether it's just that there REALLY is nothing good available at the moment.
Tried lotro, war, eq1, eq2 and ddo since I quitted AoC. They hold no interest for me at all. I need real pvp and only Fallen Earth seems to have something a little more suitable. Now that they have bloodsports (minigames) and optional open world pvp. Some bastard ran up and shot me in the head while I was at the AH in the city. That was sort of funny :) open world pvp ftw !!!
I really really really miss all my Russian friends :( - I even miss Farel raging on TS.
think they playing world of tanks Cantra, u could give that a go :)
Join us Bab
together we will rule the Galaxy like Master and apprentice
Im thinking about trying World of Tanks, is it good ?
I might play a few games here and there for the next week, but wouldn't "comit" to any as I start my new job in 10 days !
Maybe I join yuo for a day or two though? :)
it is grind Shag
but it is fun
well, downloaded Mafia II, Assassins Creed and Dragon Age.
Also installed AoC but can't get it to run haha.
Also installed AoC but can't get it to run haha.
Dragon Age hell yeah
i finnished it completly all achievments
if u can open secrets and lies
:wtf::guns::pop::fkr::box::box::old::oleole::oleol e::oleole:
I'm back in game :)) at least for a few days, boy things have changed!! ))
10.09.2010, 15:34
What has changed?
More melee cheater programs i guess)))
How can you forget?! There are more social pets by FC's long subscription!
Server is probably empty.
Dragon Age hell yeah
i finnished it completly all achievments
omg don't touch Dragon age Baba, it's like Runescape with good graphics!!
to topic.. ppl will whine about everything they don't have, untill they find a way to get it themselves - the end:)))
Red you have made me a sad panda ...
What has changed?
well, now u can solo in CE and get tokens from it by getting the "limbs" :xD
but the main thing that's changed is the "power balance" in guild politics (obviously), but especially with so many good players gone or transferred there's a whoel bunch of new players or I don't know wher they came from that suck in pvp but rule the scene lol
At such a point that I ended up fighting 5 vs 15 and win???? :xD lol (not only win, but pretty well farm lol)
anyway, it felt really different to me :p
omg don't touch Dragon age Baba, it's like Runescape with good graphics!!
to topic.. ppl will whine about everything they don't have, untill they find a way to get it themselves - the end:)))
ya started already and like it a lot :D especially the hit pause with space and give orders to all the party members etc, it really rocks :D, but since I play AoC, no time for that anymore :D
omfg u still playing that shit :S
i was promoting DAO few months ago where you were Baba?
Getting a life, was going to make a small "virtual break" but don't know ... I like the fighting here :)
ya started already and like it a lot :D especially the hit pause with space and give orders to all the party members etc, it really rocks :D, but since I play AoC, no time for that anymore :D
ah.. i forgot ur 100% RP:D
for some lulz:
11.09.2010, 17:51
Хуяке зачеет))) кнопка ногнутЬ!!! вот причина всех побеж Тельвани!
на гохе выложил *исходник* ))
11.09.2010, 21:35
исходник чего?)) скрина?
я те таких 10 штук могу сделать а потом в фотшопе нарисовать всяких человечков и кнопочек))
Red you have made me a sad panda ...
you say to me? )
He can speak english :o
Hello sweety :) We (me and Indi) miss you :(
Hello, i miss both of u too. Logged to see how the things are going and understood once again that my decision to leave was right =) I'm in South Africa atm, don't ask what i'm doing there =)
Agent Orange
21.09.2010, 15:44
ur work?
Eperny is trying 2 build rockets and tanks from palmas and coconuts
ur work?
hhahahahhaha :d
22.09.2010, 03:20
relax and dance some rave^
Hello, i miss both of u too. Logged to see how the things are going and understood once again that my decision to leave was right =) I'm in South Africa atm, don't ask what i'm doing there =)
voennvij sovetnik :shock:
That's wy Eperny was good at pvp he does it irl ))))
Cantra is it possible to upload RC HQ video to other source than youtube?
Еперный ты в ГВ2 играть будешь? Я вот думаю, еще одну игру, или все хватит... =]
Cantra is it possible to upload RC HQ video to other source than youtube?
Best place is probably vimeo. It's free, but you are restricted to uploading 500Mb per week. Just make an account with them.
Еперный ты в ГВ2 играть будешь? Я вот думаю, еще одну игру, или все хватит... =]
Еперный теперь обучает террористов в Южной Африке. Это верно. :)
n oooooooooooooooo ur video, not mine
n oooooooooooooooo ur video, not mine
AHHHHH THAT video. :) Yeah Youtube blocked it because it had some copyright material on it. I'll upload it elsewhere.
Should be available on vimeo at 4pm MSK 27/09/10.
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